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Am I an 'Ass-Fighter'?


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So wait, lemme get some of you straight. If somebody uses the technique even occasionally, only in certain circumstances, they're an ass fighter? Ignore the fact that he mostly uses other moves, he uses the backstab as well, he's a lame ass fighter.


Thats ridiculous. A move is in the game to be used. If one uses it the way they might use any other move (such as the forward diagonal slash), then theres nothing wrong with it.


Should I put forth effort to not use the backstab? If the enemy ends up behind me, shall I run away or leap high into the air instead of giving him the backstab he is lined up for?


If I leap over an opponent and land and he's behind me, it's like the Q3 equivalent of being pointblank with a railgun. It's probably gonna kill, and you'd be an idiot not to pull the trigger.


The occasional usage of the backstab does not make one an assfighter. The spamming of it (running backwards, etc) DOES make one an assfighter. But just because someone says "Yes, I use the backstab" does not mean that they run backwards at people, spamming the move. It could, but it was clearly said in this case that he doesnt.


People get stupid about these things, damn...



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ROFL this is rich.


If it's in the game, it's in the game.


The backstab is an overpowered move. Every game has overpowered moves. Only the inept whine about "overpowered weaponry".


For example, last night on a CTF match, someone was whining about one of my teammates sniping with... duhhhh... the DISRUPTOR! OMG!!! CHEAP! SNIPE WHORE!


I got backslashed probably 20 times by the same guy last night over the course of several CTF games. Force pull + backslash == dead me.


Did I whine? Did I complain about imbalance? Did I cry myself to sleep? No. It's a game. A fun one at that.


There are counters to EVERYTHING in EVERY game unless there's a big button marked "WIN GAME" on your controller/keyboard. @$$-fighting can easily be countered if you've got more sense than the average groundhog. But perhaps my expectations are too high.

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"I got backslashed probably 20 times by the same guy last night over the course of several CTF games. Force pull + backslash == dead me."


Ok, and what was your counter for getting killed 20 times by the same move, useing by the same guy?

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Ya know, if there was a counter for everything that is done in this game, it really wouldnt be any fun at all, now would it? Fights would end up either never ending or taking forever to finish. (As if they're not long enough as it is)



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not true shock, the duel ends if someone makes a mistake, they way it should be, one mistake is fatal. You get pulled to the ground you die, the way it should be. If you remove all power moves there need to be 10-20 mistakes to end a duel, can you say SUCK? :)



As for the pull/slash counter, Absorb my friend. And if you don't have that learn from your opponent, i f he does the same move 5 times in a row you're an idiot if you let is happen a 6th time. If you see him making it, back up, jump over him, kick him, slash him, whatever.

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I know what you are saying mate,


I almost felt guilt with 1.03 for using backstab, but i do it with a clear conscience now.


I had just about perfected the use of backstab with 1.02 when it was still a fairly rare thing to see on duel servers. Since all the ex-DFA abusers have discovered it it has definitely lost some of it's magic, but i follow some guidelines when playing to at least keep myself happy.


1. i only use it if the player gets behind me of his own accord.


2. As an opening against arrogant players. hehhehe


3. If it doesnt hit first hit of the button i dont steam around flailing if only because it makes you look stupid. (I think it makes you look desperate when you do this)


4. never do it incessantly as that is what constitutes lameness.


From what you say kanubis you are doing it about right by me.


so good on you mate.


Peace to you all



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Believe it or not, I just discovered how to intentionally perform the backstab two days ago... and I agree that it is an insanely overpowered move. It sounds to me like the guy who originally started this thread isn't an ass-fighter, it seems more like he just uses the backstab when his opponent is unlucky enough to have set himself up. It happens, and I don't understand why everyone seems to be selectively deleting the words "a bit" and "occasionally" from his original post. Using the backstab from time to time is definitely not the same as running around ass-backwards waiting for someone to come at you. I mean - the other day I was dueling my roommate and he came charging at me just as I landed from a jump (so I was facing backwards to him by sheer chance) - and I gored him with a saber backstab. Now if that qualifies me as an ass-fighter... well I don't know what to say.


And by the way, the scene during Duel of the Fates in Episode I went by quickly but it actually looks like Darth Maul finishes off Qui-Gonn with a sort of backstab move - if you look at the shot where he's pulling his saber out of Qui-Gonn, Darth Maul has his back turned to him. Obi-Wan also uses the backstab once or twice against battle droids - not the same thing as in a duel, I know - but still it looks like Jedi use the move when it is convenient to them.

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Dea, thats sort of what I mean. There are some situations during which counters shouldnt be availible, such as when you're rolling around on the floor in front of your opponent. If you're on the floor, you should be as good as dead. of course, there is a counter to prevent from being on the floor (absorb), but people dont want to have to use that. Sucks for them.



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I feel the backstab is only a problem when fight alot of ppl and not 1 on 1


What? But that's the time when the backsweeps are USEFUL! If you are being gang chased by a bunch of peopel determined to climb on you and hit you with their little glowy sticks, then what exactly is wrong with taking one step backwards (or a couple if they aren't fast runners :>) and killing them all? If you try to duel them all at once then chances are you'll get murdered.


The problem is spammers. Nothing else, just the people who use it and nothing else. I use a fair bit, but I also use a lot of other moves. I run, I swerve, I kick, I slash (often I slash in fact), I use pull, I use push, I jump over, and then back again. I use whatever is necessary to take down my opponent, and if circumstances dictate a backstab (or swing, as I prefer red or yellow stance), then so be it. I have been called an ass-fighter a couple of times, both by a fellow who had the misfortune of being killed by that move several times (other than that, we didn't meet on the map). this meant the only move he *SAW* me do was the backswing, but does that mean it was the only move I did?

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Originally posted by Dea


this means you are a darkside jedi who only uses lightning and grip right? oh and maybe push against the battle driods who aren't in the game. Because, we haven't seen any jedi do anything else. They didn't absorb, protect, or push/pull eachother using the force (haven't seen AOTC, so correct me if I'm wrong).


Hell you can't even go to a server, because a jedi wouldn't be on a 'holy crusade' to kill others, they are peace keepers and only fight when they have to.


Point is you can't play like a genuine movie Jedi, because it's a game, and not the movies.


Actually, I believe the Jedi have done a little (and I mean little) bit more than just those. In TPM, Darth Maul uses push to toss Obi-Wan into that pit. In ESB, Darth Vader uses some variation of Protect to deflect Han's blaster before using Pull to yank it away from him. Granted Vader doesn't actually pull Han, but he pulls. It's true though that the light side Jedi in the movies don't do all that much. Although they could be using Protect without our knowledge, since it's sort of a field that just surrounds them. Hmmm.... anything else I'm missing... well I'm not gonna spoil AOTC for anyone so that's about it from me.

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I'll just plug the RPG (the pen and paper one):


The old d6 system for Star Wars the RPG was based much more closely on the movies than the JK games - Vader uses absorb to absorb the energy of the blaster bolt (in the RPG absorb works only on energy weapons and explosions, not force powers to my knowledge), and pull/push are merely aspects of the Telekinesis power.


Protect doesn't exist at all, as do a number of powers from the game. The powers in the game are just ones which make for an interesting game really.

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Trying to use backstab is pathetically annoying because everyone else HAS to stay clear of you whenever you come charging at them with butt up front. It's pathetically lame because you use(read: spam) the same move over and over. And that move looks pathetic and has nothing to do with starwars at all. IIRC no jedi used this... this... "backstab" on any other lightsaber wielding adversary in the movies, pls correct if i'm wrong.


Obi-Wan uses the Backstab against a battle droid in TPM, moron.

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I use the ass fighting method quite alot. But I don't use the same ass fighting method with the backstab or backsweep. I do the same thing trying to back my ass up to other jedis, only I don't swing the saber, instead a spray of diahhrea comes out of my butt and does 50 damage! Try it.:jawa

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