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Yoda Model!


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He has one but you're partly right, it's actually supposed to be underneath his outer cloak (in Ep 2, he opens his cloak and Force pulls the lightsaber into his hand from it's position on his belt).


So howsabout it Kinja, can you adjust it so the outer cloak goes over the belt? :)



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Ok Arco, I just have one more change. I'm going to make the belt to be under the robe and after that I will send it to you later tonight. Thx for your patience:)


And I think I'm going to make him a little taller in the area from his feet to his belt. What do you people think on that?

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Well, since there looks like there is gonna be quite a few skinners lined up to do yoda, maybe we should set out a list of what each of us are going to do. Hopefully that will reduce confusion.


Also, for the animations, can't you scale the skeleton down to the size of the model? I'm not sure on how the skeletal animation works with JK, but it seems like it sould be done.

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I'm definetily concerned about the size issue but frankly , I'm not even there yet in the project so when I get there, I'll keep you all informed as to whats going on, and maybe I'll be askin for some help.:)

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I agree that best option for Multiplayer (at least for now) would be the floating chair. Since Yoda's arms can't be as long as the regular skeleton either, I would say make invisible arms, too, have him weild his lightsaber with the Force :) It might make for a solution until the resizing thing can be addressed (if it ever is :)



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er you guys are really gonna have to wait. i need to find somebody to uv the damn thing as the one kinja sent me has no uv maps... and without them i am in the **** and I can't make em... anyone willing to help me... cheshire maybe you?????

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I really don't know if he will be floating or not. Me and my crew will access the situation when we get to it and either way it will be done correctly before it is released. Hopfully Raven will help us out abit:)

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have you ever thought of sending the finished yoda model to raven?some people did before the GDK was released, and raven put their models into the game and tested the GDK with them.

maybe they will help you to get the skeleton right for MP.

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