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IS there any Eposide 2 models out?


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Yeah we should talk about it, If you want any help with your yoda modal email us at aotctc@hotmail.com and we shall talk, I would point you towards our server but we are currently changing servers. So until then we cant help you on our forums.


So this is a kinda warning, our server is down, and Iam currently re-building the site and the forums on our new server, so stay tuned guys.






If you do read this spread the word about the server, thx.

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Originally posted by BradFu

I noticed someone mentioned Obi-Wan being on the verge of becoming a Jedi Master in AOTC. Not sure where that information came from, but it was either refering to PRE-AOTC, or innacurate. In AOTC, Obi-Wan is a full-fledged Jedi Master. And Mace Windu's power is mentioned (seems to be the one to compare against for power, which means to me he's the most powerful [as far as raw force power goes]), while Yoda is the wisest.


Man I can't wait till everyone else has seen this so we can discuss it in depth! :)




A Jedi Knight does not earn the title of Jedi Master until he has trained his first Padawan to Jedi Knight. Since Anakin is Obi-Wan's first apprentice, he isn't a Master. However, as a sign of respect, Anakin refers to Obi-Wan as Master, as do other people when they call him "Master Jedi". Whether Lucas has changed the rules again we don't know, it wasn't specifically clear, but according to the written material, Obi-Wan Kenobi as of Episode II was not a Jedi Master.


Sorry to mince words ;)

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The Ugnaught model is not as tall as everyone else in mp, the only thing is that all the models in mp must have the same hitbox structure. The Yoda model could be short, but the hitboxes must be the same as all the others so it will look like hes not getting hit, when he is in some cases. Might be a bit buggy, but its possible.

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