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*SPOILER* In Attack of the Clones (about lightsabers)


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Cool, I suppose.


I have to laugh at the fact that you think Hayden did a good job, tho, when so many have said otherwise.


Now back to never posting here. Ever. Or even looking at this page.




Oh well, I might as well flash my new sig again, as I like it:




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that movie rocked SO hard


i had a big stupid grin on my face the entire movie


i thought haydens acting was good as a late teen vader full of angst and anger but not really as hardened as he is in the ot


From Vagabond: SPOILER BELOW












saber blocking lightning is crap though i thought


did u see how easily obi wan did it?


why didnt yoda just use his saber instead of blocking it with his hand? it looked like it took quite a bit out of him


Obi Wan shoulda just jumped out of the way instead , it looked wierd how the lighning all went to one spot on his saber instead of being a sort of thick bunch of lightning bolts


anyway 9/10


p.s i HATED tpm it was so crap its not funny, aotc is lightyears ahead of it in terms of acting, plot,dialogue,effects and characters


other tpm haters rejoice for this one is a LOT better



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What about Jar-Jar ? Do they kill off that stooopid f**king thing? I hope someone rams something long and sharp into his guts ,then flushes him out an airlock. Mmmm ,yeah -kill jar-jar

Seriously ,the whole spoiler thing did'nt bother me one bit.


P.S. -after thinking about it ,I want to know- did they kill Jar-Jar ,and did the whole theatre start cheering when it happened ?

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The saber fights IMHO sucked. I really hope that they were cut, and that they'll be in full force in the DVD or something, because after all that I heard about the saber fights and the like I was hoping for more.


I liked the movie, but it wasn't the best. Hayden did a decent job, I was a bit disappointed with Sam, he seemed like he couldn't care less about his role in a couple places.


The scene with the conveyor belts was made to be put into a video game as well by the way


Oh and

Jango died like a fricking $&@@($&. I hear all this great stuff from people that he and Sam are supposed to have a good fight, and all it is is Sam charges, blocks a few blaster shots, and then cuts his head off. I mean, the DROIDS did better against the jedi than him!



I'll reserve judgement until I can see it again, as I was distracted this time through and maybe I missed some god send stuff in it, but all in all, while enjoyable, I can't say it lived up to expectations, and they werent that high. 6.8-7/10 I say. It would've had more if the saber fights had looked better (

pre-yoda anyhow, though yoda looked a bit fake as well


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mace owned that bounty hunter :p loved that


also i laughed my head off when that n00b jedi tried to take on the count and got raped by jengo, BWAHAHAHA




yeah the sabre fights didn't really compare to tpm, but the acting, the huge war scenes, the plot, the whole way it was put together was outstanding! <hats off> i loved it, LOVED IT



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