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Wow ... cool thing from Cairn_Reactor [poss spoilers]


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Hey all:


I was at the point where you have to cross the long spinning tube with the electrified finned spinners on it - and the Reborn in the middle. This is my 3rd playthrough so I've learned to take out the auto-guns on the platform (don't remember why I spotted them the first time, but I did...). So this time, after taking out the guns - using my 2nd fave weapon, the disruptor - I took aim at the Reborn. I had done that before to watch him avoid the shot for fun. This time, though, I aimed for the center of gravity ... disintegrated him! Of course, I didn't get a saber to avoid saber battles, so I reloaded and went through again, but I thought it was cool...



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That's my favorite way to take his sorry butt out. It beats the heck out of trying to avoid being fried by the paddles.


BTW, right before this, I once Pushed a Stormie off onto the spinning thing and watched him dance the Charleston :)

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Originally posted by txa1265

...I took aim at the Reborn. I had done that before to watch him avoid the shot for fun....




I want a screenshot of that one...


When he's dodging those blasts all I can hear is the Matrix theme in my head. Anyone know of a mod that'll make him look like Neo or Agent Smith? Heheheheh

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Heh...my second time through the game I remembered the Reborn being there, I flipped over the spinning fin and was preparing for a saber fight. I usually always try Force Push before closing to duel. They usually block it, but not this time. I pushed him right off the side of the spinning tube and kept on running, laughing as his screams died away. The battle was over before it even begun!

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