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All who hate the patch, post here


Does the patch SUCK?  

184 members have voted

  1. 1. Does the patch SUCK?

    • Royally, get rid of it, it\'s ruined the game
    • Yes, but it\'s tolerable
    • No, I love the nerfs in it
    • Huh?

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The saber combat is so ****e now, all the whining gay playersl are happy with this patch but I want them all to burn in hell for being stupid. I really, really, really £ucking hate this patch.


im not gonna use it because its just not fun ffs, this patch doesnt even deserve any intelligient comments & I can't control the anger i feel for the patched version.



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Originally posted by Krak3n


hmm, don't like it? then go and play somthing else and quit your whining.


Don't like whiners? Goto another forum. Any task force will never get rid of them..


I never heard anyone wanting SP combat in MP. I would like to see, at least 3 threads on the subject. I know it couldn't be as heavily debated as the DFA. And Raven actually said that there was something wrong with the DFA. Now, if it was combined with the old saber damage system, it would be fine.


If Raven changed the game back to the old system, no one would really notice or whine since no one has wasted an extraordinary amount of time practicing with it.

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I could never get into the sp saber combat, why would I? Ive got a decent bloody connection. The pre patch MP version was just way more playable.


The games just doesn't even look right anymore. The animation's wierd. I can't stress the fact that i hate it enuff.

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The 1.03 patch changed the multiplayerexperince totally... Before the patch, real skill was needed in multiplayercombat.


Now your character runs around with a weapon that Luke Skywalker, jedis and siths everywhere would have scorned as a inferior saber. Fit only for children..


That they took away the DFA powermove was good, the rest should have stayed.

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Originally posted by failsaf3

Hey Raven just in case I forgot.................Thanks for ruining a halfway MP decent game. My JKII disc can now keep JKI disc company in the back of my closet!!!




Didn't you just love JK1? First mouse had a regular attack, the second one did this figure-8 super slash around the world however.. To land it you didn't have to connect with the player but probably make sure the saber went about 2-3 virtual feet in front of him while you used force speed to dance around the map.


JK1 Highlights... 4-8 players on force speed jumping wildly at full force speed doing nothing but alt slash hoping to get lucky...


But you still played it and love it right? So if you think the patch is now wild spamming and crazy swings... YOU MUST LOVE JK2 NOW TOO!! WOOHOO!!

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WAAAAH! I can't spam DFA anymore!


WAAAAH! I can't spam Drain anymore!


WAAAAH! I can't spam Heal anymore!




Grow up people. :rolleyes: The patch was put in to prevent spamming. It is totally playable - get used to it.




:atat: :atat: :atat: vs:mad: Whiner

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Originally posted by DarkAgent

WAAAAH! I can't spam DFA anymore!


WAAAAH! I can't spam Drain anymore!


WAAAAH! I can't spam Heal anymore!




Grow up people. :rolleyes: The patch was put in to prevent spamming. It is totally playable - get used to it.




:atat: :atat: :atat: vs:mad: Whiner


Except people are NOT WHINING ABOUT THAT as much as they are about the new damage.

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I could give a f##k less about Drain and Heal being spammed, because now instead of that saber combat is being spammed. You can play at being skillful and all, but in general, "switch to light and press hard" is a nary-infalliable strategy.


Sure, it looks like the movies; oh hell, I guess everyone in Star Wars was a light-stance spammer. I don't care much for DFA; never over-used it myself and never fell for it too much once I got a bit better. It's was and is the most avoidable move in the game.


And for sakes, stop calling complainers whiners. You whined before, and whined yourself a patch. And rut-wa jodar, say something else about Russia and you'll need a proctologist to extract your teeth from your lower intestines, moron.

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Before the patch, real skill was needed in multiplayercombat.


Okay once for all, will somebody explain in a flame-less, intelligent

sounding post, how the above statement could be true?


I will post my thoughts first:


First what the patch primarily did was add blocking into the equation. Auto-blocking and manual parrying. Yes manual parrying. In light stance, I've swung at the same time as my opponent with the intent of hitting his attack mid-swing, with a successful deflection of his attack. If you think this doesn't require skill, let me know. In essence they made it harder to

land a frontal attack. Side and rear attacks are not blocked.


Pre-patch there was no blocking of sabers, ever! If you had saber defense level 3 all it was really good for was blocking gun fire. What this had the effect of was all you had to do was wait until your opponent did ANYTHING (didn't matter what it was) and you knew he was vulnerable to ANY attack you wished to perform. If he was in the light stance he was pretty much vulnerable to anything but gun fire even when just standing there.


I think you can't really say that either system requires more or less skill. The automatic portion of the whole system has just changed from easier offense to easier defense. Makes people harder to kill, definitely.


The basic gist of the argument I see from people upset is that it's so easy to block now even newbies can win. Well, don't you see the glaring flaw in that logic?? It's way harder to land a hit with a random spamming attack, but yet somehow a newbie can land aimed hits on you, a skilled veteran player of a month (slight sarcasm), while you can't do likewise?


One last thing - to everyone complaining (whining is something way different from complaining, so I'm not going to stoop to calling anybody whiners here) about the red or med stance backswing. You guys are acting like it wasn't there in the previous version. It was. It was just as powerful...Raven

didn't touch anything with that aspect.



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The game is ruined.


I played the game exclusively for the intense light saber combat. The experience was so enjoyable that I planned on upgrading my memory and video with a Geforce4 just to play JK2.


I do not post to be argumentative. I post because I am disappointed that Raven chose to completely change the saber combat system that made this an award winning game.



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Blocking was their and it worked quite well just wasn't animated well and didnt work quite As well moving. But if you stood still in any stance but heavy and got in coner no attack save DFA could get trough.


I thought that but didnt post it theirs a big diffrance between whiners and compliants shame it gets lost simlair to NooB and newbie.

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ok, instead of complaining, say what they can do better :p stop being like "ITS RUINED NOW, I HATE IT" ok, we know that, say why and suggest how they can fix it.


second of all. for all the people who loved the normal mp combat, why not just aks them to patch it so u can pick between the two modes for dedicated server "do u want to have sp combat or mp combat". like that. but keep the working dismemberment, keep the chat boxes, and keep the double kick. and keep heavy the same as it is now. all the difference in gamre modes would do is change the yellow and blue to what they were before. red is fine how it is, and dont u think about complaining about that. anyways. i see a option to pick between the two as being a good idea. keep all the force the same too. everything else is fine but some people want sp combat some people want mp combat. thats it. simply fixed


ps. maybe add all the animations and taunts used in sp too? :)

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i'm pretty sure this thread was meant as venting area for people who don't like the patch to talk about it with others. now it's just become a flame fest.


remember: i may be a ``whiner'' but you're a flamer.

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Uh oh... whiners, flamers, "it sucks" and so on and so on. Now haven't I heared and seen this childish behaviour before?


Yes I have.


Please whiners, go back to CS where you apperantly seem to come from. Not to DoD because I will close your whining posts on bloody sight.


Good.. enough of this flamatory action-reaction "debates" We're seeing on more and more gaming forums. It seems the entire gaming communities seem to be sick and going to hell, instead of only the CS community, like most of us thought at first. This seems to be a bigger, more threatening defelopment within the gaming communities of the world.


The root of this might well be what is said on this forum on another thread, which basically comes down to the fact that Players online seem to be interested, only interested at winning, "owning" with high numbers, and NOT with gaming immersion. True gaming pleasure in Multiplayer mode seems only possible on LAN's (with friends even) or with bots who don't go for the cheapest kill or spam certain moves/tactics all the time only for the sake of winning, then bragging about sk1llz0rz in whatever 1337 speech they come up with now. It is this mentality that leads to the apperance of Cheaters and lamers in servers of whatever game that is populair at the moment.



So... to all the whiners. (and that you are who don't give a constructive reason for not liking the patch)


This new patch is one of the greatest patches for a Star wars game released, with extra maps and tons of additions and tweaks for the better. But above all, this patch is about gaming immersion and a more involved, movie-like experience in multiplayer.. the way it should. It is making this game in multiplayer as close to the movies as it possibly could be. That's why it is a game based on a movie series (star wars) in the bloody first place.



There should be no consideration for those who only play a game for the sake of winning, and who disrespect their fellow gamers on servers. because that is the attitude of most of these "1337"/vet players who any star wars game can do without. They should join their fellow "I want to win only" players in any hit-kill game like CS and Quake3.

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Originally posted by Admiral Jerrodd

The root of this might well be what is said on this forum on another thread, which basically comes down to the fact that Players online seem to be interested, only interested at winning, "owning" with high numbers, and NOT with gaming immersion.


YES !!!! You totally nailed it there.



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Originally posted by Admiral Jerrodd

Please whiners, go back to CS where you apperantly seem to come from. Not to DoD because I will close your whining posts on bloody sight.


Guess why people left CS for JK2. It's because CS is ruined after Beta 5.5, and the people designed it didn't do anything about it.


The root of this might well be what is said on this forum on another thread, which basically comes down to the fact that Players online seem to be interested, only interested at winning, "owning" with high numbers, and NOT with gaming immersion. True gaming pleasure in Multiplayer mode seems only possible on LAN's (with friends even) or with bots who don't go for the cheapest kill or spam certain moves/tactics all the time only for the sake of winning, then bragging about sk1llz0rz in whatever 1337 speech they come up with now. It is this mentality that leads to the apperance of Cheaters and lamers in servers of whatever game that is populair at the moment.


I, for one, don't like bragging about my "sk1||z0rz" or being 1337 (Cuz there's always someone better :)). I, for one, liked realism and accuracy in games. And I PERSONALLY think that the new patch ruined the realism and accuracy in SW Multiplayer gaming. For instance, people in FFAs would now fight BACKWARDS because the backhits are super duper powerful and is capable of killing many in one slash. Now I've never seen a SW movies where Luke fights backward lol


This new patch is one of the greatest patches for a Star wars game released, with extra maps and tons of additions and tweaks for the better. But above all, this patch is about gaming immersion and a more involved, movie-like experience in multiplayer.. the way it should. It is making this game in multiplayer as close to the movies as it possibly could be. That's why it is a game based on a movie series (star wars) in the bloody first place.


Come to think of the unfixed crashes in gameplay, I don't think the patch is all that great. But I have to agree with you that the maps are cool. And as I said above, the patch is making duels like non-movie-liked duels and FFAs into hack-n-slash fest (it's a very sad fact). Only one perspective that the patch made duels like the movie: loads of blockings. The way it is supposed to be.


There should be no consideration for those who only play a game for the sake of winning, and who disrespect their fellow gamers on servers. because that is the attitude of most of these "1337"/vet players who any star wars game can do without.


I second that :)


Above are only facts I've gathered while using the new patch and with some of my own thoughts. :)

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OMG, I'm a whiner now... :D


I agree that IMO I think the patch basically gives all the n00bs and the people who didn't bother figuring out the game and practicing the ability to kill more skilled players.


I'm gonna give it a while though, but I doubt it will get any better.


The patch basically makes the game the "new formula Coke..." It sucked.

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Originally posted by Rogue74

OMG, I'm a whiner now... :D


I agree that IMO I think the patch basically gives all the n00bs and the people who didn't bother figuring out the game and practicing the ability to kill more skilled players.


I'm gonna give it a while though, but I doubt it will get any better.


The patch basically makes the game the "new formula Coke..." It sucked.


I disagree there. All the patch did was level the playing field <temporarily>. Noobs and Veteren players are now more evenly matched. Skilled players must now re-learn strategies in multiplayer.


It's not going to take long to separate the men from the boys here once people get used to the new patch.



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Agreed, this patch is ruined.


Just don't even bother with other people, just quitely delete JKII and use the CD as a frisbee for your favorite pet, or you can reinstall and not upgrade and hope that some people will host servers without the patch.


Getting a refund would be better too, maybe Lucas Arts could make that an option.

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