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Hey guys! I have a brand new whine! Really! This is a *must* read!

Luc Solar

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This patch ZsUX0rZx..xZz...z!!11!!


Okay, phew..needed to get that out of my system (don't ask why, I dunno) .


I'm pretty sure this has been a totally untouched subject to this date (but don't correct me if I'm wrong, cause I hate it when people do that!)


The powerups...the bactas, medkits, shields. Have you noticed how infested just about every map is with those? There are several maps with rooms where you can't move 3 feet without hitting some sort of "powerup". I'm certain you know which maps I'm talking about. F.ex. one has a bacta, a big shield (=200), 3 or 4 small shields and 3 medpacks that respawn like every 10 seconds. How the hell are you supposed to kill a person dead in a place like that?!

And remember my fellow whiners, we are playing with a new patch here, where it takes quite a lot of good hits to MurderDeathKill a person with 100 health & 200 shields.


(Ups, I forgot to mention that I'm talking about saber only, no force -games to make my Whinge even more legitimate.)


How do you stop a player from getting to the medpacks and the shields? They'll just roll by or run away or whatever. It's hopeless. (Just a reminder: don't correct me if I'm wrong, cause I hate it when people do that! This is MY thread and I don't want people coming in here disagreeing with me. It makes me look like an ass.)


So what is the solution to this problem? How can you possibly 0wNsZX..Zxl337 anyone's buttocks with those lame-overpowered-unbalanced-shield & health-whoring-thingies around?

Here's how: Do some insta-kill move. With the new patch installed and all, I'm naturally talking about the new DFA --> the backstab/-swing/-sweep. That is the only way to end the fight. (if the other one has more than one brain cell...so no worrys if you're up against HenryChan)


I hereby demand that Raven MUST nerf the powerups! Or else I will...I will, like...make this really cool clan with lots of Uberl337 $killed players and..uhmm....and we won't play JO ever again!


"But Seriously Folks", this is a real problem. My WhinGe must be heard or the world will be dominated by mean, backstab-spamming preteens faster than you can say broccoli.




Oh yeah: love the patch, great work Raven, keep it up :)

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Point of clarification:


Although I have no personal knowledge of this, and it's hearsay (but what the hell -- we're not in a courtroom so it's admissible), I've heard folks state that the backstab moves DID exist pre-patch. People just didn't do 'em because they had the DFA to spam instead (Which is a bit easier to do). The backsweep thing IS incredibly cheap, but there are counters to it.


What's the key? LONG RANGE. Stay out of the range of the sweep. If you're a darksider, you're in luck. BEEF UP YOUR LIGHTNING. You can roast a guy without him getting close to you. If you're a lightsider, use absorb to avoid being pulled into the move. And throw your sabre at the guy.


Also, if you do get pulled, you'll have a split second to get up, likely. Remember that 1.) you can attack as you rise (hit the attack key when you get up) and 2.) you can do a flip or side kick to get out of the way. If you see a guy try the move, GET THE HELL AWAY FROM HIM.


And if you're playing a team game, balance your force powers. Have a guy with grip hold him, another guy roast with lightning, and everyone else throw sabres at the spammer. I did that last night on a guy and it was hysterical. Alternatively, you can learn to do the move yourself and give guys like that a taste of their own medicine.


I'd have no problem with that, as long as I restricted my backstab spamming to other spammers. Other folks, I'd rather duel with, since dueling is more fun to me anyway.


One final option. Vote to have the spammer kicked. If you're playing on a server where other like-minded people play, vote the spammer off. Let 'em cry to mommy about it, or go play on a different server.

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I wonder what you're talking about Solo, this thread as far as I can see is about the abundance of health and shields that make killing people in FFA somewhat difficult to say at least. I'd like to try a mod with no shields at all. Just health. Would make playing more interesting I think.

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I think it's ok to run for health if you're about dead, you'd be insane not to. How to stop it? Well if someone disengages from a duel with me I figure that gives me the right to whip out any weapon I want (say a Stormtrooper rifle for the biggest barrage of fire) and shoot at their unprotected back :) It's just a race to see what gets where first, blaster bolts or the guy to the health.


I think the whole backstab thing is both useful and funny. I love the "strategy" alot of people are using, just backing into a duel like noone with a brain is gonna notice! I also always end up to manage getting myself into the middle of the entire enemy team without any friendlies around, so the backstab is really useful. If 5 people are around you taking out everyone behind you gives you a chance!

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I totally agree!! There are way too many greenhouse gasses building up in my Apartment... I mean! WHoah! I thought they said Cows caused global warming but Geez! Goly! There are more over sized spiders in my closet than a 4 pound anvil filled with barvarian creme.


Speaking of Spam... I LOVE that ****!

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Originally posted by Etz

I wonder what you're talking about Solo, this thread as far as I can see is about the abundance of health and shields that make killing people in FFA somewhat difficult to say at least.


Yes, Etz, that is exactly what I'm trying to say :)


Solo4114 --> my problem is not "how to avoid the backstab". (just as it wasn't "how to avoid the DFA" earlier). Thanks for the tips though :)

My problem is people who play dumb: bunnyhop or run ass first into battles, That is ridiculous. Saber throw takes care of those guys, but it is still lame and..ridiculous.


Btw - is saber throw possible in saber only no force games? I played once and it was, but the next time it wasn't anymore?!? (Yes, the serves runs only NF, saber only games)

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What about constantly backpedaling, while hitting you with drain and lightning...


Grrrrr, that's annoying...I haven't had anyone come at me ass first yet, but I'm sure it's only time...lol


P.S. saber throw is possible on saber only, no force servers...

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"Although I have no personal knowledge of this, and it's hearsay (but what the hell -- we're not in a courtroom so it's admissible), I've heard folks state that the backstab moves DID exist pre-patch. People just didn't do 'em because they had the DFA to spam instead (Which is a bit easier to do). The backsweep thing IS incredibly cheap, but there are counters to it. "


The reason you couldn't do it last patch is that if you turned your back you were toast.


Now that the saber has the damage output of a flashlight you can run around backwards and not take much damage.

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Lots of replies here, but did anyone (except Ezt :) ) realize that this thread was about:


***Now that the damage of sabers has been nerfed (yay!) there are too many powerups in No force, Saber only games, which leads to people having to use "lame" tactics in order to get the kill.***



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Originally posted by grandmasterlee

The Server can disable all items if they want.


They can? Damn. You *almost* ruined my whinGe. Almost. :)


"All or nothing" is not cool. It's like deciding whether or not sabers kill with one hit or don't do damage at all.

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You can disable any item you want if you run a server. Personally I disable the bacta tanks (hate people who use them during FFA duels!!!!!!!!!! :mad: :mad: :o ) and the mega shields.


To disable the bacta tanks type...

seta disable_item_medpac "1"

in your server config file.

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I think the best thing for Raven to do (I guess this applies to all complaints) is to make a lot of the gameplay components customizable. Allow certain forcepowers, moves, change speeds and what not through various cvars. This would make it so people can play whatever style they want (or what the server admin wants). I guess this could be tough, so maybe more like certain named sets of rules that you can define, besides the basic *no force* *force*, more like *1.02 style fighting* *1.03 style fighting* etc, etc. I think if Raven doesn't do this, then there probably will be a lot of mod teams who will customize various aspects of gameplay, so that we can play however we want.


I guess I should probably post this in a more general complaint thread, but wait, will people really read it along with "I HATE 1.03 I AM GONG TO BuRN RAVIN bla bla" ;)


EDIT:: Yeah if we have lots of options like the kind Mr. Sharky points I think the game can be customized to suit lots of people. =)

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