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What Is your fav force power?

Djinn Altis{S}

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absorb and mind trick

absorb-good for the force whores and for people who use lightning when your saber is off, also good for push/pull whores

mind trick-good for people who run up to you when your saber is off, good to get away;) also fun to use on people when your making a tower, get in the middle and it looks like everybody is flying:P

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  • 4 weeks later...

Mind Trick and pull. I have so much fun using mind trick to sneak into the enemy base in CTF_Bespin. I jump up on the ledge above the chasm at the enemy's flag base and wait. Every now and then you get a fool who brings their flag back to the platform and mind trick goes on. When I'm convinced the carrier doesn't know that I am there, I wait until either their absorb runs out, or they start moving. When this happens I yank off the platform. See ya. It's a shame people are catching on, though, and are utilizing force sight. I really enjoyed that little sneak attack. They never knew it was coming.:p

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absorbtion :

those bit*** of sith never understand that their poor lightning, effective on single player, have no effect on a real Jedi !


they're always waisting their force on me , and i always have to wait (because i'm not a lama) for a saber-duel ....

sometimes they don't understand at all, so i need to kill them while waisting theyr (and mine) time

(xcuse for my poor english please ! i'm french !)

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