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A Formal Challenge!!!


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I will NF duel anyone who thinks that the pacthed Auto Blocking is over done. I will hit you with my attacks far more than you can block my attacks (as well as win the duel ;) ). If not then I'm wrong to think that this is an excellent improvement to the sabre system and I stand corrected.


The only advantage that I have, other than my controller setup, is that I've played this sabre control system for many years now in the form of Heretic2. I know what Raven has in mind with the release of this patch. I've played it for many years. The game is much less a fragfest and now far more strategic. Get used to it and auto blocking will matter little. I am already used to it.



Any takers? :D

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You're wrong. I've seen many posts were people have proven that it takes at least 10 minutes for 3 players to hit and kill one player using light stance and not moving an inch. This has been proven beyond all reasonable doubt. And thus 1.03 requires no skill.


A funny thing happened a while ago, though..I could have sworn that I hacked down dozens of light stancers with ease?! Just like they did to me every once in a while...it must have been some weird bug or something :D:rolleyes:

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Originally posted by MrCrusher

I will NF duel anyone who thinks that the pacthed Auto Blocking is over done. I will hit you with my attacks far more than you can block my attacks (as well as win the duel ;) ). If not then I'm wrong to think that this is an excellent improvement to the sabre system and I stand corrected.


The only advantage that I have, other than my controller setup, is that I've played this sabre control system for many years now in the form of Heretic2. I know what Raven has in mind with the release of this patch. I've played it for many years. The game is much less a fragfest and now far more strategic. Get used to it and auto blocking will matter little. I am already used to it.



Any takers? :D


Sure, but I won't do it because I think that the patched auto block is over done...I'll do it for fun....so lets go?


Gimme the IP of the server and lets roll eh?

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You have to qualify by not liking the patch first ;)


Seph, I'm not a good player by any means. What I'm implying is that I'm already use to the system and know how to break through defenses.


I would like to have someone who doesn't like the blocking system to pick up the gauntlet, just to demo that there is far more to learn now than random fragging.



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A full twenty four hours have passed....


Are you blocking complainers saying that you haven't taken the time to play the new patch.....are you saying that you haven't even given it a chance?


Come now, there must be a blocking complainer that is willing to champion their cause by picking up the gauntlet. Show me that it is not possible to break your defenses easily and effectively. Show me that you know for certain that your complaints are valid.


If nothing else let me show you that the blocking system is not uber, and that proper offense can beat it down.


You reveal your true intent by avoiding my challenge.

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You've already stated that you have no gripe with the blocking, or are you changing your mind?


Im not certian of your true hatered.


I need a someone with conviction and true hatred to make an example of.


......but I can smack you around all the same if you like?

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Originally posted by MrCrusher

I will NF duel anyone who thinks that the pacthed Auto Blocking is over done. I will hit you with my attacks far more than you can block my attacks (as well as win the duel ;) ). If not then I'm wrong to think that this is an excellent improvement to the sabre system and I stand corrected.


The only advantage that I have, other than my controller setup, is that I've played this sabre control system for many years now in the form of Heretic2. I know what Raven has in mind with the release of this patch. I've played it for many years. The game is much less a fragfest and now far more strategic. Get used to it and auto blocking will matter little. I am already used to it.



Any takers? :D


I disagree with you about the new blocking system being good, but I would like to point out that you are viewing this only from a duelists point of view.


I am more of a CTF guy, and it takes forever to kill the flag runner in 1.03. With skilled players, the matches are usually aounr 0 to 0, or 1 to 0. Pretty pointless and not much fun.

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