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NF servers are the only viable option now


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seems that the NF servers are the only place you can actually have fun anymore. with the new patch, a server with almost any force at all is the ****s. the reason? pull


last server i was on, all one guy did was use force pull on people and do the heavy backwards slash to kill them. i then started using absorb, and he never killed me. but instead of legitimatly fighting me, all he ever did was scurry away and search for non-absorbers. using this one way to easy and lame tactic, he easily won every map, even though he sucked at fighting


this isn't right. in a game like Q3, if you suck, there's no way in hell you're gonna win a map. yet with JK2 newbies who learn one tactic can dominate any server with force, as there are always people who dont use absorb around

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Originally posted by Hemi-Cuda

seems that the NF servers are the only place you can actually have fun anymore. with the new patch, a server with almost any force at all is the ****s. the reason? pull


last server i was on, all one guy did was use force pull on people and do the heavy backwards slash to kill them. i then started using absorb, and he never killed me. but instead of legitimatly fighting me, all he ever did was scurry away and search for non-absorbers. using this one way to easy and lame tactic, he easily won every map, even though he sucked at fighting


I sympathize, but at the same time... what's the problem? I can't imagine the guy was having any fun. And if he was... chances are, he won't for long. If he can easily win every map that way, there's obviously no challenge. In that case, he'll probably won't be playing very long once it gets boring. And if not... I'll bet a lot of people agree with you, and a quick vote might settle things easily. ;)


Just an opinion. I personally don't care much about winning anymore. It's always nice, but I'm really more interested in having a good time.

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waxdart hit the nail on the head. The game definitely seems to be divided (even if loosely) between people that play for the fun and sport of it, and people that just play to see high numbers next to their name. Sure, it's cool to win, but why by a game to just sit back and mechanically do things just because it keeps your score up? I'm in this because I love Star Wars and have always dreamed of running around with a lightsaber. So I try to make my fights look as cool as I can and if I win (and I often do :) ), that's just all the better.

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Force Saber games are more fun if you play at a non-Jedi Master Force level. At lower levels you have to pick and choose your Forces--you can't just use them all. For example, you can't use Grip and Drain, just one or the other.


Try it sometime.

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People that play for the fun of the game wouldn't care so much about a guy that plays just for numbers, unless he was an incredible *******. Let him "whore" all he wants, maybe it's fun for him. It's not like it kills all of your fun seeing him have the highest score at the end. It's not like he's cheating. If he runs from you, go fight someone else.

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I sort of agree the light/dark side balance is totaly screwed now.


Force absorb is better now but i personaly don't think it beats having force drain out heal lvl 3 heal


or the ease with which you can drain/lightning combo any lightside down.


As for saber combat i find it much improved.

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I have to say that I agree with Hateplow 100%. WTF is wrong with people?! Really!? Why whore one single lame-ass move all day long?? Is the score really worth it?!? :confused::mad:


Please, oh please, could one DFA-healing-backstabsweeping-gunwhoring-draingripping-bunnyhopper come out and explain to me what the hell he/she is doing and most importantly WHY?!

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the answer is simple, as long as there is competition and fun, there will always be someone that has to try and make themselves feel better by sayin, "I can whore a move and frag out a server 99% of the time" Personally I feel sorry for people like that, their lives must be pretty pathetic if they have to resort to such means to feel better about themselves.


Then you have the other side of the coin, if people are having fun, and someone sees that fun but can't compete because they have a lack of skills, they set out to deliberately ruin other people's fun anyway they can. It becomes their one mission on the servers.


it's pathetic, but it's life.


the key is to find a group of people who play and enjoy the game like you do, and either find a passworded server, or find a server that supports your game style and has active admins who'll drop a player that's out to ruin the fun for others.


the purple one

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Guys, just relax, OK? The backslashes/stabs are the only single moves that can be effectively whored anymore(heavy, primarily), and that's only with Pull. I remember someone e-mailing Raven about this combo before the patch and they called it a "very specific exploit" that they were looking into, but wouldn't be able to fix before the patch was out(they probably had already finished it). One more patch is all it takes and the more serious whores won't be a problem anymore.


Just remember that this combo has been a problem since release, it's just seeing more use now that the single-move whores don't use DFA anymore. Don't blame the patch for it; did you really expect them to solve every problem with the game in the first patch?


Simplest solution: Backslashes/stabs won't go off if the person behind you is on the ground. Problem solved.

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