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YES! HAHA! It's cxoming for PS2!

Guest Saesee Tom

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Guest Darth_Simpson

UT for P$2 doesn't have online support....


I just got home from vacation, and get this thrown in my face! GAWDAMN LucasASS!!

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Guest Darth_Simpson

Nope, it won't!


PlayStation 2 will have online possibilities in a few months, but not Unreal Tournament. It isn't built into the game! UT for P$2 will never be played over the internet!

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Guest Darth_Simpson

Yeah, probably! smile.gif


But I most likely see this game coming out for the X-Box, mostly because of the hardware. PC and X-Box are very similiar, so the 'port' would be easy. If it were to be released on the P$2, they would have to re-write the most, if not all, of the code. Same with DC and GameCube.


My personal opinion is that I would like to see Obi on the X-Box, simply because that's the console I will be getting next year.

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Guest Dave Maul

X-Box is made by Microsoft, which we all associate with PC's. Therefore, it is going to be more like a PC that any of the other consoles. PC graphics, PC speed, and so on. Plus Multiplayer. Look at screenshots like these:




That's better than some of the PS2 or DC games I've seen! And I'm not being biased; I actually own a DC, but I just can't see it being released.





[This message has been edited by Dave Maul (edited November 25, 2000).]

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Guest Dave Maul

Dunno. I have to wait a year until the game is released on X-Box. After all their bitching about how difficult it was to program for the PS2, they've moved to X-Box. Hopefully LEC will wake up and follow.


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Argath, it doesn't matter, Obi-Wan isn't coming to the PS2.


PS2 simply lacks the power. They can't simply port Obi-Wan backward to the PS2 in a year's time (without rewriting huge portions of the game, massive backscaling).


It's not going to happen. Surely you can understand that.



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Hah, I'm being lectured about programming by the same fool who said it's easier to write a game engine from the ground up than it is to license an existing one. That's a laugh.


Why are you addressing me, anyway? I don't recall claiming the game is coming for Playstation 2, and I haven't even posted in this thread for the past four days. You already replied to my last post; singling me out now, when the conversation hasn't even involved me for half a week, doesn't make much sense.


Back to the topic, Playstation 2 most certainly is powerful enough to support the game; if you still feel that it isn't, provide a detailed explanation about what portion of the system is bottlenecking the game, and then explain why so many games that look much better than Obi-Wan have already been designed for the system. A reference from someone who hasn't said, "I think a 486DX can be overclocked to a pentium 150 (roughly)," would also be appreciated.


Whether or not the game is more likely to come to XBox or PS2 is another matter entirely, completely unrelated to the hardware power of the systems. Porting the game to XBox would obviously be a much simpler job, considering XBox basically is a PC. Porting to the PS2 would be more difficult, but it would definitely not require "rewriting huge portions of the game" and "massive backscaling," even considering the ridiculously complicated API the system uses. At worst, the rendering code would have to be reworked a bit to accomodate the differences in hardware; hardly "massive backscaling" or rewriting huge portions of the game. If you disagree, I'd appreciate an exact explanation of what "huge portions of the game" would have to be rewritten for the game to work on the console, and further clarification of what "massive backscaling" will have to take place. You can't just make stupid assertions like that without at least elaborating a bit; a reference would be appreciated, but I suppose it's a bit much to ask for from you, considering you've never even made an effort to provide supporting evidence at any time in the past.


Personally, I think the game is most likely to be developed for XBox, simply because the porting job requires such little work, but I won't rule out the possibility that the game may be developed for a different console. The Playstation 2 is an extremely successful and popular system, so releasing the game on it does make sense economically; however, I think LEC will probably just take the easier route and wait for XBox to be released, as XBox is predicted to sell extremely well, and porting the game to it will be easier.


I'd also appreciate a bit of a clarification about your claims of the PS2 being too slow to support Obi-Wan. If the PS2 is so weak compared to even mediocre PC's, perhaps you could explain why Sony is releasing professional rendering equipment using the same hardware found in the PS2? Furthermore, explain why, if the PS2 is so slow, that rendering equipment will be the first ever to support 1080p resolution at 60 Hz broadcasting in real time? I'd also appreciate knowing why the hell Ars, one of the most reputable technical sites on the web, claims:


Not only does the Emotion Engine have horsepower under the hood, but its aggressively new, cutting-edge design means that it's going to take a while for developers to really learn to use all that power. It'll be interesting to see if the PC has caught up with the PS2 by the time PS2 developers figure out how to exploit this hardware to its fullest potential.


If PS2's Emotion Engine isn't powerful enough to run a port of a game designed for a PII 300 with a TNT2, I'm wondering why every reputable hardware expert is so impressed with its design and performance.


Not that I really expect any solid answers, anyway, but it is always fun to see you try to squirm your way out of providing factual support for the BS you post.


[This message has been edited by Argath (edited November 27, 2000).]

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I agree with the guy from page 2... I think they should bring out all Star Wars games on all consoles... How am I supposed to afford buying a P$2, SC, & X-BOT, and whatever else in order to play all Star Wars games? As a gamer I am missing out on a lot, and that does piss me off as much as the next guy.


Ok let's say OB1 comes out on P$2... Then the next game which will look really kewl will be on DC, or GameBox or whatever console... It just sucks... Just look at it now... that Naboo game will come out on N64, but JPB is on DC & PS, and who knows what else will come out on what...


They just want our money... *sigh*


Well, I'm still waiting for JPB on the PC :p



Everyone has got to have the sickness

'Cause everyone seems to need the cure...

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Guest Darth_Simpson

Get a PSX emulator, make it happen! biggrin.gif


Oh, and Argath... How come you always have to pick on Kurgan? You obviously don't like eachother, but keep the fights outside the forum, ok?

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I don't think the professor heard me the first time, so let me repeat myself again, only this time I'll press the keys more firmly:


Argath, it doesn't matter, Obi-Wan isn't coming to the PS2.


If we don't stop now, next thing you know he'll be bringing in extra people to back up his "arguments."


I agree, let's be gentlemen and keep this off the forums. Agree to disagree. Or agree to agree, as the case may be.



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Again, if you want to continue claiming that Obi-Wan is definitely not coming for PS2, prove it. Support your claims with factual proof, or at the very least, provide a somewhat more cogent explanation for your comments. Unless LEC specifically stated that Obi-Wan will not be coming for PS2, there is no way to completely rule it out as an option.


Obi-Wan may or may not be coming to PS2, but I'd appreciate an elaboration on how you come to your conclusion, whether through correspondance with LEC, because of the false belief that Playstation 2 is not powerful enough to support the game, or by some other means. I'm hoping you have a better reason than the obviously false "PS2 isn't powerful enough" argument, considering the abudance of evidence that points to the contrary.


[This message has been edited by Argath (edited November 28, 2000).]

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Guest Darth_Simpson

Heck, I'm no hardware expert like you obviously are, but I'm not impressed with PS2 and First Person Shooters, especially because of UT! Seems like it's very hard to optimize code for it.


Personally, I agree with Kurgan, I think Obi-Wan will be out for X-Box, not PS2. Not because of the hardware, I don't know that much about it, but I have a hunch. Obviously, you can't accept other people's views and their explanations for it, not with out being rude when you try to prove otherwise. Try a bit more professionalism, ok?

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The fact of the matter is if Lucas don't do it for X-Box it's going to take a **** load of rewriting to get Obi-Wan running on any of the other three. They've had since half a year before TPM came out working on this for PC, a most of its got to be done so X-Box being nearly a PC is the logical choice, plus PS2 is apparntly a ***** to write for, the only thing it has going for it is brand name. If not the X-Box then maybe GameCube, one of flatmates is nearly ecstatic, apparantly half the damn companies in the world have signed up to program for it cos it's so easy to write for. The most unlikely is DC, muc hto my dismay it is dying.


I personally blame the new LucasArts Prez, with Sorenson we had someone who did PC games, this guys making them a damn console company and games to match. I don't care what people say Bombad and Demolition should not have been made.

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i've just read something damn funny over at theforce.net. Reporting on OB1 being canned they printed an old interview with one of the team working on it, apparently back in March they said that even though the 'Top Brass' were pushing for a PS2 release the team were against it and were working on it as a PC game.


So either they backed down, or the 'Top Brass' got deadly. Business men, bugger up everything!

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Guest Arragorn

You people are seriously ****ed up. You need proffessional help...

I don't know why ,Agrath, you seem to always attack Kurgan but on the other hand I don't know why he always seems to back off and never really answear your questions.

Anyway both of you should realy chill out 'cause I remember this grudge from the begining of the forums in Obi net.

I have to say thought that I agree with you Agrath, the performance and capabilities of PS2 are not an issue when it comes to pc game ports so the PS2 could well be the console we will...not be playing Obi Wan.




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Argath agrees with me, he's saying that Xbox is the console for Obi-Wan, but what he doesn't agree with is my reasons why the PS2 is not going to be the console.


So you see Argath and I almost never agree on anything. The way I see it, I'm not going to convince him of every detail of my position, even if he agrees with part of it. I'm not trying to destroy his opinion, he's welcome to it. It's just not that damn important that I indoctrinate him into my way of thinking.


If every discussion we have is a debate that must be won for brownie points, then I guess I came to the wrong contest. ; )


No, I've stated my reasons for not thinking the PS2 will be the console. If you feel those reasons are weak, or not to your liking, by no means do you have to accept them until all the facts are in and I'm proven right or wrong beyond all possible doubt. The fact is I can't prove it beyond all possible doubt to you, so let it be.


What we do agree on: Obi-Wan for Xbox.



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Guest Dave Maul

Hell yeah! Xbox is the best platform to release it on! I say this, and I haven't even seen what the final product looks like. So you can tell it's gonna be good.




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Don't make me go there with the Playstation 2 arguement... I think Lucasart is going to released it on the X-Box because it's like a pc, but I would like to see it on the Playstation 2 (I'm hoping I"ll get one for Christmas). L3 will be for movement, press it in for crounching. R3 can be for the glyphc system (although they got rid of it...) with the combination of R1 to do moves(or to shoot). L1 can be for jumping. L2 can be a force power. R2 can be an item. Square and Triangle toggles different force power,X can toggle weapons, Circle can toggle items.

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