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Just out of interest....

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well in my case it was a bit of a problem.


I registered in september 2001 on the Rogue Squadron.net forums under the name: Wraith 5 i got 600 posts there till the merge.


I registered here at XWA at the end of September under the name Wraith 9, casue Wraith 5 was already taken. i got 24 posts here. tille the merge


I registered at Galacitc battles.com in October 2001 under the name Wraith 9 because again there was this guy with Wraith 5. i got 270 posts. till the merge


and when the forums merged, i wanst able to use my wraith 5 acount on RSN. cause the other Wraith 5 joined sooner on the other boards. so the joined up all my post counts and got 994 posts on my GB.com acount.


a couple of months later i changed my name into Wraith 8 :D

and all teh other Wraith 5 and nine's were deleted. except for the other guy's one ofcourse...

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