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!wtf is up with dub sided sabers and console on xp?


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Duno if this confuses any1 else but iv sin people with a double sided lightsaber and realllly badly wonted 1 but no1 seems 2 know how 2 do it?

Also i cant access console and i have tried the shift +~ key a million times never works plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Help me


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soz bout the writing well i got taunt 2 work wooohoooo its really cool.

but i still dont know if there is a way 2 get double sided lightsaber, well there must b iv sin 3 peeps with 1 should of thought 2 ask em when they were on but oh well.

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hate plow he means the button above tap and beside 1 2 access the conosle if shifte and ~ dont work :S


Oh and i dont spose there is a way 2use 2 lightsabers at once cos that would ruleeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!

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Stormy, all I see when I read your posts is "I R SI T3H ST00P N00B AHHAHAHAHAHHAA!!!11111q", so I recommend you close your mouth permenantly with rusty staples. After they get infected and you get lock-jaw, you can probably remove the staples, because you won't be able to open your mouth anyway.

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Originally posted by XxWinnaRxX

Stormy, all I see when I read your posts is "I R SI T3H ST00P N00B AHHAHAHAHAHHAA!!!11111q", so I recommend you close your mouth permenantly with rusty staples. After they get infected and you get lock-jaw, you can probably remove the staples, because you won't be able to open your mouth anyway.


what the hell are you referring to? no I'm serious I don't understand

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Thx 2 all ya guyz that gave me dat info iv dun it all, and so far workin perfectly :)

well 4 all u lot that have problems reading my writing either become 13 again or buy an abreveation dictionary u bunch of old GITS :p

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