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Just beat single player


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JO is the best SP FPS I've ever played, and I've played them all. From wretched garbage like "Powerslave" & "ZPC", to the great's like HL & NOLF, & JO is the simply best IMO.


I would really like to see more positive posts about this game, especially the SP portion. I'm sick of wading through 4000 word, sophmoric "essays" on "Why I think the patch sucks" or "Why Raven sucks". Some people here really have an over-inflated sense of self importance. It's getting tiresome. :(



Thanks Raven!!! :D

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i am 28 and dont really play games any more. Its been ages since i played a game from when i got in from work till 2am (last night!).


I am well into SW and someone recommended this to me. A few years ago i was an avo Team fortress player and since then nothing has grabbed me.


I am on Level 16 and am loving every minute. I dont know if i am looking forward to online multilayer, but i will give it a go once i have completed it - dunno of i am up for newbie bashing and ppl bending the rules of the game to win rather than enjoy - i find that a little imature.


key bindings are a bit harsh now i have lots of force powers but experimenting is fun.


The poeple who slag off Raven etc are nobs00kaz, if you dont like it, dont play it - or go out and see friends.



This is the best game i have ever played (and that includes the 3 months of my life i gave to Planetarion - theives/pirates season).






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