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Attack-Move ??


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Hey all :


I remember reading somewhere that the ability to "attack-move" would be added to the X-pack. However, I can't seem to find the command anywhere (readme, instruction book, etc...).


Does anyone know how to make that happen?







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Yeah I heard that too. but I don't know where or how it is implemented. I recall somone saying us the shift key but it doesn't so anything. I thought the shift key was used for waypoints for your scout. Is it control shift? I tried everything but alas no dice.

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I too have tried alot of different key combinations, and I am not sure anything is actually accomplishing the "Attack-Move" command. This game is so much fun already... but I do believe this command is absolutely necessary for strategic purposes.


If ANYONE knows how to implement the command for sure, I would greatly appreciate you sharing the knowledge.


Thanks again,





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Unfortunately this keeps SWGB from being a great game.


This stop and shoot stuttering combat just doesn't cut it for depicting the flow of Star Wars combat. Especially after the excitement of Episode II. One of the main reasons I played very little SWGB was because of this. The promise of move and fire being included was why I purchased CC. Sorry, but I feel a little jipped.


Ha, I'm a dork -- one of the first games I've preordered in a very long time. Sorry, I don't mean to be a troll, but I just have to vent.



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Frankly dope you jipped yourself attack move is just that if your guy see units on their way to a piont they will stop and fire on them normal move is advnace at all cost and they will plow through hundereds of enemies if their on their way to their goal. They wouldn't have moved while firing. And frankly no RTS I've ever seen did that save HW but thats space combat.


Add to that aside from beachead operations (the main battle in AOTC) you really don't charge at an enemy guns balzing you move slowly and stop to fight with them (running around in front of an enemy is a good way to die). Tell me in all the footage you've seen of wars have you ever seen a guy running and firing? I dought you can answear yes and not be lair. Even tanks up until the late 80s couldn't fire on the move they had to stop to get an even half decnet shot. They still like to stand still when they can their shot are better. Before the the new movies the only ground combat that was shown was the battle of hoth and hey look its bunch of guys standing still on a line firing or running away but never both. The phantom mence too the tadre fed didn't start firing until they where throuigh the sheilds and in close combat they didn't move aroudn much either not a shot fired while they moved up.

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'Attack-move' is a concept that has been used a great deal, even in RTS games as old 'Command and Conquer'. The problem with using it in GB is that in C&C, the units using the attack-move feature had turrets and could swing their weapons armound to fire while moving. However, as the mech units in GB dont have turrets, they would have to stop, fire, get moving again which as someone else said, would be difficult to impliment.

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Ok, we need to send Lucasarts a message to read this thread and we need to bitch. I know this is the AoK engine and Ensemble was too dumb to put in a key battle element that is in StarCraft, C&C, and Homeworld.


The way it is now, all battles are too micromanaged, I was excited about this feature and have NO IDEA why it wasn't implemented ages ago.


Its still fun, and I think CC breathes enough life into this game to compare it to what Brood War did for StarCraft...but I want my attack-move!

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Why would it lag more? If C&C and SC can do it I am sure they can find a way for AOK engine to do it. The game does it now... if the troops are all lined up, and sitting there and some troops walk by, if set to aggressive they will leave their "post" and chase after them shooting. If set to "defensive" they will leave shoot and once the soldier is out of range they will walk back.


Its the same idea... When you use the attack move, your squad of guys will basically stay together and attack anything that enters their LOS on the way to their destination, if anything leave their LOS they keep marching.


I hate the way troops walk by each other like saying:


"Hey whats up squad of stormtroopers, us rebels are going to pop your base!"


"Hey thats what we're going to do! Except to yours!! Yay!"

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Hey nut, :smirk2:


When's the last time you saw an aircraft stop in mid-flight (besides a helicopter)to fire it's weapons, especially in any of the aerial combat depicted in Star Wars? Those Snow Speeders didn't come to a hover to line up a shot did they?


I don't care if the troops stop to fire, it's the mechs and aircraft :x-wing: that lose the most versatility by halting for each attack. During the Battle of Hoth, the AT-AT's :atat: fired on the move.


The reason it was ok in AoK is the nature of medeival combat. Archers have to stop before firing along with catapults and trebuchets. There was no air power to be concerned with.



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Oh yeah, as far as games that do it here's a short list:


Total Annihilation (best implementation, IMHO)

Command and Conquer series which includes Original, Tib Sun, Red Alert, Red Alert 2 & Yuri's Revenge

Dark Reign

Warzone 2100 (another good one)



Yes, I too hope they're working on this problem.



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You made no mention of air units and I could care less about them thye suck with or without movment to me anyway.


Like i said tanks pefer to stand still when they can and artilly always stands still.


Comand and Conpuers was very limited if you gave an attack order they all line up and pot shoted each other no movment planes where and are crap casue they can't control an area and are to weak for the lenth between their attacks you can easily fix a building between harrier strikes and if he sends so mant that he kills it in one blow then you can shot down his helpless horde then charge I and kill him. Also they hardly behaved like real palnes they swung around on like UFOs when they attacked a tagret spinning in half cricle without turing or banking. They also always fly in a straight line how many planes do you see that do that that they also never change height expect to get over stuff. But they don't tilt upward to climb they jsut scoot up admitlly harriers can do that but they pefer to just piont the nose up in flight its jsut easier you only see them try it in combat.


never played TA or many of the others thou I seem to rember warzone getting avrage reveiwes from msot palces.

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