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BoBa feTTichiNi

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Pull-backstab is moderately easy to counter but that really isn't the point. The fact is that its the fastest way of killing people and FFAs get very boring when that is the only move used.


Maxing out pull and push does nothing to this btw, pull can and will land you on your arse whatever level you have push and pull at.


I don't care about people running backwards, they're easy kills from using the medium finisher on them.


Imo, theres 3 things that could be done.


First, stop ALL scripting. Binding moves to keys removes the skill. (I've seen though spectator mode people doing exact 180 turns followed by a backstab and when combined with pull it just gets silly)


Secondly, push and pull should not knock you over, certainly not if you have max levels.


Third, knock heal up a bit. Its effectiveness was quartered in the patch and from playing both dark and light side I think thats too much. Drain is far more effective especially in FFAs.


Another possible thing would be to slow the heavy backstab down. Its much faster than any of the other heavy attacks. A separate slower backstab for the red style would be better than just using the same as the yellow backstab with 1.5x extra damage.


And you people call yourself star wars fans ... i spit on you .... you make me sick


Hmm, there arent really any jedi in the films that pull somone onto their arse and BACKstab them.

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Originally posted by Lord Sokar



As someone else put it...




All of us anti-patch types have taken a pole and decided that you should fill your bathtub with water and jump in whilst holding your monitor (plugged in of course).


Thank you for being the poster child for birth control.


Rejoice nOObs! This patch is for YOU!



shut up genius, hes trying to find a way to stop all the crying baby liek you who think the backstab is cheap...

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I wish they would fix the exploitable moves such as this classic favorite:


Push, turn around, down arrow, click, repeat.



All they have to do is push you down and then turn around and swing, thats it. At least with DFA you can get out of the way, but with this, you are totally helpless. And if you are moving trying to avoid their rear swings, you'll get your butt pushed on the ground a whole lot quicker...



Raven, I emplore you, dont go back to the way 1.02 was, but dont stay with this latest abomination. Just either:


A) Take out all the one hit kill moves or any other move that will be used repeatedly.


B) Make the special moves have a recovery time that is so great they are only used in special situations, and are not feasible for use all the time, such as what you did with the new DFA (bravo on that one btw).

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Originally posted by Vestril

...I got killed by backstab perhaps three times in the last two days, and this is out of as many duels as you can cram into about 5 hours of play.


The one thing that kept getting me (specifically after about an hour of playing, when I started to get really bored) was the random light stance swingers. If you're really focused they're exceptionally easy, but for me I can only stay sharp on 1.03 for an hour, so I start getting owned by light stancers.


Damn! I'm not usually one to comment on the playing habits of others, but since you've fashioned a sort of complaint out of it... Did it occur to you that if you're losing your edge after an hour, you might be getting tired?


Take a break... Don't try to change the game because it doesn't allow you to stay focused over a 5 hour marathon... The human brain / body can only take so much...


Try lasting in a real swordfight for 5 hours. Even a well-trained master couldn't do it.

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Sure, there are ways to counter backstab, but there are also ways for the backstabbers to counter those moves. 95% of the backstabbers I've seen are Light Side. Absorb is the god of all force powers now. Now ask yourself, if faced with a Light Side backstabber with 3 levels in Absorb, what can you do but run away?

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Damn! I'm not usually one to comment on the playing habits of others, but since you've fashioned a sort of complaint out of it... Did it occur to you that if you're losing your edge after an hour, you might be getting tired?


Take a break... Don't try to change the game because it doesn't allow you to stay focused over a 5 hour marathon... The human brain / body can only take so much...


Try lasting in a real swordfight for 5 hours. Even a well-trained master couldn't do it.


No...its a matter of boredom. I was not 'losing my edge' prepatch. I don't consider it to be an exceptional exertion to sit in front of my computer for a few hours.


FYI I have taken fencing lessons, I have fenced for at least an hour at a time, duel to duel, that is actually interesting. Postpatch is not. That is the issue, and I think that I am not the only one who thinks the whole miracle blocking thing is pretty dull...

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Originally posted by Lord Sokar

Rejoice nOObs! This patch is for YOU!


Hey hey I'm a :newbie: to the game myself. I get owned 75% of the time in a lightsaber battle. I think a quote from Gone in 60 seconds said it best...


'Girl I know I can't swim, you know what I do? I keep my black @** out of the pool!'


That pretty much sums it up....

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I hate getting into these threads...but I think it's pretty apparent that most here have forgotten the purpose of games. Have fun. Most arguments being made here are how to win, not have fun.


I've had games where my ass was handed to me and I had fun. I also had games where I mercilessly beat the living bejesus out of everyone and I was bored. The backstab thing is not fun. In any form. I don't find it fun to use it, and I don't find it fun to have it used on me. The entire pitch of this game was to try to make a game where lightsaber battles were at least partially true to the movies. This pitch was made because such an idea was deemed as fun.


If you want to rack up kills and try to prove you're better than others, then there are probably other games better geared towards that. Let's face it, not all games are instantly balanced at first, and this is not one of them. The only reason anyone should play this game at this point in time should be to simply have fun. Save your bragging rights until the game is relatively balanced. It's not a crime to take pride in your skill, but to do so in a work-in-progress game like this is sort of silly.

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