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Best Civ?

Guest corranhorn

Best Civilization  

16 members have voted

  1. 1. Best Civilization

    • Empire
    • Rebels
    • Naboo
    • Gungan
    • Wookie
    • Trade Federation
    • Stalemate

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OOOO...There is the colorful big letters again! :)

Fergie if you are going to make "WOOKIE BERSEKERS!!!!" in huge letters could you spell it correctly? ;)

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Originally posted by darthfergie


um yeah I'll just dismiss that like I never heard it;)




(thanks KVAN :D )

Hehehehe....It's still spelled wrong :D

Yeah, naboo is gonna be strong...suuurrreee! ;)

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Guest Tie Guy

whoa, calm down, you spelled it right. :D


The naboo do have a hidden power, and that power is that they are underestimated.

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Guest Admiral Odin

Most of you have seemed to miss the point. The game will be balanced. Just because the Naboo didn't have a mil in Episode 1 doesn't mean it will in GB. That would be unblanced. Hence you underestimate them and that is their power.

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Wookies are definately the best!


But, to clarify the "Empire conquering the Woookies" thing, They never actually did. The conflict started when the Imperials set up an embassy on the planet Kashyyk. They then ferried troopers and Mechs there, but were thoroughly defeated when they attempted to take the Wookie's Capital City. They tried many other ideas to conquer them until they finally decided to ferry over another Star Destroyer full of Stormies. this time the Wookies let them take over the cities to quit the bloodshed. The Imperials tried to take some Wookies as slaves off planet, but were again struck down. They finally fortified their garrisons and decided to contract the neighboring Trandoshans. the Trandoshans had long since been jealous of the Wookies great success's, so they were willing to comply. The Empire gave the Trandoshans weapons, ships, and money, while they acted innocent in the whole affair. The Trandoshans then began to raid the Wookie villages in order to gain Wookie slaves to sell to the Empire. The usual peaceful Wookies again began to battle their war-loving neighboors , the Trandoshans. The Trandoshans were able to take many slaves but at a large price of lives and ships. The Empire, content with it's million or so Wookie slaves cut off the official contract, but the Trandoshans kept up there slave running, satisfied with their new-found profession. By the time of the Liberation of Kashyyk, there were only about 100 thousand to half a million stormies and other Imperial assets on the planet "keeping the justic".

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