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multiplayer is absolutly disgusting now


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last night i was on a server, and there were the usual backstabbers who topped the scores. but then one guy came on who had seemed to make a script that would turn 180 degrees, hit attack, then turn back around with the single push of a button. this allowed him to use the backwards heavy slash while he was facing you. and since scripts execute their commands so fast, you couldn't even see him turn around at all.


this made me leave the server in disgust. not only did he have no trouble getting the top score every map with this tactic, he won every duel as well, since the heavy backwards slash kills in one hit and is unblockable


MP is a disgrace now. i've never been as annoyed at a game as i was last night. Raven went and turned the best online game i have ever played into the dumbest


lets all go make scripts so the game is a cakewalk :(



p.s. sorry for the whinning type post, but this really pisses me off. i had so much fun playing the game before the 1.03 patch, and even a bit after before the backwards swing was known. but now its impossible for me to find a fun game (even duel servers are full of these types of lamers)

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Hey man I understand what you mean but don't start the scripts are for kids crap. If you blew off a few fingers you might see a good use for scripts and binds.


The real solution isn't to nerf the back slash either.


The solution is to create a counter attack or vulnerability for every major force and move! Why the game designers havn't done this is unforgivable.


BTW-If a patch comes out that actually does this I will buy the game and purchase GameCommander2. This is a voice recognition program. Instead of playing keyboard gymnastics, I say push and I force push. I say mind trick, and he doesn't see me. I'll leave my fingers (or the ones I have left) to moving my character and clicking the mouse. I think 5 fingures and 2 thumbs should do it.

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i never said scripts are for kiddies. i myself have spent a lot of time creating custom ones that do everything from toggle between gamma settings for different maps to give me rainbow rail colors for Q3


whats gay is when scripts give an easy way to make the game really stupid, like the backslash one. a script like that turns an already lame attack into an utterly disgusting one


i personally have sworn off JK2 entirely until a new patch comes out to address some of this bull****, which i hate to do :(


Rocket Arena 3 is again the only game i play now

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The funny thing about backstab = in an email from a dev in another post in this forum the dev says it was an 'oversight' that backstab damage wasn't changed when all other saber damage was reduced.


So, you could call the backstab move an unintended result in gameplay by the devs. in other words, an exploit.


I don't really care about the move, I can counter it with moderate success- my problem is that since autoblock/damage reduction and the changes in damage based on where you are in a swing backstabbers are 3x harder to kill making it 3x easier for them to preform this lame move OVER AND OVER.

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Originally posted by Demise_SOK

The funny thing about backstab = in an email from a dev in another post in this forum the dev says it was an 'oversight' that backstab damage wasn't changed when all other saber damage was reduced.


So, you could call the backstab move an unintended result in gameplay by the devs. in other words, an exploit.


I don't really care about the move, I can counter it with moderate success- my problem is that since autoblock/damage reduction and the changes in damage based on where you are in a swing backstabbers are 3x harder to kill making it 3x easier for them to preform this lame move OVER AND OVER.


See the whole "3x harder" to kill is my problem with this patch, primarily. The saber was the right strength in the original game. Had DFA been modified as it HAS BEEN, and this backstab modified like the DFA, with everything else left alone, I think almost everyone would be happy with the sabers.

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The problem isn't that the backstab is too powerful, its that all the other moves have been made nearly impotent. If there were other moves that were actually viable tactically, then people would use them. Unfortunately, there aren't. The game revolves, as I state in my guides, around Push/Pull Backstab. There are no other strategies that can even approach the effectiveness of this combo.


I liken this to taking one of the old Street Fighter II games and allowing the Ryu character to do normal damage, but nerfing all others so that they only do 10% of normal. Result: everybody who wants to win plays Ryu.


Prediction: Raven will nerf all backstab/sweep moves and thus make duels last 10 times longer so that you have to wait 30 min. between duels in an 8 person duel server.

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Im not trying to say im a know it all but both patches have +'s and -'s.

I say bring back dfa ( with the turn )so when pull and backstab doesnt work you pull and get dfa'ed

When you turn your back there should be a one hit head attack ( executioner style counter) so if he misses you can one hit kill- counter. Now I know not many people miss when they have practiced this extremly annoying move.

But its a start and not a flame. We need ideas to pass along to Raven.

Another idea you should still be able to push while on the ground

A true "jedi" can focus and use his powers in any situation (e.g., Luke in the swamps of dehgobah(sp?) uses push/pull while handstanding with yoda on one foot) for true realism ( or movie action) this is not a bad idea imho.



o well peace and hair grease



Cheat Free Since 1978 - Well ok who didnt use the old contra cheat?


Be cool

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See the whole "3x harder" to kill is my problem with this patch, primarily. The saber was the right strength in the original game. Had DFA been modified as it HAS BEEN, and this backstab modified like the DFA, with everything else left alone, I think almost everyone would be happy with the sabers.




Right on. I agree 100% and I would bet that 50% or more of the die-hard saber only players would too.

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Is why would you reduce the damage a lightsaber does? Gui-Gon can make it melt a blast door, which means, if it touches you, you are either dead, or you are losing a limb. Why reduce it?


Saber users had enough trouble trying to get kills before the patch, now you add this one shot deal which is the only attack worth using apparently and it takes every ounce of skill away from saber fighting.


PS. Up Up Down Down Left Right Left Right B A Select Start

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Prediction: Raven will nerf all backstab/sweep moves and thus make duels last 10 times longer so that you have to wait 30 min. between duels in an 8 person duel server.


Damn I hope not. That would totally suck.


I played this one dude where all he would do is pull knockdown and backstab. Yes this is an effective move and I use it myself sometimes to surprise people but those who use it all the time or walk around "ass fighting" are just dumb n00bs.


I was able to beat him every time because I knewn exactly what he was going to do by using this technique:


1) fast stance

2) stand still or walk toward him always directly facing him

3) as soon as he gets close forward lunge special attack

4) throw saber if his saber gets parried (is that how you say it?)

5) repeat from step 2


This won't work against skilled players that vary their attacks often but against n00bs that do the pull backstab most of the time this worked wonders for me. :D


Also if you do get pulled down try to get up quickly by pressing attack and then try to kick as you get up by pressing foward and double tap the kick button.

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I played against someone last nite who used this tactic (on a NF FFA server, with Throw disabled too).


No scripts on my end, just practice and a lil thinking ahead. I'm no where near being one of the top players, I just have fun and keep my head.


I've found that constant movement is the key against this script. Strike, move. Stike, move. Triple Stong combos seem to interupt the animation, so they can't land the hit, or don't land it clean.


Someone runs towards me ass-first, I strafe to the side and either drop a DFA on 'em, or hit them with a mid-air Blue forward lunge. Another thing I'll do is jump-flip over them in Blue, and hit 'em with my own backstab when I land.


Personally, I enjoy the challenge of beating someone either 'ass-fighting' or using a script to do the sweep.


In FF servers, I use Absorb and DFA when someone is a pull fiend. The other nite, a guy was calling me a n00b for taking him out with this. My response was, "I'm a n00b but you're still dead. Explain...." :D

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Raven needs to make every backstab like the Blue backstab


DONT change the lethality of it. Its a finishing move.


However change the "run into crowds backwards sweeping as many people dead as you can" tactics :)




Backstab needs to be just light the light backstab and everything would be fine

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Raven needs to make every backstab like the Blue backstab


I disagree, the sweeping style of the medium backslash should remain, but the damage should be gradient, so that players hit immediately behind you (that would've been hit by light backstab) should get full damage, as the players are hit further to either side of the slash, the damage should reduce dramatically.


I mainly say this because it would be a shame for the graphical style to be sacrificed.


Anyway, I always incorporated the back slash moves (light and medium, anyway) into my playing,. along with many other moves.. I'm not going to stop because of a patch.


If all you people who scorn these, and other, tactics were obeyed, there would be hardly any moves left to use in the game.


I'm not accusing all of you of this, but part of me suspects that the increasing amount of 'unspoken rules' is being used mainly for Noob persecution.

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Originally posted by Tekken

My response was, "I'm a n00b but you're still dead. Explain...." :D


I don't know how u fight or what your philosophy is on skill, but u sure do sound like an idiot i met online a few days ago...


He claimed that "winning is skill". No more, no less. BTW, I asked him because he seemed to support a player who used nothing but light lunge and *sigh*... "backstab", with the occasional regular swing.


Now, do all of u people believe that if somehow the developers added a BFG from q2 or something similar, and using it solely to kill people with, then that said player using it would be very skillful indeed? Or what if some player used a cheat, where he simply typed "K" and then won the game?


Or what if a player used every special move in the game, with moderation, employed all the stances, rarely got hit because of his lightning reflexes and had a sixth sense of where his opponent would strike?


Or what if some player comes along who ONLY thought of his own score, not his enjoyment or others, but ONLY his score. That player only knew only 2-3 moves in the game which he had developed to such a degree that he could kill anyone who was foolish enough to stand in the way of his preprogrammed step-by-step fighting system. This player could not adapt to any new situation or vary his attacks at all, and so got brutally slaughtered by another player who learned from his mistakes and wiped his arse with a pink lightsaber.


What is SKILL? What is fair play?


Backstab as it is now is a joke, a bug, a mistake.... an exploit.

No more, no less.


Backstab should be used in those rare occurences where you find yourself with your back to your opponent. The so called "arse mastas" running around backwards trying to hit something they can't see are spoiling the fun for me. This can sadly be done because some developer thought it could be fun if players could block attacks coming from behind by some pure f*cking magic. Assmasters shouldn't be able to do this, it's pure logic. And the term is wrong as well: last i checked, a "backstab" is where you strike the BACK of your opponent who has his BACK turned towards your FRONT. Not the other way around. Please correct me if i'm wrong, english is not my first language.


Thus, i propose they add a new move to the game: the forward stab. This is a quick direct jab forward with your lightsaber just like the blue "backstab", but directly in front. This move could be easily blocked, and the animation takes as long as say, the new DFA, so the defenders could simply block it, sidestep and strike their attacker. It could, however, be used to quickly strike your enemy if he has your back turned to you, of if he spams the strong stance without thought. And it shouldn't deal an insane amount of damage either.


I take playing multiplayer as seriously as playing any other sport. If you met a footballplayer or golfplayer who misbehaved and played unfairly, kicked his opponents if the game was going against him etc, wouldn't you guys react offensively? I would, and I do. Contrary to what many people say, you CAN misbehave in a multiplayer game, and there ARE cheap moves.


This is my opinion, flame me to hell and back if you like.

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