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cool saber trick

boba fett c3po

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It's quite simple actually. Throw your saber and right before it is about to return to your hand step left or right, your choice. Then step forward, then opposite of which ever side you originaly stepped ( if it was right, step left, and vice versa), then step back, and keep repeating the loop.


Right, Forward, Left, Back, repeat......




Left, Forward, Right, Back, repeat......



just remember you have to do the sequence fast, almost one right after the other, so it will take a little practice at first, but then you will be able to do it without thinking....

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There is a way to do it where you don't have to move around once it starts spinning. You can stand still and have it spin around you indefinately. In fact, there's even a way to get it spinning, and then leave it in one spot, still spinnin, while you go run around wherever you want.

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Yeah, that's pretty easy too. Make sure you have saberthrow level 3. Throw the saber in front of you, and as soon as you let go of the button, hit and hold down the fire button. Then strafe to the left or right as it comes back while still holding it. It takes some practice, but eventually the saber will orbit around you. If you want, you can use a force power or taunt and then run around while the saber circles around where it is(ALWAYS hold down primary fire or it will come back).


Owen Yu, grow up.

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