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This patch is very frustrating


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I havn't had a chance to try the patch yet but it's really worrying to see soo many people complaining. If you find the game that frustrating and not enjoyable then don't play it, it's simple, don't come here blowing your horn at how crap somthing is.


It's just a matter of getting use to the new styles and learning how to control the game to suit your particular playing style, and exploiting all moves. Although i didn't like the hard stance i got used to it and more often then not i just avoided their lunges. It will be the same with the changed styes, getting used o it and using them to my advantage. You can't be good by someone handing your skill to you on a plat, you must work hard at it to dominate and win. For me the most enjoyable part is dominating a particular game through hard work. :D

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Originally posted by Krak3n

If you find the game that frustrating and not enjoyable then don't play it, it's simple, don't come here blowing your horn at how crap somthing is.


Rephrase: If you find a job that frustrating and not enjoyable then quit it, it's simple, don't come here blowing your horn at how poor you are (lol)


It's just a matter of getting use to the new styles and learning how to control the game to suit your particular playing style, and exploiting all moves.


Even unrealistic and almost insulting to a great title? Guess you are not a Star Wars fan...

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We found it very enjoyable before the patch, afterwards, the game got nerfed into oblivion.


I find it ridiculous that the only way to kill someone with the current combat system is to turn around and run at them backwards.


Everything in the game is too weak, its like fighting with wiffle bats and squirt guns.




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Actually i am a Star Wars fan, and a pritty big one (can't wait for EP2 AoTC, only 8 days to go :D). But there is a difference betweeen Online Gaming and being a fan of the films. I treat evry game the same regardless of what genre it is or wether i am a fan of it.

The idea of online gaming is to beat your oponent(s) in a game or team based game, it's not to act like you are a real jed, or Security guard, or an alien bent on destroying the world, thats what Single Player is for.


I'm not 'Blowing my Horn' i'm trying to get some rational thought into these posts instead of ranting and whining on and on about stuff you don't like.

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Exactly, the point of an fps is to win. Its nice when you can win in an esthetically pleasing manner, and when its challenging and non-repetitive.


A huge # of people on these forums seem to want to role play with an fps, its a bad idea, go buy an rpg and leave me alone. You got my g'damn guns nerfed and I had to uninstall 4 times just to get rid of the friggin patch so I could play ctf.


I honestly can't imagine what Raven was thinking with this patch.




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Originally posted by Krak3n

The idea of online gaming is to beat your oponent(s) in a game or team based game, it's not to act like you are a real jed, or Security guard, or an alien bent on destroying the world, thats what Single Player is for.


I'm not 'Blowing my Horn' i'm trying to get some rational thought into these posts instead of ranting and whining on and on about stuff you don't like.


Guess cheatin' and hackin' work too (main goal to defeat enemy?) What if Raven changed saber into all the gay moves there are, we adjust to it? What if Raven decided to take out saber duels and just have a Force fight, we adjust to it?


We aint no Jedi...just another guy with a lightsaber. If you WANT to be a Jedi, then let's RPG :)


'Blowing my Horn' hehe notice the (lol)

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Originally posted by SaberPro

Guess cheatin' and hackin' work too (main goal to defeat enemy?)


No, that is wrong to cheat or hack, it's not winning with your own personal skill. Therefore your just a sad 12 year old n00b and not a l33t player.

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Originally posted by Krak3n


No, that is wrong to cheat or hack, it's not winning with your own personal skill. Therefore your just a sad 12 year old n00b and not a l33t player.


Hey hey I'm just wondering, since you said online gaming is all about defeating the enemy.


And umm no i'm not 12, i consider myself not a n00b, and i dont consider myself a l33t player also :)

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this patch sucks. Swordfighting is akward now and that double click kick flip sucks for people that dont have a mous elike I do that does two clicks in less then a second. It's unfair and i feel bad to turn my saber off and run around kicking people to death because of a mouse bug. I have no choice though now. saber combat is horrible. Its become random newbie fighting. I took skill before to fight and now i just look away at the tv and hold tap the swing in medium nonstop and kill people. Its totally boring. Im playing prepatched now with alot of people. Much more fun. They can balance out the force powers (lightening is worse now dark vs dark unless you drain it but then your locked in unskillful sword combat that bored the hell out of me. I saw keep the duck swing (no roll) thats cool. Return the kick to one click and throw in double light sabers or duel for dark with a new play mode thats basically like duel just 2 on 1. Theres a nice mod now with duel sabers someone did but it crashes alot.

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The flip in the 1.02 version was very anoying if you wanted to jump over a small lip while still moveing forward, u'd end up dping a back flip, in CTF that could be the difference between capping a flag, and not capping a flag. The double tap is pressing your jump button twice, not your primary mouse button. Unless you jump useing a mouse button, personelly i use C on the keyboard to jump, much easier in my veiw.

The double tap in my opinion will work much better. But you have a point, people with slow PC's may not be able to tap fast enough.



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Originally posted by Krak3n

But you have a point, people with slow PC's may not be able to tap fast enough.


If your computer can't register two taps of one button fast enough, then how the hell is it powerfull enough to even run JK2?


The keyboard is one of the first things to get CPU time, so there is simply no excuse hardware wise, for someone to not to be able to double tap a key quickly enough to do a flip kick.

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Originally posted by rut-wa jodar


If you don`t like the patch UNINSTALL IT !!!!!!!



Okay, so we uninstall it... Now we have to go about getting all the servers to do the same?

Point: We can play with 1.02, but what do we do about all the servers where we play that use 1.03?


I was playing today, and I'm seeing more Jedi Asses than Jedi Faces....

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The truth is that Absorb is still underpowered, and Dark Siders will rule. Why? Because all a Dark Sider has to do is listen for the buzz that Absorb gives off. If they hear it, then they just need to wait for it to go away, and then immediately zap the Light Sider. It's been done to me over and over until I became convinced that being a Light Jedi was completley pointless.

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hehe vagabond if u stand around listening for a buzz from an absorber your already dead :p


Absorb is and will continue to be the biggest imbalance in the game unless raven decides to come up with a balance for the dark side.


Anything a dark player throws at me i can counter with absorb.


And end up with full bars of pwr where as the darks are flat on there back getting backstabbed



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Even without taking the patch into account, this isn't even a question people need to be asking!


Oh Absorb is so easy to counter, it's not even funny!


The trouble is, too many people want to master the game instantly, they want to just play the Dark Side and win all the time.


That's why in JK, "most" people seemed to play Dark Side, and the same thing happened in JK2. Not because it was stronger, it just seemed easier to learn.


The fact is, Protection is what you use against weapon users, and Absorb is what you use against FORCE users.


Dark Jedi tend to rely on Force/Saber to get their kills, while Light Jedi tend to rely on their other weapons, with the Force as just a way to counter.


If a Light Jedi turns on absorb, and you're dark, don't freak out! Get some guns and blow them up, that's how you're supposed to play! People act like you change one thing and suddenly you can't win anymore. It's all about adaptation and learning people!


Besides, Dark Rage is and always was a great counter to Absorb when it comes to Dark Force powers.


And I stand by my statement about Dark vs. Light. Note, that that's not the way people HAVE to play, but it's the natural tendency given how they operate. I consider Light harder to master because you have to learn to use the other weapons. Still, a Dark Jedi SHOULD learn everything else about the game, because eventually, that level of adaptation is needed against opponents that are good enough!

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It worked fine before the patch, if they hadn't screwed with the weapon balance it'd still work fine.


Now going and getting a gun is meaningless, mostly because you don't have enough ammo to kill someone unless you comb the level twice.



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I have heard some of the stupidest, most retarded complaints about this patch on this thread.


One guy said that he can't do the DFA move that he spent 5 hours perfecting. -Get a life.


Another guy said that there is too much blocking so NOW there is no skilled involved? Hello? Now you actually have to time your attacks, and use skill to get a good solid hit in. -jeez you're stupid.


The same guys said now it's swing fest 2002. I got your solution here for ya. Don't swing mindlessly around you stupid n00b.

Just because that method used to kill quicker before the patch doesn't mean you weren't doing it. Now we can see your feeble skills.


Then another guy is bitching about how absorb is invisible now.

Oh no, he takes all my mana. waa waa I can't grip him off a ledge.

First of all it costs mana to use absorb, and it doesn't just fill you up every time someone lightnings, grips you. It is no easier to be light side than it was before. Quit making excuses for your lack of skill.


This is supposed to be a game that simulates what we have seen in the movies. -That's all they have to go on. That's what Raven tried to do. I think everyone forgot about what the game is supposed to be and now just wants easy ways to win. To spend five ours perfecting one-hit kill or cheap moves that rack up quick kills is not holding true to the spirit of the f***ing game, and is a complete waste of time. You're an idiot if all youre' in this for is to win. But go have fun. I really don't give a s**t if you kill me. If it makes your day to come in first in a computer game, you need to get out a bit more.


I like to use all three stances when appropriate, and use a variety of force powers the same. I try sieze opportunites, not use the s**t out of one or two cheap moves. Jeez you people sound like 4 year-olds.


The bottom line is that the problem is the people, not the game. that's why there was all this code of honor crap. Some poor sap suggested we have a code of conduct that players should abide by. Then in came the flames. I'm not doing that b/c I just kill to win. On and on you morons bitched about it. I didn't say anyting b/c I knew it wouldn't work. Just play the f***ing game. There are always gonna be some one who exploits cheap moves. And for all you morons who do that. Take a tip from the master, and spend five hours perfecting all the new cheap moves.

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you say blocking takes the skill out yeah right it just keeps skilless asses from overhead choping every five second it encourges the player to take more time to think about how hes is going to attack and when he can get him off gaurd ie: mid swing

it doesn't take skill away it make you need more skill and not the i can do the same big ass swing with heavy style really fast "skill"

it adds a stratigeic element to the battles so stop wining because your to lazy to learn when to attack ppl or when to do a different move im glad they changed it now it more l;ike the movie battles

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The saber offense control is better .. but the added defense negates it completely.


More skills does not = more swings.


And that's what the uber saber defense does.


It just requires you to swing a lot more.


Skill has NOTHING to do with it.

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