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The Anti-patch Movement (apm)


Should there be a formal petition for the removal of the patch?  

149 members have voted

  1. 1. Should there be a formal petition for the removal of the patch?

    • Yes, and I will sign it!
    • Yes, but I won\'t sign it.
    • No.
    • No, the patch should be reevaluated.

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All who are against the use of the 1.03 patch, post your info and/or dismayal here.


Let this be a meeting place for all those who play Outcast the pure, original, non-patched FUN way.


I am GileS__l7l on the MSN IGZ, and I will never use the patch!!! They'll never take me alive!

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Trying to start a movement against something you haven't had a chance to fully experience isn't going to impress a lot of people :p How about you do like a lot have suggested and give it about a week? Try to get used to it, maybe after you've re-learned a little, you might like it? In the meanwhile, It would be nice if you could change one of the poll options to "No, I have an open mind". I don't mean to attack anyone with this, but jumping to conclusions about things is never a great idea. As far as this poll goes, about the only thing you're going to get out of it is a very unscientific idea of who might not like the patch. Raven will not do anything in response to this one little poll, especially considering most of the changes in the patch were made because of complaints/suggestions about problems people had with it. Why don't we leave this poll alone until next week? Lets say, after Episode 2 comes out? :) I have a feeling that then, many more people will be more interested in recreating a "realistic" style of lightsaber dueling (realistic meaning closer to the movies). But we'll see.



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You hatahs are definitely the same n00bs I SABER SLAM™ every night over and over again - the same ones who say:


• "One move, that's all you know"

• "Lame"

• Darth Noobie disconnected.

• "You can't fight without the one-hit"

• "Know any other saber styles, loser?"


Well, that's when I switch to blue or yellow and shove my saber up their asses any way they like it.


Light stance? You got it.


Medium stance? Still PwNeD™


And you know what? I still own people in this patch, but it JUST AINT FUN ANYMORE. I don't want a saber fight that takes me all night, or a duel that I can't even tell when I hit someone. Face it, they ruined the game, and the only reason you queers like this patch is because you don't die in .00025 seconds like you used to.



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I'd just like to post this, thanks...


Quoting DIRECTLY from my email inbox:


"We're not reverting to anything, complainers are just going to have to get used to it all over again, I guess... :/


Michael Chang Gummelt


Gameplay Programmer: Jedi Knight II


Raven Software




Put up or shut up, thanks bye.

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Hey llamas, go get a life YOU LOSERS!


You act as if the patch is some sort of new bill that congress has passed that outlawed being IGNORANT childish morons, which of course you would take offense to. This is ONE patch out of what I'm sure will be many, what the hell are you losers getting so upset about? If you don't like the patch don't install it, and don't tell the people who DO like the patch how much you hate it. No one cares about your "skills" that were "lost" when you downloaded the patch, which by the way WAS OPTIONAL. What do you plan to achieve with your dumb little poll? "Oh look at us, we suck with the new patch and don't feel like trying to get better so we just complain to Raven who isn't listening, trying to get them to remove the patch"


I swear to God, some day a cheap dell computer will replace llama's like you, all they have to do is program it to say whiney things over and over.


Oh yeah, your poll is failing, it looks there are more no's than yes's, obviously you're the minority, llamas.

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Originally posted by GileS__l7l

You hatahs are definitely the same n00bs I SABER SLAM™ every night over and over again - the same ones who say:


• "One move, that's all you know"

• "Lame"

• Darth Noobie disconnected.

• "You can't fight without the one-hit"

• "Know any other saber styles, loser?"


Well, that's when I switch to blue or yellow and shove my saber up their asses any way they like it.


Light stance? You got it.


Medium stance? Still PwNeD™


And you know what? I still own people in this patch, but it JUST AINT FUN ANYMORE. I don't want a saber fight that takes me all night, or a duel that I can't even tell when I hit someone. Face it, they ruined the game, and the only reason you queers like this patch is because you don't die in .00025 seconds like you used to.




very... very... very!.... VERY!!!!!! well said! I'm joining the movement because it's not fun anymore, and buggy.

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Here's a NEWSFLASH for all you pro-patch people.


The only reason you like this patch is because you:

a) Like running around like a headless chicken spinning your saber about.

b) Stick to blue and Yellow saber style, Why? Because it lets you do the above ^

c) Die frequently from force Grip (yes - I'm afraid your opponent chose a better tactic than you - it's your fault for standing near an edge idiot - get tactical next time.)

d) Die frequently from stong-style saber attacks. And NO, not the famous 'unblockable' 'noobie' jump-slash attack that you always whine about, I'm talking about well-timed powerful well-aimed strikes. If you didn't like it before the patch then learn to force pull or any other countermeasure for f's sake.


Now here's why the patch super-sucks for people like me who used to use stong style/grip:


1) Strong style used to take longer to swing, so you had to choose your moment and aim it well. Now it's too fast, less powerful and harder to aim at your 'headless-chicken' opponent.

2) Grip suffers from the same type of problem - it's slow and more difficult to throw people off ledges - which was a great fun part of the game. Theres only one kind of player who cant quickly break out of it and that would be one who just died sitting at his computer.

3) You people who are arguing that there's more skill and strategy to saber fighting: What ARE you talking about? Saber fights now are basically this: everyone SPINNING around and around using light/medium saber. Thats not counting the saddos who do that backwards lunge move (easy to counter but annoying to keep watching) It's about as 'tactical' as a room full of epileptic gerbils on acid.


And on that subject: Shutup about it being more tactical for gods sake - just admit that you were a scrappy saber user before the patch, and you're still a scrappy saber user after the patch. It just suits you to say it's more 'tactical' Tactical my arse.


One other thing - before you start saying I'm a 'noob' and that I'm obviously hating it because I can't play it: I've just won several saber games in a row on different servers. Just because I hate the patch doesn't mean I can't play well and win. My 'whining' about the patch is legitimate I'm afraid.


I've heard the old "Stop whining and learn to play the game" line. That's a great philospohy mate, but this is a FORUM. It's meant for airing opinions and disussing things. Just as well you're not a moderator otherwise no one would ever use the forum.


Game Developers:

1) Bring back the old strong saber style (but keep the new range of movements with it),

2) increase mobility while using grip, and

3) for gods sake limit the amount of times in 1 minute that people can do that backwards lunge - as a typical room full of 'dueling' jedis now looks like a Spinning and Crouching ballet class. Jeezus.



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Pro patch? There are names now? Would you people read a book and shut the hell up?


The fact is Raven will not remove the first ever patch for JK2 simply because the llamas who can't play without the strong stance want them to. You REALLY think they will? Smell the Foldiers, kids, your pathetic attempt to make yourselves look better than you are by blaming it on the patch, won't work. Now, go practice at JK2 instead of whining to the more fortunate people in life.

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I think the patch is more true to the movie. I don't recall seeing any fights between jedi and sith (or jedi on jedi, etc) take .00025 seconds to complete. I was fine with the game and I'm fine with it now, but as I just said, it's closer to the movies now.


But that's just me, I'm sure a lot of you think differently.

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pro-patchers just love to flame. no matter what you post, if it has any anti-patch sentiment in it, they will be there to flame you. oh well, what can you do?


you can track down their zitty ****ing asses and beat the **** out of 'em. great invention, this internet.

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What I don't understand is why everyone is under the impression that the only people who want the patch nonsense corrected are players who only know how to DFA crowds to death. I can't stand people DFAing into a crowded group of players either, but I also learned how to deal with it without 'having the playing field leveled'.


Yellow is by far my favorite stance and I had it down to an art. If I WANTED to spin, I could, if I didn't, I would pop you in the face three times as you advanced on me with nary a spin until you walk around behind me.


I've been playing this thing since it came out (way to much I might add) and it IS worse. You do not have the control you did, people block to much, my saber-weilding arm didn't shoot out to the side or straight up for no damn reason. Yeah, it looks cool, but it did not help the game play.


There is no reason why this patch could have been much more subtle instead of completely re-writing of the saber system. Other game makers realize that people have invested time in their game as soon as it came out and wouldn't have touched their game physics in such a radical way. What do you think would have happened to Quake 3 or UT if they did? Players would have freaking lost their minds.


Gladly put my name on the list. I don't like becoming proficient with a game only to have to start over from scratch.

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Originally posted by Lord Sokar

I've been playing this thing since it came out (way to much I might add) and it IS worse. You do not have the control you did, people block to much, my saber-weilding arm didn't shoot out to the side or straight up for no damn reason. Yeah, it looks cool, but it did not help the game play.


The reason it shoots out and to the side is because your opponent hit attack the instant you were about to hit them. this causes their normal parry to turn into a deflection move which deflects your saber out and to the side. It's a very efficient move to pull in light stance, since their saber stays up long enough to get a light, and sometimes even a medium stance hit in.

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