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OWK.net forums down... not sure for how long...

Guest Kurgan

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To anyone who tried to get into www.obi-wankenobi.net 's forums, I apologize. I haven't been able to get in for the past day or so either, although the rest of the site is fine.


Not sure the exact reason for this or if it was intentional or not. We'll let you know as soon as they are back, and why.





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Aaaaaaaaaaaargh! mad.gif


Oh well, these things happen. It's quite odd though. At first I thought it was just me, but I'm glad to know everyone's experiencing the same, that means nothing's buggered my end.


I wonder *assumes smugly cynical expression* would it be a coincidence that the words "head" and "stake" were mentioned by posters during the two or three days before these "problems" started to occur?



the silvergun superman


...find you in the dark...read you like a cheap surprise...without shame...sell me out and frame you name...a superman with silver gun...


ICQ: 86924589





[This message has been edited by ed_silvergun (edited January 25, 2001).]

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Hmm, looks like they are still down.. no word from any other staffers on what could be wrong or how to fix it.


ChrisC3PO has also had trouble logging in through FTP (which is quite odd).


So is the current theory that Aristotle took down the forums for a bit to let people "cool off" and didn't tell anyone? It's an interesting theory, but we won't know obviously without official comment by him.




[This message has been edited by Kurgan (edited January 28, 2001).]

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Still no luck, dunno what could be wrong. This is really starting to arse me off.


lol, Wilhuf, what made you think you were banned? All those abusive posts you made? smile.gif



the silvergun superman


...find you in the dark...read you like a cheap surprise...without shame...sell me out and frame you name...a superman with silver gun...


ICQ: 86924589




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AHHH i can here them coming up the driveway! AHHHHHHHH LEC henchmen. RUN SAVE YOURSELVES!


*oof.... biff.... pow....various other comical punching noises*


No Mr. Jeffery, it wasnt me!


No, not that! Anything but that! No! It's hideous! AHHHH DONT DO IT! its criminal! ahhhhhhhh take that folio of force commander screenshots away from me! AHHHHHHHHHHH.






but seriously, cmon kurgs... you're the big man, you're running the forums show..... find out whats going on.... you have 48 hours! i fear i can only hold out without my forum for another 2 days. You better tell us whats goin on, or you head will be on a stake!........... ahhh bugger.....





[This message has been edited by GonkH8er (edited January 31, 2001).]

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Oh? (*C3PO impression*) I'm afraid I'm not very knowledable about such things.. (*thank you, thank you*)


Aristotle or Jeff would probably know, but I haven't seen either of them online in awhile, nor have they been reachable apparently.


http://www.obi-wankenobi.net/cgi-bin/forums/Ultimate.cgi?action=intro (let me in #$(*&$!!)




[This message has been edited by Kurgan (edited January 31, 2001).]

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Guest Defiant

So, you finally admit it, eh, Kurgy? ;-)


Hey Kurgan, nice job restricting the directory where Obi-Wan keeps the poll and newspro passwords... Maybe you should your CGI files to 755, and hey, keep them crackers out of your cgi-bin directory while you're at it.


[This message has been edited by Defiant (edited January 31, 2001).]

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Defiant, you slimeball, just for that you're not welcome here anymore, and if you know what's good for you, you'll take the pic down if you care about the rep of Datamaster's site.


You guys are some of the most childish people I've ever talked to online.


For all we know, you hacked our site yourself and have come here to brag about it. Suggesting that I had something to do with the forum problems is ridiculous. I didn't setup the UBB code, nor do I mess with the cgi settings or any of the scripting (as if I even knew enough to be do so).


Just cut the crap and take it someplace else...




[This message has been edited by Kurgan (edited January 31, 2001).]

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Guest Defiant

I don't think you ever made me feel welcome here... I can't believe you'd treat me so badly after I tried to help you.


Honestly, your file permissions are way off, and you've left one of the biggest common security holes open. People shouldn't be able to view the contents of your cgi-bin.


A "hacker" (I believe the term you're looking for is "cracker") would not just bring down the forums, and it's certainly not me. I've got better things to do than mess with a defunct website's files...Obviously you don't know what I'm talking about, unless you honestly think a web browser can edit files on a server.


<a href="outdated link removed">See for yourself</a>, Kurgan. Oh no, you can view the files. All of this "hacking" must be making you hungry or something. ;-)



Oh no, slap my hand! Shame on me for my evil and sarcastic attempt at helping you! X-Wing.org is owned and operated by Datamaster. (It's not Defiant's X-Wing.org) He went Sabatelli and I put up a postmortem for its sake. Though many staff members still have access to the site, it's been inactive for quite some time.


But hey, since you're the one who brought it up, I think that's a pretty nice picture.


[This message has been edited by Defiant (edited January 31, 2001).]

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Help, nothing. You've been a jerk ever since you signed on, to everyone but Argath.


I can't believe you'd play innocent after the way you've acted. But thanks for removing the link in your post.


However, it is still on the site you run: http://www.x-wing.org/kurgan.jpg


Shame on you!


If you read the latest updates, they are by you, so I figured you ran the place now. It seems logical to assume you posted the pic.




[This message has been edited by Kurgan (edited January 31, 2001).]

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Guest Darth_Simpson

Defiant, you should just pack up and leave. If you actually tried to be nice, Kurgan might be nice to you too. Instead, you make Hitler pictures of him, and generally come over here just to make fun of him. And[/] I bet you're calling yourself a grownup? Bah!

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Defiant, thanks for changing the pic. Just be sure you change it back to something "Nazi" related when I'm not looking, then show it to me later to mock me (since this is what you do).


Sorry this had to turn into a flame thread folks, but we know who started it. sigh..


If you guys have hacked, cracked or whatever you want to call it, to our site, well then I hope you are proud of yourselves, and I hope something equally bad happens to you so you know what it's like.


If you're simply trying to help, then lay off the flames and innuendos, they don't help any and there's no call for them.




[This message has been edited by Kurgan (edited January 31, 2001).]

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Guest Defiant

Oh, sorry, I saw your posts on obi-wankenobi.net and figured you ran the place. Forward my suggestion to the admin, maybe he/she can do it for you.


You really think we're crackers, don't you? Sorry to disappoint you. I wouldn't quite call this a flame thread. It's perfectly fine with me if you want to fire back at me for my little taunts, but banning anyone with a conflicting point of view isn't the way I'd go if I were in your place.


I don't even see why you posted this in the first place; it seems as if you're asking for help, but since nobody here can do anything about it...



Well, you were acting like you owned the place. I still can't believe you think that anyone compromised the website. Usually script kiddies vandalize them afterward... It would seem to me it was just misplaced file permission settings. It's nothing big, you just have to either FTP or telnet in and change them.


I'm nice to Argath because he takes constructive criticism a helluva lot better. If I correct him, he checks up on it and apologizes. Every time I try to help him out (or you, for that matter) by providing technical advice, it has to degrade into some sort of flame war or banning frenzy. Why should I start out with an olive branch anymore?


[This message has been edited by Defiant (edited January 31, 2001).]

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Nice try Defiant, however I don't post news at OWK.net. If you figured I ran the place just because I used the forums like everybody else, I don't know why you thought that. There are other admins there besides me. Maybe if you showed an ounce of respect and maturity to others, they might treat you with the same.


If you look at your own site however, I see "A Message From Defiant" and the entire front page is plastered with your name, all of those updates are your's.


So now that you've hacked our site, you figure that you can tell us how to run it? Well it might be a long time before anything gets fixed, Aristotle hasn't been reachable for some time.


Look, I don't care how or why you or someone you know did it, I'm just pissed that it happened, and that you decided to blame me for it and pick a fight. I know you guys are friends and you dislike what I do, but that's no excuse to attack the site and claim that we somehow deserved it or did it ourselves.


Your comments are noted. If you are only trying to "help" maybe this is the only way you know how. If you'd stop flaming and generally being rude, we might take you seriously.




[This message has been edited by Kurgan (edited January 31, 2001).]

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I haven't done anything, so please don't mention my name again.


Note, however, that Defiant's analysis of the problems with cgi-bin is completely accurate. Leaving cgi-bin viewable by everyone is not a good security move, so it would be suggested that you change the file permissions so no one else can view it. The reason for the forums being down may be due to a similar problem; check the file permissions on the forums directory and change it if necessary. Why the forums would suddenly have problems, I don't know, but obi-wankenobi.net's cgi-bin has been viewable for a long time, presumably since the site's opening.


If you don't have access to the site, get ChrisC3PO to do it, since you already indicated that he does. You don't need to wait for Aristotle or anyone else to come online if one of you can modify the site; changing file permissions isn't exactly a difficult task. As long as you're going to try to fix the forums, it would be strongly recommended to fix the security problem posed by leaving the cgi-bin wide open.


As for hacking, I honestly hope you don't believe someone broke into the site, and if you do, I suggest you read up a bit on how websites work. Accusing Defiant of breaking into the site is completely ridiculous; if someone cracked the site, why would he change file permissions? The cracker would already be able to see the files, so making them publicly viewable would have no point. Changing the restrictions on the forums would make little sense, as well; why screw around with file restrictions when you can simply delete the forums? Any competent administrator would have the file permissions set back to normal within minutes. There is absolutely no proof of someone cracking the site.


This kind of crap is exactly the reason I dislike you so much. You make ridiculous accusations or assumptions based on incomplete and largely inaccurate knowledge of a topic, and then proceed to claim your assumption is fact. There is no proof that somebody broke into obi-wankenobi.net, and even if there was, I don't see how you could assume it was Defiant; if he hated you so much, don't you think he would have done a bit more than screw around with file restrictions? With complete access to a site, someone who wanted to completely screw up the forums would at least delete them, or more likely replace them with an insulting message or picture; to do otherwise makes no sense. For the record, jk.net's cgi-bin is viewable, too, which would simply indicate that a person who didn't know to restrict access set up the site....unless, of course, you think an evil hacker broke into jk.net to commit the horrible crime of making cgi-bin viewable. There is certainly no factual proof to support your assertion that Defiant broke into the site, and there doesn't seem to be much of a logical basis for assuming so, either, so kindly desist in accusing Defiant and his friends of "hacking" obi-wankenobi.net, unless you have some proof to support it.


Now, instead of falsely accusing me of 'hacking' the site or bitching about how mean I am to you, consider trying the suggestion posted above. If that doesn't work, I have plenty of other ideas that may be of assistance. Remember, I am experienced with this kind of thing, and I'd gladly offer my assistance if, for once, you'd not try to argue against every damned thing I say.


[This message has been edited by Argath (edited February 01, 2001).]

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