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Luke Skywalker - ESB


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I'm think getting pretty close to the point to where I might release the skin.


But before i do, I thought I would get some opinions of them first.








I think I'm done with these textures, but I wasn't sure weather I should add team skins or not. If you believe that I should, what do you think I could add to tell them apart?



I also have thrown together a Battle Damaged Luke and Luke on Degobah skins as well. Should I make these the team skins, or release them as seperate ones?


Battle Damaged Luke



Degobah Luke



NOTE: The damaged skin actually has both hands, they've simply been removed for the pictures.

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you could have the basic one be a team color, but its hard with so many variations (well, only a few but still). I think it's a kick ass skin. I would leave them but people might want them in a team game. I don't know, it's a hard desicion. If you can find a way to make them colored then do it, maybe the belt could be a color?

Anyway you do it, it has my vote. Keep up the great skinning. Maybe do a Princess Lea skin with the Tavion model, only withouht her face, like this one, make a new one.

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I don't know if the battle damage one would have much play value (though it does look cool :) ), but the Dagobah version would definitely be used, I'm sure. What I think you should do is consider them seperate skins, but include them in the same pk3. It wouldn't be much bigger size-wise if you pointed the Dagobah skin to the Bespin skin folder for most of the skin images, with the only images in the Dagobah folder being whatever is different between the two (Looks like that's just the Torso image).



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Originally posted by Darkhold X

that banged up bespin one really looks good.:)


damn looking at your avatar makes me think we need some farscape people.:D Although skin wise you really couldnt do to much.:(


Check out some of the older threads, there are a couple with some REALLY nice Farscape skins. I especially like the John Crichton one :) I don't know if these have been released, if not, they should be :)



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I haven't had a lot of time to work on the farscape skins, but i have managed to do some work on them.


Mainly just tweaking the ones I had already started, such as getting the textures to line up, and correcting Crichton's pants. I did start working on a PK Commander though,...


I'll post some pictures of it, and the rest of my progress soon.

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its too bad raven didn't implement the 'headmodel' cvar into jk2 like id did with quake towards one of the late patches (1.29? 1.30? oh well doesn't matter). That way you could alter the exsisting luke head and fit it onto the skin. don't get me wrong, your skin rocks, and i'm not tryin to knock it. i just think the headmodel cvar would really come in handy. Kyle's head on a stormtrooper would be cool too...

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Yeah, I was thinking the same thing,... If we could swap parts it would open up a vast number of skins that could be made.



I'm in the finishing stages of the skin now. I'm currently testing it in game, just to make sure it runs smoothly, and to reduce the file size as much as possible without compromising the way it looks in game.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Okay I know I've been delinquent with finishing this, but I wanted to make sure everything was working correctly.


Just to finish the deal; here's some pics of how the skin turned out in-game.








Once again if I can get some better shots I may update these pics, until then they'll have to do.

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