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WIP >>>> Great Pit of Carkoon...

Cmdr. Antilles

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Okay, I've decided to start a thread on my map so I can get some feedback BEFORE I'm done with it. ;)


So, here are 3 in-Radiant screens:




This is my Sail barge. As you can see, I'm using a lot of curves. And if you're wondering what that is at the bottom, I like to do a quick mock-up of whatever I'm building as a guide. :)




This is the skiff some of you may have already seen. I'm putting a plank in it that you can control w/ a switch.




And this is what I have for the map. Lots of curves there too...


So, what do you think?


And what would you like to see?

My plan right now is to make the Barge solid, and if the FPS is okay, map the interior. I built it in a way that it would be relatively easy to add the int. if I decide to.

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i really dont know much about radient so those pics are kinda latin for me, although it sounds like its gonna be great!


retractable plank very nice idea


i hope maybe the deck cannon wil be operational on the sail barge, probably wont happen but i can dream


also the pic of ur rendered skiff looks very complete cant wait to see ur sail barge

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Antilles - nice model. How did you create this? Entirely in JK2Radiant or another 3rd-party package?


I cannot model that in JK2Radiant but could in 3ds max 4, but then I need a way to get it back into JK2Radiant to texture and add any functionality to it.


Any tips welcome.

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Originally posted by Cmdr. Antilles

Thanks. I'm not sure about the cannon... I don't think emplaced guns work in MP, even though they ARE in the .def files...

We'll just have to see. ;)


It'd be sweet if a modeller/(coder?) could make a replacement model for the emplaced gun for you to use as the mounted canon.

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yah we need to see some in-game shots


also i found how to get into the top deck lounge and to the observation level.


...on deck of barge right before you get to deck cannon theirs a staircase http://massassi.yavin4.com/sw_img/e6tato22.htm (see where the guy in middle is comming from) it goes down to the 2nd level which is called the observation level.

Also the top rear of the barge has a small room called the privacy lounge which has metal adjustable shutters http://www.decipher.com/starwars/cardlists/jabbaspalace/dark/large/weequayguard.html (not like the ones on observation level with slits/holes in them) http://www.decipher.com/starwars/cardlists/jabbaspalace/light/large/elom.html

It would be nice to have a deck cannon gun that looks correct



I hope that helps

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I saw that map shortly after I started mine. I haven't even downloaded it. I don't want anyone accusing me of stealing ideas. ;)


I had most of those pics, but that one of the deckgun was pretty cool.


As for the in-game shots, I want to finish mapping, texture it, then I'll get some screenies for ya.


For now, here's another radiant shot of the barge. I've got the handrails all in, and the little private cabin in the rear.

Also, you can see the box on the deck that leads to the stairs below. I'm going to make it solid to start with, and if the framerates are okay, I'll map the interior. I've left it hollow, so it will be very easy to map the interior if I feel that I can. ;)

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The whole thing was done by hand. All the curves were done by hand, I even thickened some of them by hand. The terrain (that's not a patch mesh) was made brush by brush.


Here's the latest pic of the sail barge, w/ it's Sail and mast. I'm about ready to start texturing, but I REALLY need some sleep. :D






I'm starting to get worried... I'm using A LOT of patch meshes.

I'm anxious to compile, and see what happens.

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NOOO Must not sleep!!! Must texture map and keep adding on!!



btw its looking real good


im curious if your gonna have more than 1 texure of the outide of the barge. I ask b/c i know there are diff materials on the barge like for example the top side part of the sail barge has a rusty grey color and the exterior of the observation level has a rusty redish-brown color.


Thats just from looking at some of the pics i found.


What are your plans for the textures of the barge? (all parts)

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Well, as you might have seen w/ my Skiff in-game shot that I released, ( http://home.attbi.com/~davidcrivera/images/jk2skiff.jpg ) I like to texture things as accurately as possible, even if it means making new textures.

I think texturing is very important. I hate to see maps that are all one texture. It's very... newbieish. ;)


It looks like I'll have to make about 4 new textures. One sail texture, and the rest will be for the barge body. They'll probably be the same base texture, but I add shading to make them look like the different parts. I need one for the lower armor plating, the the section w/ the windows that flip open, and one for the windows that are slitted like blinds. I hope that makes sense.


Those are the textures I think I will have to create. The rest should be okay using JK2 textures. :)


Hopefully I'll have an in-game shot of the barge by tommorrow.


Thanks for all the support, guys. :)

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Well, I have seen a similar map already done. 2 skiffs (two small, 1 big) and a sailbarge over the sarlaac. To succeed that one, you must texture like mad, make it so you can enter the big sailbarge other then just sit on top of it and look at its gun. The gun needs to look good as well. Dont forget the spikes all over the Sarlaac pit and (if going by the special editions) the big mouth and tongue that just kinda sway there. This could be turned (or adapted) to a multiplayer map that starts with a cutscene where luke about to get executed, you take Hans place, and lando never falls in. Only prob would be getting a bobafett because modeling is pretty hard.


Anyway I am about to start into my own little project that I will prolly need some pointers on as well called the Ewok Villiage and once I get beyond learning how to edit I will post a similar thread (if you didnt notice that was aimed at mister 007 hoping for some tips or something.)

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