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Is useing a scipt cheating?


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Honor LOL A game is nothing but a game and if you want to go around calling people cheaters for kicking your ass (Like everyone has done before) The point it this The more you bitc* about this the less time you got to play so just play the way you do and get over what everyone elts dose.


i'm glad you think that way. give us those scripts so we can cheat too and not take this game too seriously. who needs skill when you can download a file that makes you a winner? share this file with us so that we can all see our nicks at the top of the list when the game ends.


will you? of course not. people cheat so they can win, because they cant or wont take the short amount of time they need to gain some real skill. but they still NEED to win for some reason, not like the rest of us who play the game because its fun. they laugh at people who take a little time to get good at a game and make fun of them because they take it too seriously.


sorry to disappoint you but you're the one taking this game too seriously. you're the one who has to win show everyone how cool you are, we couldnt care less. sure its fun to win but thats all it is to us. fun. nothing to cry about or search for a fake way to be better than everyone else. just play and enjoy. you should try it sometime.

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by the way, i'm talking about the kind of cheating that goes on in games like counter strike, where you can shoot 20 people in the head and stand in one place, behind any wall in the game. it doesnt sound like binding a special move or whatever you call it to make things a little bit easier is too bad, unless it'll ALWAYS take a binded key a second to execute the move when it takes 3 seconds for someone to do it manually. and someone said that if you tap the mouse button fast enough in a saber lock you'll still beat a guy with that script, but again if that isnt true then using that script is cheating.

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But "Master Guru" laughs at the word "Honor" hmm. Good luck in life with that way of thinking "MG"...

Well for one I and a fauther of a 4 yr old son, maried for 7 years, CEO of a business called Guru Enterprises (www.guru-enterprises.com ) Also Partners in a business called Pc Alterations (http://www.pcalterations.com ) (Redoing the site so it is not all the way up right now) So as for life It has been dam good to me so far what about you? :D


As for

give us those scripts so we can cheat too and not take this game too seriously. who needs skill when you can download a file that makes you a winner? share this file with us so that we can all see our nicks at the top of the list when the game ends.


What scripts? Only thing i ask for is the command for the conf file to bind 2 keys into one You might want to get it right next time.


And for your info Guess what I have learned in life? It is a doggy dog world and also life is a bitch so live it to the fullest and if anyone out there wants to cheat (Binding a keys is not) Then more power to them just makes a new chalange in the game to beat a person with a advantage.

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If you guys want to see cheating go play Red Faction sometime. CS and Q3 dont even come close to the crap that goes on in that game. Every game has some sort of quirk or configuration that is useful. A skilled player will either use it to his advantage or work around it. The choice is yours. You can be skilled if you use it and skilled if you dont. Dont make me post all the RF bugs in this forum that some people consider cheats. IMHO its all part of the game. If you can easily change a file with a text editor, then the developers probably meant for you to do it, but if you have to use an sdk or some other program to do modify it, then you are making a MOD. If you are using a mod on a server when other people are not then you are cheating.

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The biggest problem I see with scripting is that it basically screws non-jedi. There are absolutely no benefits that scripting can provide for a non-jedi. I suppose I could create a detonator pack or mine laying script for my non-jedi, but is it going to give me an advantage or save my a$$ against a pull+backstab or pull+DFA script?

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And for your info Guess what I have learned in life? It is a doggy dog world and also life is a bitch so live it to the fullest and if anyone out there wants to cheat (Binding a keys is not) Then more power to them just makes a new chalange in the game to beat a person with a advantage.


ok...first this is just a game and we should take it seriously, then all of a sudden its a fight to survive and stepping on each other to get to high places is something we should get used to. make up your mind, should we take this game seriously or not?


Only thing i ask for is the command for the conf file to bind 2 keys into one You might want to get it right next time.


isnt that the same thing as a script? i guess i could just go into the console and type /bind key this +this, but i could open up a script and make the samething happen. sorry for the big word, i really should keep everyone's i.q. in mind when i post messages.


i'm glad life's treating you well. you might want to hire someone to edit and proofread your posts before something like this happens again.

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simple truth.. raven made the game scriptable.. im sure they knew what they were doing.. it will help us to modify the game.. thats right.. there are no game laws broken, scripted moves are easy to detect and just as easy to avoid.. stop whining about things you have no control over... call it a day and move on to the next server... because yes a spammed move is stupid and lame.. but deal with it.. as i said in an earlier post.. humans as by nature dictates that we find the easiest solution to a problem.. if those keys are too much for you to use then by all means script.. infact.. as soon as i find it im going to get a saber lock script because im tired of wearing out my mouse button.. stop whining this thread is old news.. an old bitch.. focus on other more positive aspects of the game.. and if you cant do that then why play if you have no fun?


just stop the cryin

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I'm glad that your life is good. But don't teach your four children that honor means nothing!


As for my life, it's had it's ups and downs. I'm the Owner of a reg. appaloosa horse ranch (as a hobby) and a very loved grand father... (with five children, and four grandkids...)


I just don't like anyone laughing at the word "HONOR" it means a lot to those of us that know the meaning of the word!




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Honor rocks.


Honor is why I dont use scripted moves.

Honor is why I bow.

Honor is why I act chivalrous in life.

Honor is why I NEVER AWP in CS...only scout.


Honor is good stuff.


Bad news is that most people dont have honor...wankers.

they are the ones who script.


while it may be lame, it is still OK.


Just makes it that much sweeter when we OWN THEIR SKANKY BEHINDS!

w00t to honor!



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I'm glad that your life is good. But don't teach your four children that honor means nothing!


First off I said i have one 4 year old not 4

#2 Honor in a game is pointless, What will you gane from it? nothing. A game last's what 20 min adv then it is done. And if farming is what you like to do go for it been there done that will never do it agien.


But that the question is not about honor. It is about binding 2 keys into one. nothing more


And for the responce editing a conf file with any txt editer is in no way a script it is part of the game fool. and what do you thank CONF means?

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Well it's gotten to name calling now?


Again all I have to say is that I don't agree with "HACKING" binding keys to create a key map is not Hacking. Scripting intricate multikey moves is...


If someone calls them self a "Master Guru" thinks that "Hacking" is just fine! So be it, but you are no master that I'd ever follow down the hall way let alone to lead me in the ways of gaming!!!!


And you are correct, I miss read your post about how many kids you have. But I did notice that you can't spell. Father not Fauther! ;)


~Nomad~ OUT


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But I did notice that can't spell. Father not Fauther!




i thank it is (But I did notice that you can't spell. Father is how it is spelled not Fauther!)




I am done talking about this, We all have our own opinion and we are NOT gitting anywhere.


And it is also MasterGuru not Master Guru ( But to you it is (Daddy) :D Or when you reply to me it is Oh Yes Maser (Not Master but Maser)

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So the noob's can read what is going in the game. A lot them are not getting a good welcome to the MP portion of the, and are getting their arses handed to them instead of being taught by the "Vetrans" of MP as it should be...

:( This is not the way that it should be!!!


You "Vets" were new a month ago too. So why not help the newbies out to learn from your experience instead of taking advantage of them?


~Nomad WR~


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I think n0bs need to be kept away from threads like this.


Until we can convince them not to spam scripted moves.


Until we train them properly, they are loose cannons who may do lame ass stuff.



w00t to me! Pit droid baybee!



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If your scripting your cheating... after all your one step from botting. Botters hack the game is that okay? Scripting is hacking the game right? Different but the same!


Script-kiddies are lame in the real world and in the game world.


If you have to script to do a move, what point is there in playing? Unless you like drama in which case go be an actor and let people have fun. You guys kill any kind of interest any n00b would have for the game. In which you will eventually be playing by yourselves. Have fun cause I know I'm real close to shutting my server down because of you lamerZ. UT2003 all the way baby!!!



Dont have skillz dont play.



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Originally posted by zenroth

Thats a flawed concept Nomad since weve already payed for the game we own it. Thats like saying I cant take apart my ford 351 engine and bore the cylinders and put larger pistons in it , further more they choose the quake 3 engine which if you know anything about quake history every quake engine has had scripting support and it was left open on purpose.


I think there should be more options to police from the server side. In your analogy, you can supe up your car. That doesn't mean it is going to be allowed at ANY race/dragrace.


That's like saying in Nascar, they can ignore the guidelines, because they CAN add the power to the engine. (I'm not a car guy, but it's not difficult to see the point)


Someone mentioned "hardwired" into the game. I can mod the game with C++, etc.. Something was built in, but not everyone has access too.


Also, cheats (helpmeobi 1) and such are "hardwired" into the game. But thank god the server has CONTROL over that!!!


The hardwired theory doesn't hold either.


Finally, go ask the Dev team. "Hey, did you intend for us to script for saberblocking so we can kick out in 2 seconds?"


What do you think they'd say?


Ultimately though, even if you removed it from jedi, controllers like the "nostromo" (http://www.belkin.com) offers scripting on the controller level.


Guns don't kill people, people do.

Scripts don't ruin games, it's the people who abuse them.

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Hey NomadWR! Brings back the good ole' days of MPBT, dosn't it?


First off, I have to agree with swiftey, about the only way not to get accused of cheating is to lose. I happen to be VERY good at the DFA and others, to the point were it sounds Like I would be accused of scripting.


Secondly, scripting is not at everyones finger tips. I know alot of people who enjoy playing this game, but whose eyes would glaze over if you tried to explain what it was. Computers don't come easy to everyone.


And thirdly, if honor meant nothing, there would be no saber duel.


Now, is it cheating. Yes, but not for the reasons dicussed earlier, as good as most of them were. Take the CD, load the game, and use the control panel to make what changes it allows. Anything else is altering the game and, by definition, is cheating, unless all involved are aware and o.k. with it. You are allowed to map keys to a certain extent, but to say having a jump button is no different than having an alteration to the game to allow you to pull of an instant move is absurd. It is different. If Raven had intended you to be able to "map" a complex move to ONE key, they would not have made the move complex, and they would have added that as an option right along with choosing a saber color. Just because scripting is simple to some and accessable to all dosn't change the fact that droping into a game with a distorted program desighned to give you an advantage IS cheating. It dosn't matter if it isn't much of an advantage, or if scripting can be beaten by mad skills. It's the inherent dishonesty. And going on and on that it isn't a cheat if it's so simple is an excuse only worthy of lawyers.


If you cannot play by the rules set out, why are you playing? The entire point of "mapping" ourselves into a collective set of rules is to test ourselves and our opponents on equal ground, and have fun. Scripting makes both experiences pointless, especially the fun part, as is made obvious by the hackles raised on both sides of this thread.


Now if you want to play on an open server, you just have to deal and be better than the scripter, no arguements. Thats why I don't play with strangers.:D

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The trouble with scripting is that not all scripts are the ones people complain about. Hosts need scripts to more easily run their games. Many scripts are useful but don't change gameplay or only do client side stuff, like the cg draw fps and key binds, etc.


I don't consider mapping your force powers to hot keys instead of cycling through them (or your items) but granted, you can do that in the in-game menus without touching the console.


I figure if Raven didn't want us to use scripts, they would have put in a checkbox that would only allow the host to use scripts, or block all of a certain type of script in MP.

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You know guys Im just sayin in regards to you morality issues wether or not to use scripts. It is just a game what are you talking about is it morally right?!?! Its just a game its made to have fun, not to be discussed upon for 90 some posts. This entire post is like watchin some peoples court or judge judy. you guys are bickering like little kids (with slightly larger vocabularies). Dont yall think yer time would be better spent playin the game instead of talkin bout it. Hell the only reason im not playing it right now is because Im the last person in the US that still has a 56k (kickass computer though). So I dont even embarass myself trying to play on the internet anymore, and the bots you can only kill 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000, times so i figure id hit the forums. anywho thats my little bit.

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you just do it in notepad, its just a stirng of text commands.

no software required.



The issue of cheating (not conceding my point that scripts are legal) is an important one, and every attempt should be made to keep it out of the game.

This is a discussion of alleged cheating, and as such it remains important that we dont ignore it.




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In reallity there aren't moves that can't be done easily. I have 99% success in every move I do and after all with scripting you don't have full control. Some Good players may use Scripts but the Expert should not because they need to have full control.


Just look at Quake3. There were many scripts but none really got useful. Newbies started to like the one button rocket jump but later they saw than it is performed better when it is done completely manualy.


Whatever it is useful or not it is considered cheating because this is not meant in the game.

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My opinion


Scripting is an unfair advantage, 100% success in doing combos (blue lunge and more).

scripting to taunts and quick change to a saber style and so on is ok.


Where goes the thin line between "none cheating scripts" and "cheat scripts"??


When you bind a button to perform more than one move it's a "cheat script", and not how the game is supposed to be played.

(eg a script that changes to blue stance and performs the blue lunge)


using "cheat scripts" as _I_ call them, is a sign of lack of true skill.

You can bind the rocket launcher to a button, so you walk around with your lightsaber, and with a press of a button it changes to the rocket launcher, fires a shoot, and changes back to the saber.

That means the opponent has about 1 second to force pull your gun away. Is that a cheat script?


You can bind a button to kick, that way noone _without_ the kick-script will EVER beat you if both are running towards each other trying to kick. Is that fair? Is that a cheat script?


Face it, binding is ok as long it's only to _one_ command.

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