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Guest Neumi

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I'm a bit worried about the weapons present in the game.


As you know, a Jedi Knight doesn't need anything else than his light saber.


I'm sure there will be blasters and maybe grenades, but what about heavy weapons?


Has anyone heard something about?


Ok, when I play JK or MotS, 98% of time I use the saber combined with force powers, but from time to time I like to sniper a bit.

I think, other playes are not such fans of sword fighting as I am.



[This message has been edited by Neumi (edited February 15, 2000).]

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Guest solo_anakin

I agree with you. I like saber fightening, but once in while I like to get a gun and start balsting everything in sight. That is one thing that probably made JK so popular. It had several different ways to fight succesfully.

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Interesting the way it all balances out. If you are a lightsider then you can afford to use guns in close combat because your absorb blocks a pull. If you arent on the light side you have to stay out of the jedi's pull range. But anyway, I think that the loss of using heavy weapons would be detrimental to the size of the population, but it would definately keep out all the Guns NF people (which should try Quake or Halflife if they want to play guns no force).

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I'd hope that LEC includes a broad range of powerful guns/projectile weapons as well as a broad variety of Force Powers.


Why should NF guns fans play other FPS games if they like Jedi Knight/MotS? Guns without force is a fun playmode for many fans. Same is true for full Force with guns. Some may not like those modes. But so what? Everyone has their own preference, and LEC should allow users to pick and choose their settings as they wish.


The ability to configure multiplayer JK/MotS for different levels of Force powers and play saber only or saber & guns games added tremendous longevity. It took a very long time to become a true expert in JK/MotS because there were so many ways of playing that you could master.


I hope LEC actually allows users to configure multiplayer Obi-Wan for the availability of indiviual weapons (e.g., host or users by vote could pick rail and saber only or flashbomb and carbo only... it all would depend on what players were in the mood for).


I also hope the weapons are bit more powerful in the damage department. Given the tempo of JK/MotS, which has got to be the fastest paced FPS multiplayer game (four star speed!), slightly more damage would be useful in defeating your foe before they can pull the revive or health powerups, or simply run away.


For example, strengthen the power of the Imperial repeater and bowcaster. Does anyone seriously use these two weapons in combat, except in last resort? Now if repeaters and bowcasters made double the damage, fired at a higher rate, or had faster projectiles, than in JK/MotS, players might pay a little more attention to them.


And of course I hope LEC includes good game balance as well (e.g., all of the weapons and Force powers have a purpose, and Personalites (if Obi-Wan even has them) can't dominate over others).


Lets talk in this thread about the kind of weapons would we like to see in Obi-Wan.


LEC has revealed virtually nothing about what will be available in Obi-Wan. We've seen Obi-Wan carrying a lightsaber of course, and their catalog ad refers to a game 'in the tradition of Jedi Knight' so we could infer that an array of weapons similar to JK will be available. But, the game is set during 'the Battle of Naboo,' a generation before Jedi Knight. Maybe the weapons, aside from the lightsaber, will be very different ...


Even so, LEC has promised improved lightsaber handling for Obi-Wan. Who knows, maybe the lightsaber expert will be able to stand up to the gun expert in Obi-Wan?


Again, we know essentially nothing, thanks to LEC's rediculous policy of clamping down on releasing information on game features. Oh well it's fun to speculate, but frustrating since we have no idea what their current thinking is on this game.



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I would imagine that the game would have at least some of the weapons shown in Episode I. There will be lightsabers, no doubt, but what about other weapons? Maybe a battle droid blaster that could be picked up and used (it would be fully loaded most of the time, given the number of battle droids seen in the movie). Maybe Gungan energy balls, and a standard blaster that the Queen or Panaka would use that Obi-Wan could get his hands on. When is the game supposed to come out anyway? Wasn't it sometime this month?




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JaledDuir: I AM on the light side and like hunting down people with the saber.


I use force powers for defence, I can do the rest with the saber (man, was that funny when some rookie tried to use the grip on me for the entire game ...).


I agree with you: No Force/Saber guys should play something else.


I don't care if they don't want to use force powers, but they should let Me use my preferred weapons.


Everyone should be free to use whatever he wants, so I would dislike a server option to diasable saber or force.

We aren't all scouts or troopers or bounty hunters (in MotS).


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Guest Darth Kurgan

Well I would assume you would see all of the weapons/force powers demonstrated in the movie. Of course, some basic mainstays, like jump, pull, seeing, speed, throw/saber throw, etc would probably be there. In TPM game, they fleshed it out with some other stuff we didn't see in the movie (like force lightning, and some more guns and explosives). I wouldn't worry.


If you want to think about weapons: take the movie's weapons/powers, and the TPM game's weapons/powers. That should be a good enough arsenal for ObiWan right there. Remember you'll actually be able to aim, and I'm sure LEC won't deny us secondary fire.


I at least want to be able to hack down a Battle Droid with my saber, then pick up his dropper blaster rifle.


Also, in my MP adventures, I use the Repeater alot.. it's a great tool against saber-wielding opponents, and also fun to use on somebody you're chasing. ; ) The bowcastor on the other hand, I rarely used. It's probably about the only weapon I didn't use very much, except when I had the powerboost or something (but then the st rifle is alot more fun with the powerboost!).



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I only tried the demo of TPM, but never tried the full version. (The camera angle constraints and nonexistent MP really turned me off so I didn't bother with full version). What kind of weapons and force powers other than a lightsaber and push were included in that game?


Also I wonder if Obi-Wan will support any kind of melee attack other than a saber attack or punch... Maybe some kind of kick?


Hmm what kind of powerups should we expect? Weapons boost, supershield, surge, healths, etc.? I suppose we could expect something similar to what we saw in DF1,2/MotS.


Oh, also, will Obi-Wan support the double-bladed 'lightstaff?'




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The full version of TPM included the Jedi mind-trick during a few conversations. Darth Maul gets Force throw and lightning (his lightning is red). Weapons included the following: standard blaster rifle, light repeating blaster, proton missile launcher, thermal detonators, flash grenades, Gungan energy balls, R-65 heavy blaster, Naboo blaster pistol, heavy repeating cannon (stationary), and the droid stunner.



"Well, you were right about one thing, Master. The negotiations were short."

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