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C&C Renegade and Yuri


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Originally posted by Kvan

You actually think that game looks cool? :) I think that C&C needs to just stick to RTS's :)


Didn't you look at the trailer??? It is awesome.

RTS is cool, but they arn't exactly making C&C much now...They started on th RA aspect of the universe.

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Guest Tie Guy

Yeah, its not that often that an x-pac has an entirely new civ with all new units, plus better multiplayer, plus 2 new campaigns. Thats a heck of a lot for an x-pac.

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Originally posted by Tie Guy

Yeah, its not that often that an x-pac has an entirely new civ with all new units, plus better multiplayer, plus 2 new campaigns. Thats a heck of a lot for an x-pac.


Well for Westwood it is the biggest one yet!!! (they have never really had more than 2 civs...well maybe if you consider the muntants in TS a civ...I don't though)

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Guest Admiral Odin
Originally posted by darthfergie


Well for Westwood it is the biggest one yet!!! (they have never really had more than 2 civs...well maybe if you consider the muntants in TS a civ...I don't though)


In Dune II, Dune 2000, and Emperor Battle for Dune (all made by westwood) have 3 civs. The Atredies, Ordos, and Harkoneen.

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