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WIP >>>> Great Pit of Carkoon...

Cmdr. Antilles

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You guys want the horrible, horrible truth?




I have a lot of trouble mapping things that I come up with myself.

The only things I have no trouble mapping are things that I have either pictures of or schematics. Think about it:


In a couple of days, I had the Barge, Skiff, and Pit all built, because I had pictures and plans of them. Then, on the part where I have to use my imagination and build something (the terrain), I'm stuck for a couple of days...


See? It's not good, and this is the reason a lot of maps I made in the past got about 70% done, then were ditched. :(


So this last part, the terrain, is really throwing me for a loop... I have to really struggle to get anything worth mapping.


Hope you guys understand.


I really appreciate all the nice comments, though, and I know that a lot of people are looking foward to my map, so I WON'T QUIT. It just may take a while.


I hope you undestand. :)

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How will people get from the Barge, to the Skiff? I was thinking it would be cool if there was some kind of catapult thing on each to shoot you acroos over the pit.:D It would add some danger.:D


And on that pic of the sarlacc it looked about half the size it sould be.

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Originally posted by Cmdr. Antilles

I have a lot of trouble mapping things that I come up with myself.

You know, that's exactly opposite of me! I have alot of trouble making levels where I need to follow a set path. I need to be able to comprimise and modify. However when I get done with my Mimban Temple levels, I will get to work on the original JK1 mp levels. I'll try anyway...




btw, WIP?





:bdroid1: Roger Roger

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Im just trying to figure out a way to help you along yet i know nothing of radiant or anything, but if you want, i can try to draw something where i see the inside of the barge.


let me get to work on that

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Yeah, let me see that. :)



Grets Sirob - WIP = Work In Progress


Darkhold X - There's this little thing called force jump. ;)

And the pit may be a little small... but I think it will do.


It was hard to judge scale from the pics I had.


And I know it's basically just dunes around there, but I can't have it go on forever. ;)

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I have been away for a while now and wanted to say how impressed I am with this. I hope you will be as impressed with what I've been doing. :)


Let's just say I'm ready to return the favor on the prefab you gave me. I'll email you on or about sunday with a little surprise. ;)


I have the same issue with "dunes" and anything that isn't already schema-ed, fyi. It sucks. :(



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Looking great! got a few questions...


2. How bad are the frame rates?

3. Can we please see more screens? I like pretty stuff =P

4. Any ETA on release? If you need any help with finding more info I am sure that I and the other followers of this map would be glad to help...

5. Not really a question, but you rule.

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