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Swear words


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Ok, I don't know if you had a discussion about this before, but this forum needs more censoring. I myself am above 15, but there are still a lot of words for young members to see...so I think that things like "bitch" "whore" "dick" "****" "crap" (there are more im sure) be censored...


Anyway just a suggestion, because it would be bad to have censorship crap breathing down your ass if some parent notices the forums...


Just a suggestion..

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"crap" and "whore?"


Give me a break! The only thing is that some curses are parts of other words. Example: assimilation. Do you really want to have it read ***imilation? I think we censor whatever words aren't exceptable on prime time tv...the biggies: **** **** ****

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  • 3 weeks later...

Why censor any of this... I used to hear six year old children blurting out things I only use when I'm really ticked off when I used to walk past a primary school on my way to highschool. The language that those kids used... jeesh. They learn it sooner or later, best not discourage it because that just makes it more tempting.

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