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Yoda Model!


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*laughs* I'm sorry about that. I SOOO left this huge welt on his back...I am the Queen of Tall Smacking ;) But anyway...I'm going to agree with what people have said...have respect for somebody that is doing something for you, for FREE. Good GAD, you'd think that respect still exists, even in THIS world. There MUST be some SOMEWHERE. ;) I've got loads of it for Kinja and the other modelers.

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Originally posted by Dark Cloak

*laughs* I'm sorry about that. I SOOO left this huge welt on his back...I am the Queen of Tall Smacking ;) But anyway...I'm going to agree with what people have said...have respect for somebody that is doing something for you, for FREE. Good GAD, you'd think that respect still exists, even in THIS world. There MUST be some SOMEWHERE. ;) I've got loads of it for Kinja and the other modelers.


Point is, hes absolutely right and so are you... Whats the point of even releasing an incomplete piece of work when everyones just gonna have to switch to the final release anyway?

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Shouldn't even ever HAVE to switch. Why even download it in the first place? And by the way, that unfinished model is being hosted somewhere on a server at the University of Buffalo. Just thought ya'll might like to know. Easy to figure out. Heh. I don't know how that dude got into college (if that's the case)...well, okay, it's possible he/she only acts like this on the net (which is STILL sad)...but I doubt it. Anyway, I'm being called to come to bed. ;)...goodnight.

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tru_weed smoka is in college? how the #### did that happen? and out of curiosity may i see the ####ty yoda model that cock smoka released? by the way kman the esb looks pretty good cept his skin is a little more greenish. right now yoda looks like he's about to puke. Don't flame me for that just givin constructive criticism, and if we're lucky tru_cock_smoka has been banned because he hasn't been posting anything recently.

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Beautiful work kman! Beautiful!


I just want to offer some constructive crit: Have you considered centering his pupils just slightly more?

Centering the iris and pupils may just lend a greater sense of wisdom to him.

The eyes look close to being cross-eyed; I know they're not.

It looks like you positioned them to look at the likely straight-on position of his opponent, which is a good idea, I just wondered if you had considered this, or if the way they are really looks better in action.


Great, Great Job all around!


Thank you for the work. Many of us truly appreciate it.






Wow, I just noticed the hair! Nice going! :D

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I would like to state that:


One: Patience is a healthy thing.

Two: Perfection is something we strive for.

Three: Yoda is not required for enjoyment of JK2.


That being said Let's all be patient and wait for all the Skinners to achive perfection. No pressure. Take your time. Have fun.

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Now that is GREAT WORK Kman! you rule!


but, as always, a quick note on the red/blue version. I think they both would look better with the inner tunic colored white instead of brown (perhaps dark-grey on the red version).


anyhow, that's still great work!

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I've been messing recently with the scaling capability for smaller/bigger models.. Theres a little problem with the one in JediMOD. For the disruptor, when you're in 3rd person, and lets say at yoda's scale (0.6), thedisruptor comes from the point where it would be normally (1.0). When you're lets say at wookie's scale (1.3), it comes from where it would be normally as well (1.0). I am working on this problem in my version of JediMOD (basically a combination between JediMOD, JK2++ and some of my own work), and it should be out at the same time the final version of yoda comes out..


I am gonna need some help on the name for this mod however, so if anyone has any suggestions, please post them!

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Great work Kman... Glad to see a proper contribution to this thread. I think you might have finally got the hair just right aswell !!! I personally can't see any problems with those skins except for iTeM's point about the inner tunic, which on the red and blue versions look a bit strange, not that I'm pretending to be a fashion expert or anything! Minor point though, and it's your skin, so it's up to you really. I would certainly download it as it is!

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sweet models and skins ! ive just got jk2 and ever since fell in love with it :D and thx to u modelers (namely kinja, sithlord II and acro)ive even bought my own 3ds max and started looking for tutorials to make my own models :p im new to the 3d world so might take sometime cuz im a prof 2d gfx designer :p

this is amazing great work! i wish i had the skills! ive also been waiting but im patient and i wont rush anyone :D

and also is it possible to get sithlord II back? his work was so great too


but one big question that noone has ever been able to answer? y exactly do u have to draw the yoda skin? cant u just use real pictures to skin him? im a modeling newbie so pls forgive me if this is a stupid question

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ok sorry for not posting in a while. anyway my skins are done (as you all know) and have been sent off to sithlord... expect mister yoda soon.


kman: the ESB skin rocks balls! However the crit about it being to dark is right... you need to make him more blue also as he is a dying pea. anyway GREAT work as always dude.



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