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Force speed JK to JkII which is better


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in JKII force speed as you probably all know is displayed differently then in jkI in JKII instead of you accaully moveing really fast(as in JKI) they rest becomes sluggish and slow making a better appearance of speed but at the cost of use. i used speed all the time in JKI but in JKII i hardly ever use it because the blur and suggishness is very annoying and really useless because the controls don't respond as well and yoiu can't turn for beans. does anyone else feel the same way?

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Uhm, I don't have a problem with it...if it was any faster in the CTF maps for example, you would be falling a lot due to the "too fast" movement...Altho it would be cool to set the SP speed to the MP speed. Can never get tired of the "Max Payne" syndrome...

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If you go to any forum about the game Max Payne and try to find out why they don't have a multiplayer version, you'll know why this isn't in the game.

But to spare you the effort... you can't sync what is happening then between the server and the clients. If one person can see all others moving slowly, they would have to move slowly. The only way around this is to make the person doing it move quickly. However this negates the effect.

I did have a cool idea for force speed though... they should get in the dodge animations from force seeing when you dodge the sniper fire for a bunch of other things. Matrix style bullet dodging anyone? Speed up the animations for the dodging and add a few extra ones... then add these animations to the block animations during force speed. Would look really cool, and I'd give up reflecting bolts during speed to look that cool anyday.

Just dreaming a bit here.

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Originally posted by Nill the Mean

If you go to any forum about the game Max Payne and try to find out why they don't have a multiplayer version, you'll know why this isn't in the game.

But to spare you the effort... you can't sync what is happening then between the server and the clients. If one person can see all others moving slowly, they would have to move slowly. The only way around this is to make the person doing it move quickly. However this negates the effect.

I did have a cool idea for force speed though... they should get in the dodge animations from force seeing when you dodge the sniper fire for a bunch of other things. Matrix style bullet dodging anyone? Speed up the animations for the dodging and add a few extra ones... then add these animations to the block animations during force speed. Would look really cool, and I'd give up reflecting bolts during speed to look that cool anyday.

Just dreaming a bit here.


That idea = VARY cool. I gotta admit 1/2 the reason i like playing the game.. especially the new patch.. is to look at all the cool animations :)

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