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Saber throw in no force games - The answer from Raven


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From ChangKhan's post in the rarely visted Dedicated Server Help Center forum:


"I get a lot of e-mail complaints from people saying that we allow saber throwing in no force games. This is incorrect as far as I know. The problem, I believe, is that server admins are still using the g_forcePowerDisable values they were using in 1.02. This is incorrect. In 1.02, there was a bug that disabled all force powers above the one you turned off. So if you set it to "1", it would disable all of the powers. This was fixed in 1.03, which means that if you're using a value less than 262140, you're not diabling *all* the powers. Rather than using g_forcePowerDisable directly and having to do the bitmath, use the new server command "forcetoggle". Type it with nothing after it for an explanation of how to use it to toggle each power on and off (also lists the on/off state of each power)."


If you just create a server with Force turned off via the server creation screen, Throw is not available.

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No, I just created a server and saber throw was nowhere to be seen.


It's possible that there's an issue with the dedicated server program(do you have to set your server settings by hand with that? I've never used it), however. All I'm saying is the only reason it's there is because of user error, not Raven.

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I think if the majority of users make the same error it should be called developer error for making something that caused users to make errors.


They should have added an anouncement to the Update or Auto replaced that file if they decided to change how the values work...


Still their fault I say.

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I'm glad that's been cleared up.


One suggestion regarding saber throws.

Hopefully in the next patch, if you block a saber throw u can

knock it to the ground, then the player has to get close enough

to get an "automatic" force pull to retrieve it.


You have to give certain moves vulnerabitlities or they just get

exploited and become cheap.


Which brings me to the PULL KNOCKDOWNS and BACKSLASH cheapness that is going around.

Hopefully in the next patch :D if you get knocked down

u can just hold down the jump button and

do a quick super force jump backwards that looks totaly cool.

Forget that "matrix" style twirl cuz getting up from a force pull or kick knockdown is WAY TO SLOW no matter how fast I mash my jump button


Please help us Raven, you're our only hope. :p



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Originally posted by LooNBB

I think if the majority of users make the same error it should be called developer error for making something that caused users to make errors.


They should have added an anouncement to the Update or Auto replaced that file if they decided to change how the values work...


Still their fault I say.


Did you even read the quoted post? There's a good reason so many servers are using the wrong value. As a matter of fact, we do not support turning some powers off while leaving others on. Our menu support for disabling force powers is all on or all off and that's it. If servers want to try to selectively disable force powers, they can try, but don't complain to us when others don't always use *unsupported, extra features* the exact right way. We could have just made it so that you can't disable powers selectively... or we could have taken the feature out entirely, just to be sure.



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I have JO installed on two PC's in my house. I patched both to 1.03. I fired up a MP duel with the new darth vader bot and force powers disabled, but on one PC I can still use force throw for some reason. So can the bot.


Then I tried the same thing on my other PC and cannot use force throw with force powers disabled, which is the way it should work. What gives?


I uninstalled JO from the first PC and reinstalled and patched to 1.03 and now the force throw no longer works with force powers disabled.


Is there a bug in the patch?

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How much extra time would it take to say... oh yeah we changed the values, you might wanna recheck your xx file.


Come on... you guys dropped the ball... it was a little wee ball, but you dropped it nonetheless.

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Originally posted by LooNBB

How much extra time would it take to say... oh yeah we changed the values, you might wanna recheck your xx file.


Come on... you guys dropped the ball... it was a little wee ball, but you dropped it nonetheless.




loonbb, do you understand what the word "unsupported" means? let me enlighten you... it means that raven offers absolutely no support on those features. they are under no obligation to tell you anything about them. count yourself lucky that they'll tell you *anything* about them, because they don't have to if they dont wanna.


raven didnt drop the ball, because there wasn't a ball to drop. and its such a minor minor thing, that you have absolutely no reason to make such a big deal out of it :rolleyes:

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Originally posted by LooNBB

How much extra time would it take to say... oh yeah we changed the values, you might wanna recheck your xx file.


Come on... you guys dropped the ball... it was a little wee ball, but you dropped it nonetheless.


It's more like people took the ball from Raven's toybox, dropped it, then blamed Raven for making it too slippery.


Wow, that was a good one.

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This is strange. When I start a server and simply select No Force allowed (I've never messed with the bit settings). Saber throw IS still available. Are you saying we need to set that value to 262140 manually for this to work correctly? I think the 'Disable all Force' button may not always be setting the game correctly.

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Originally posted by Morbrion

This is strange. When I start a server and simply select No Force allowed (I've never messed with the bit settings). Saber throw IS still available. Are you saying we need to set that value to 262140 manually for this to work correctly? I think the 'Disable all Force' button may not always be setting the game correctly.


I have that same problem, and I don't even understand half of the stuff that was posted here--I just created my own little bot servers to test and see if Saber Throw was in NF duels...and it was. So what gives, isn't that what you guys just said to do?


If I was supposed to change some feature in some other way then I would say that the 'unsupported/supported' argument doesn't really work, because it seems to me that I was using a supported feature...


Oh, and yes I'm quite certain that I det it to No Force powers, it gave me mass amounts of points, but only allowed me to put them into saber skills. Am I on crack? Is my computer? What gives?...

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Guest Kensai

I know someone else addressed this issue in another thread the day after the patch was released. Yes, it looks like the fix to create a "true" no force server is a simple one. You can tell which ones are completely no force if the icon by the server name has an X through it.


Unfortulately, there are already lots of fast dedicated servers out there that don't seem inclined to reduce the kill limit from 30 for duel games (KILL limit, not duel win limit). So, perhaps fixing the saber throw problem may be a tall order for them. :(


Good thing several of our generous game hosts are on the ball.

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i just updated my server with the 262140 value and hopped on. through one of the fights i was observing one dude had like 35 health, then all of a sudden healed himself. everyone was like "wtf"? plus force jump is maxed out, you can walk on the walls. But, most important, Saber throw has been eliminated.


so i guess my question is, whats the value to keep all those settings: max force jump (to walk on walls) and no saber throw, without enabling healing? I am by no means bitching about heal, but some people on my server are...

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