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faction swiitching

Lord Helmet

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Your first wuestion: Yes, you can.


The second: Not much is known about that I think.

And if you mean Dark Jedi, lets put it this way - Vader did, so yeah I believe you can. :)


But try telling the people you hurt while being a Dark Jedi that you've seen the light again. :D



A Fallen Jedi doesn't make you a Dark Jedi. There are many reason you could become a fallen Jedi besides exploring the Dark Side of the Force.

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yes to the first question. As for the second, in the series as jan said Vader did, so you should be able to if this were real life. In the game, I'm not sure, but with all the other stuff you can do I'm sure you will be allowed to....It'll just be very hard. After all, the jedi's all use the same force powers....the powers aren't seperated like they are in games. Even luke used grip. It all just depends on how the powers are used.

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Originally posted by Ascari

Hmmm.... that would be somewhat weird.. a light side jedi using lightning :)





I read somewhere that there are dark side powers and that they are fueled with anger...

did you see some trailers of the new movie?? cause YODA.... *shuts up*
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ooooh i could have told you that we have special tags for spoilers :D


just put the word: spoiler .between [] and then you will get this:



Actually yoda was blocking the lightning with hi's hand, if u watch carefully



to read the spoiler... you just select the text :D

so for guys who dont wanna be spoiled.. dont read it :D

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