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I won't buy JK2!!!


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I've been playing counterstrike for about a year, 3 or more hours a day. I loved the balance of the game and had no complaints. Then the new 1.4 patch came out and found myself loosing interest in it quickly. The balance that had been strived for through out the betas was totally lost. Counter-strike was horribly NERFED for newer players. All the tricks skilled players used were gone. No stealth, no quick use of grenades or pistols, no planting bombs in hidden places. Crouch plus spray and pray is now all that counter-strike is.


After looking around at several engines and many mods and retail games I found JK2. I loved the concept and thought the game was very balanced and required attention to skill. When I downloaded the recent JK2 demo I beat it in all skill levels using both light and yellow stances.


I have spent hours on the demo and loved every second of the gameplay. I realized the full retail offered so much more and I honestly hate single player games.


I planned on purchasing JK2 as soon as possible (pay day), but I am turned off after reading the posts on all of the JK2 forums I can find.


It seems Raven has self destucted the balance the skill players loved so much. They NERFED the multiplayer for new players. They did exactly what Valve did.


I really feel your pain guys. I really wish I would have purchased this game a while ago. Hopefully a balanced saber mod will come out for multi player.


Now I understand that I have never played the multiplayer yet so I must not know what I'm talking about. Right? Well thats true. But I am a very serious gamer who does his homework. I have spent HOURS reading all of the strategy guides, patch change guides, studied the affect on the competitve community, and listened to every complaint AND defense.


After hours of studying anything I could find in writing, I choose to wait for a new patch that returns the balance so many skillful players raved about. I'll wait for either an official patch or a balanced saber mod.


What a shame. I was looking for just such a game. Not to mention the fact that I'm a star wars fanatic. Saw the original return of the jedi in the movie theater.


I just would rather wait it out than hate another game company. Why do game companies show such a lack of vision not to capitalize on multiplayer gameplay by creating and promoting in depth gameplay balance. This does not mean nerf every option untill they are all even. Multi player games need to require skill to get even one kill.


Nerfing real people is like turning them into single player game bots. I refuse to play bots or single player games. I only get a thrill from stalking and killing actual players with human logic, planning, movement, and skill.


Raven please take note of Valve and learn from their mistakes. CS lost 35% of its servers after the last patch. (23,000 to about 14,000)There are just to many good games out there right now to goof up a patch and still keep servers and players.


I'll seriously reconsider this purchase after hearing about a new patch that the skilled online players say is perfectly balance. I need to hear about awsome, balanced gameplay on every forum I see before I make the purchase.


Thank you for your time if you had the attention span to read this post, Gadget.


BTW this is a jk2 forum NOT a csfanboy forum so if your gunna flame atleast talk about JK2 not cs.

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Ya know, I dont think people realize that you dont have to patch the game......


I would agree with Nerfyoda, though, dont take them that seriously. I mean, really, do you actually place any weight on HenryChans argument? ;) He talked a good yarn, but just didnt have it.


The people who are propatch are usually out playing the game. The antipatchers either have nothing better to do or went in to play, got mad cuz their l33t DFA spam didnt work or they got backstabbed, leave, and come out here and bitch.



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I may be wrong but I think he is saying he is looking for cheats so he can claim to be the greatest player on the net.


That was the problem with CS...it was never intended to bunny hop all over the screen but it did and it stunk. At least the 1.4 is playable expcet for the lame cheaters.:vadar:

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Hey spy catcher, please try not to assume anything about me. I think the strafe jumping speed exploit was very unbalancing to the game. It created a huge rift in gameplay balance by screwing over the choke points in the first rush. Although it was a difficult move to pull off and may have required skill, it still hurt the balance of the game. Choke points and rush timing were the core of how maps were created. The bunny jumping strafe speed exploit hurt the balance of every map. The new method of jump restriction has the same affect but much slower. The old maps weren't designed for the new method. I'm not saying it shouldn't have been regulated at all.


Lets try to keep this forum on JK2!!!


I'm interested what you all have to say about the game post patch! Everything I know about post patch came from strategy guides at http://www.jediknightii.net/ by Artifex.


Please explain his indepth review of the strategies post patch concerning the force and the saber.


I don't mind hearing from JK2fanboys, I can sort through true post patch fans and jk2fanboys, but you csfanboys can go some place else. This is a JK2 forum, lets talk about JK2 post patch and why you think it the game play is balanced or totally screwed compared to before the patch.


Please help me and others who have not made the purchase yet understand why professional websites and fans say this patch hurts gameplay especially in league play. Why would obviously skilled and knowledgable gamers write and publish these statements? Thanks, Gadget.


BTW- I hope for all of you that this community isn't turning into the community I just left. But after reading a few posts I felt like I was on a different forum with a new layout and boarder color.

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for the most part i like the new patch. yes they went overboard in a few areas and there are saber damage and issues with it registering. but i like the new saber battles taking longer, its now more in your face fighting rather than the joust like running swings. but the sabers do need to be powered back up somewhat.


there are some new and old bugs still there in single and mulit. and backspin spammers need to be dealt with. some have scripts or something that auto turns them 180 degrees or something.



but if you really don't want to play multi, single player is well worht the buy imo.

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I have read all of the whining about the newest patch and I think it is kind of pathetic. Raven has made an incredible Star Wars game. Most of the gripes relate to certain tactics that sound really cheap to me. I have owned the game since the first day out and I don't mind the changes. Alot of the people posting negative comments about the patch act like they are jedi masters. If you claim to be such a great player, then adapt to the changes and show everyone how masterful you really are. I think all the complainers should think about how JK2 is the closest thing to living your jedi knight fantasy and be thankful Raven really did a great job.

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Originally posted by Vestril


Raven is ugly?...


I always thought they were kind of sleek...I like birds


actually I was referring to the original poster... like why go through all this trouble to tell us he isn't going to buy the game? oh boy

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Originally posted by hug-da

I have read all of the whining about the newest patch and I think it is kind of pathetic. Raven has made an incredible Star Wars game. Most of the gripes relate to certain tactics that sound really cheap to me. I have owned the game since the first day out and I don't mind the changes. Alot of the people posting negative comments about the patch act like they are jedi masters. If you claim to be such a great player, then adapt to the changes and show everyone how masterful you really are. I think all the complainers should think about how JK2 is the closest thing to living your jedi knight fantasy and be thankful Raven really did a great job.


I think a lot of people who whine are idiots. I think a lot of people who whine about whiners are idiots.


I think that there are a lot of problems with the latest patch. It significantly changed the way the game played out, and for me it made MP Dueling really boring. Attack/block attack/block--it doesn't matter how much thought you put into your attacks, they get blocked unless you manage to get your saber in in that microsecond that they can't block.


It is smarter to twirl around randomly than it is to move in and out and wait for them to attack so that you can get a hit in. There is no skill, no real swordfighting feel to it. Before it was not technically a lot like a genuinely like swordfighting, but it was mentally a lot like it, it was a game of luring your opponent to move his lightsaber out of the way so you could hit him. Now if he moves his saber out of the way he can still miracle block it.


If you play the smarter way you get the same results, but it takes a lot longer and is utterly repetitive. It's nice that you enjoy the patch, it really is, but a lot of people out there absolutely hate it, and if Raven doesn't do some more tweaking they are utterly irresponsible and ignorant of their community. I am not suggesting a return to 1.02, just that the game just switched who it pissed off, instead of making real progress.

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This goes to Vestril.


No offense but your whining about a whiner whining, so technically your calling yourself an idiot. So your philosphy can't be used well.


anyways. I REALLY enjoy the new patch. It really gets rid of all those DFA people. Also, it really has rid the people who try to do any cheap move just to kill someone. i really enjoy duels that take longer also. It is that much closer to the movies and they said they made it MORE like single player. That is why there is all that blocking. Also, if you don't like the patch. DON'T install it. No one is forcing you too. and i say good day to you, the bell just rang for me to go to 3rd period.

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The people who are propatch are usually out playing the game. The antipatchers either have nothing better to do or went in to play, got mad cuz their l33t DFA spam didnt work or they got backstabbed, leave, and come out here and bitch


This is just gross generalisation of the same kind I've read since the day 1.03 was released. Not a day goes by that I don't play an hour of JO. I didn't spam the DFA before the patch, and I try not to spam the backswing now. I win almost every game I play. There are plenty of people on these forums, who, like Gadget, dislike 1.03's effect on the game and make lucid, well observed complaints about it. We do that, so that Raven can hear our collective voice, just like they heard all YOUR voices, when you asked them for SP sabre combat in MP, and drain/heal-nerfage. The "j00 just wh1n0rz!!!11" response we receive from some of you is laughable, petty, immature and hypocritical since a lot of you were "whining" about the game pre-patch. Just be mature, can't you all?

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I am a veteran fps player from the Quake, QuakeII, and QuakeII days. This fps is just like any other game, if you have skills to learn and adapt to a gaming enviornment, you will be able to find your own balance and a skillset to rack up many deserved kills.


I use both the 1.02 and the 1.03 patch for this game. Both versions are slightly unique, and I have adapted to both of them and I accept them for their faults, and their stengths.


It appears to me that most (not all mind you) whining comes from those that cannot instantly became great at what they want to accomplish. It is true that the transition from 1.02 to 1.03 is a slightly rough one, only for those that do not want to take the time to adapt to its new play style.


I say give it a try, because you will never know if you like it or not just by reading threads on boards and FAQ guides. It is fact, that I, somone very fond of fps games, loves this game. What if I turned my head to this game because of things that I have read? I would have missed out on something that I love.


That is all.



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Well acutally the dueling is quite good, rxcept for ass fighters and throw. the ctf and guns have been knocked off balance but otherwise Dueling is fine. IMO if you get a server with decent peps(no spammers). And i find it good that DFA is ogne with it's eaisness. Backstab was alwyas there jsut thta no one spammed it tho. Guns are now pretty weak tho.

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Originally posted by Locke101

This goes to Vestril.


No offense but your whining about a whiner whining, so technically your calling yourself an idiot. So your philosphy can't be used well.


anyways. I REALLY enjoy the new patch. It really gets rid of all those DFA people. Also, it really has rid the people who try to do any cheap move just to kill someone. i really enjoy duels that take longer also. It is that much closer to the movies and they said they made it MORE like single player. That is why there is all that blocking. Also, if you don't like the patch. DON'T install it. No one is forcing you too. and i say good day to you, the bell just rang for me to go to 3rd period.


I'm sorry, you need to go back and read what I said. I did not call you an idiot, nor was I implying that you were an idiot. When I say 'a lot' I mean just that, a lot--not all. I was merely arguing that there are people on both sides of the issue were stupid.


I installed the patch because it adds support to the game. It fixes certain bug issues and balance issues. A lot of it makes sense. I've said before that going back to 1.02 is not the answer--that's what I thought at first myself.


All of that blocking does not make the game more interesting IMO, because it just 'happens' there is no skill to blocking, just face the other person and you can't be hit by either light or medium styles. Something is wrong with that, you must agree.


It appears to me that most (not all mind you) whining comes from those that cannot instantly became great at what they want to accomplish. It is true that the transition from 1.02 to 1.03 is a slightly rough one, only for those that do not want to take the time to adapt to its new play style.


I just wanted to give the flip side of the perspective. I would say that I adapted very quickly to 1.03--I am basically as good as I ever was (albeit for a shorter length of time since I get bored a lot faster). Most of my issues with the game have been shown as admin errors (like NF Saber throw...), but now I'm left with the fact that I just don't have fun with the game.


It really just bores me after a while, and it disheartens me because back in the old days my competition was the people who used yellow and red, and used timing and sidestepping to break through my defenses and hit me just as I ran up to hit them (old days...so very long ago--lol). Now my biggest competitors spin like tops at random and land hits because my timing was a little off. If I was content to stand there and keep myself facing them, and just dodge the occasionaly lunge and backstab--they wouldn't be able to hurt me at all!! I doubt these people would even try to switch to heavy stance, the only attack capable of breaking defenses.


I am glad that I bought this game, I enjoyed it--but if this is the last of Ravens support for this game then it will be the last of their games I buy.

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Originally posted by Agen_Terminator

You forget they odn't block when they are firing or doing something stupid.


No, I don't. It just happens that the period of time that they aren't blocking, and the area in which they are 'open' are too short and apparently have little to do with where the saber is, respectively.


Believe it or not, I have faith that Raven will patch these mistakes, and reduce blocking to a more reasonable rate--it's just that if they don't I will be very dissapointed...and if they don't patch it at all...bah

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Originally posted by G0G0GadgetForce

I've been playing counterstrike for about a year, 3 or more hours a day. I loved the balance of the game and had no complaints. Then the new 1.4 patch came out and found myself loosing interest in it quickly. The balance that had been strived for through out the betas was totally lost. Counter-strike was horribly NERFED for newer players. All the tricks skilled players used were gone. No stealth, no quick use of grenades or pistols, no planting bombs in hidden places. Crouch plus spray and pray is now all that counter-strike is.


After looking around at several engines and many mods and retail games I found JK2. I loved the concept and thought the game was very balanced and required attention to skill. When I downloaded the recent JK2 demo I beat it in all skill levels using both light and yellow stances.


I have spent hours on the demo and loved every second of the gameplay. I realized the full retail offered so much more and I honestly hate single player games.


I planned on purchasing JK2 as soon as possible (pay day), but I am turned off after reading the posts on all of the JK2 forums I can find.


It seems Raven has self destucted the balance the skill players loved so much. They NERFED the multiplayer for new players. They did exactly what Valve did.


I really feel your pain guys. I really wish I would have purchased this game a while ago. Hopefully a balanced saber mod will come out for multi player.


Now I understand that I have never played the multiplayer yet so I must not know what I'm talking about. Right? Well thats true. But I am a very serious gamer who does his homework. I have spent HOURS reading all of the strategy guides, patch change guides, studied the affect on the competitve community, and listened to every complaint AND defense.


After hours of studying anything I could find in writing, I choose to wait for a new patch that returns the balance so many skillful players raved about. I'll wait for either an official patch or a balanced saber mod.


What a shame. I was looking for just such a game. Not to mention the fact that I'm a star wars fanatic. Saw the original return of the jedi in the movie theater.


I just would rather wait it out than hate another game company. Why do game companies show such a lack of vision not to capitalize on multiplayer gameplay by creating and promoting in depth gameplay balance. This does not mean nerf every option untill they are all even. Multi player games need to require skill to get even one kill.


Nerfing real people is like turning them into single player game bots. I refuse to play bots or single player games. I only get a thrill from stalking and killing actual players with human logic, planning, movement, and skill.


Raven please take note of Valve and learn from their mistakes. CS lost 35% of its servers after the last patch. (23,000 to about 14,000)There are just to many good games out there right now to goof up a patch and still keep servers and players.


I'll seriously reconsider this purchase after hearing about a new patch that the skilled online players say is perfectly balance. I need to hear about awsome, balanced gameplay on every forum I see before I make the purchase.


Thank you for your time if you had the attention span to read this post, Gadget.


BTW this is a jk2 forum NOT a csfanboy forum so if your gunna flame atleast talk about JK2 not cs.


Simple solution, don't install the patch. I would still install it to see if you like it, but if you wanna listen to the kids who don't know how to not install a patch, go ahead. If I listened to what everyone said in life I would be in jail right now for homocide, larsony, arson, and grand theft auto.

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