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Death of JKII


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Actually, the "death of JK2" is a perfect title.


In order to play competitively, we had to move our server to 1.03. it USED to be very busy. It's very slow now :( Thanks for killing a good game...


But serious, there already have been clans that left JK2 over the 1.03 patch. There are fewer clans on the ladders as well.


Read my "what needs to be done to jk2" thread if you want to save JK2.


JK1 competition lasted for 4+ years, true JK2 competition lasted less then 2 months. That is shamefull.

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Hi Thrawn, Apparently this is your first time ever playing a game. It makes me sick to my stomach that a person like you who has been a "gamer" for less than 2 weeks gets what they wish for over a large group of people that have have been playing games for over 6 years. I hope you guys enjoy your sabers while they last. This game won't last long, just wait until RavenSoft ****s up sabers and forces even more forcing you all to use the cattle prods as your primary weapon. After this game dies, I strongly suggest you never play an action game again. You obviously can't handle the dynamics of 3rd person shooters. Yes oh wait? This game is classified as a 3rd person shooter. Under an engine that is primarily made for guns. But us gunners are ****ing crazy for playing this game? You want us all to quit this game? Bitch this game was made for us. The sabers are just a plus, and the force powers alone are the only reason for buying this game.

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i havn't even downlaoded the patch. I keep the game as is. I don't care, i keeped my game as when it was Burned. I was gonna buy the pack with the other 2 games, but now i don't know if i should anymore. Woudln't even be worth it, or would it? Why doesn't everyone just keep the game as it is, with out patches? As i have been reading, this game is SUPOSTA be a first person shooter. I've not played it very long, i'm not good with a Saber, i perfer guns! I dont' like the way they made the Saber. Where is the glow? how dumb do you gotta be to make a Star Wars game with out a glow from the saber!? Did they not notice that glow from when the Saber was extended in Dark Areas, and Light Areas? I do love this game, still and i only play it with my friend. I'm STILL waiting for the Map Editor to come out! Also, if there is someone to teach me about Map Editors existing and how i can use it for JO. To that Thrawn person, ever seen a Star Wars movie? How many Storm Troopers with guns are there? how many Clones were the in Ep II wich i saw opening night. how many Jedi were there? How many Droids were there With GUNS!? Star Wars is suposta be like it is, Raven, i won't be as harsh as alot of other people, who i can tell are VERY pissed off about what you did, or what someone did, or whatever, but you made a Legacy from a Star Wars game. Now from what i have read, you've praticly killed it. Why? WHY!!!!!??????


I admit, I don't take the time to lern this Saber stuff. Thats why there needs to be Training! So loser Newbies like myself, although i don't bitch, can lern how to use this stupid thing! You shoudln't have to move all over the place to swing it around, thats annoying, you should move the mouse! Raven, change it. What you need to do, is appologize for this so called "Patch", e-mail Avid gammers of JO, and ask them what the want. People have been Posting things for JO to amke it better for a Reason. To make it better, to get more buyers for the game! Instead of making all these people do things for you, you need to step up, and do it yourself. Take Responcibility for YOUR game. Just because people are whining about people using force powers on them, like Grip and then drainging there force and alot of things, you need to say, "would a real Jedi moan about this? Would a Sith lord go easy on you? NO!" The majority of people, the community of Star Wars Jedi Outcast is depending on you or someone to fix this. And if you don't get this in a post, i am sure you will recive it in an e-mail from me. Again and Again untill, it is fixed, or answered. i sugest to all you people who replied in this post, to do as i will, e-mai them untill they reply or fix this grave error! Or, bang on there door, nock it down, send loads and loads of snail mail to them everday! we have to stand up for Star Wars, instead of just let ir Burn down in flames!

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Listen ppl It's all about sales and the bottom line. They nerfed this game so they could have all the starwars geeks who have never played a FPS get into this game play it a week and leave. Do they care about a community ... no they don't give a F....K about anything you guys say... why? becuse they already have their money... Thank God i have the warez version and have had a week before it was in the stores. I was going to buy the game if they didnt f*** it up like they have. But this is exactly what I expected.


Companies don't care about serious gamers.... they cater to noobies... Just look at Tribes 2 and compare it to tribes 1 How sad a comparison...yes it's eye candy but thats about it. Same with JK0... It was bad enough That Raven f**** the game from the original dark forces series ... now they made it impossible for competition with out it turning to total newbieness. It's just the way it works now comanies no longer make good games they are more concerned about how easy the game is to play ...therefore making no skill level involved.


JK1 lasted 4+ years with no patch.... wow and guess what its still by far a better game than JK0 if anyone has ever played Full force guns properly It is the fastest most complex game ever... Too bad There was no Demo making ability in JK1 because if there had you guys would **** ur pants at the speed of the game.


Anyways the bottom line is argueing with these FagS is useless because they only care about sales ... which are gonna come from 10 yr old kids that saw Epi 2 and now want to be a Jedi. They could give a **** about real gamers... and why should they? It's not like They will benifit From the game lasting more than 4 months... they will get thier money and run.


so I will leave with this last thought F U C K R A V E N

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I agree with the lot of you. I reinstalled my game to default 1.02 after one day of the 1.03 no option *mod*. I just wish I could get the majority of the servers to put 1.02 back on there? Who are these guys and do they play the game they are serving? More 1.02 servers please!

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Yawn-o-rama! Can any of you read? What does the title of the game say? It says.... JEDI!!!!!!!!!!!!!! For crying out loud! It's a game about Jedis, not gun toting maniacs. Just imagine Darth Vader carrying a rocket launcher, stormtrooper rifle and a bunch of other weapons energy based or otherwise, or imagine Yoda with a six-barreled minigun. Ridiculous! This game was originally based around the LIGHTSABRE, not the repeater or the flechette. If you want guns go play Unreal or Quake or a myriad of other MP games without melee weapons and stop whining. Don't like it? Don't play. Simple as that. I rest my case.:lsduel:

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Thanks for flamming them for me Danz.


The more of these posts I read the more I realize how young in years most of these kids are. If there not youngsters then they need to grow up.


Someone aught to tell there parents what an annoyance there becoming.


Then again, I guess its better here than on the streets.

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