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Ghost Town

Guest Chipmunkfan

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Guest Chipmunkfan

Hello? ECHO!!! *ECHo, ECho, Echo, echo*


The traveler walked softly into the town where he had seen so much activity just months ago. Now the town was dead, beyond dead, not even a bird in the sky. The howling winds blew up clouds of dust into the traveler's face while the sounds of creaky wooden shutters swung to and fro on the windows of the deserted Inn.


The traveler ventured farther into the town to discover an old junk heap with broken Pod Racer engines stacked atop of each other like demented lincoln logs.


Upon further inspection of the cantina he noticed blaster burns on the walls outside the door, and all over the place on the inside. A table was laying oddly on its edge, supported only by two legs, the other two legs were clearly sliced off by what looks like a lightsaber, judging by the burns around the slice.


The traveler wonders just what he had missed here when suddenly he hears the familiar sound of a lightsaber energizing behind him...


(To be continued...)

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Guest Darth Crater

But...it must have been his imagination! There was nothing there, except for a little scurrying rodent with disproportionately large ears. It skittered away into a hole in the wall. Was it the only life left in this forsaken place? "I must be going crazy...hearing things!" thought the traveler, as he turned back to his inspection of the disarray before him. Kicking through the mixture of dust and broken wood on the ground, the traveler's foot struck something that rang out with a clear resonance. As he was bending over to take a closer look, one of the shutters swung open forcefully, striking the wall outside...

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Guest Darth Crater

I wasn't sure if this was what you had in mind or not, but I just felt like writing smile.gif Feel free to continue and ignore me smile.gif

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Guest Super Jawaman

I think everyone has left to rogue squadron.



"The Retard's pants are completely off!"- The "sign language girl" from Drop dead gorgeous.

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Guest Chipmunkfan

The traveler turned quickly, expecting to see some sign of life behind him. After all, SOMETHING had to have survived. Turns out it was only the wind blowing the shutter open.


Returning to inspect the artifact he had found in the rubble, the traveler finds what looks to be a strange silver statue, the likeness of which looked very familiar to him, like a familiar face from the past. The man he saw before him, carved in the reflective metal like a still photo from the past, was holding what looked to be a light saber. Upon further inspection the traveler found an odd jewel melded into the surface on the end of a rope carving to imitate some form of necklace. When he looked at the jewel it seemed to entrance him, he was lost in the deep beauty of the strange red gem. It seemed to have an influence all its own, like it carried some significance.


The traveler placed the statue in his pack, wondering just what was so special about it. Suddenly, the wind picked up again, this time much stronger than the last gust that came before. A shutter blew off of the front window and he could hear the building creak under the stress of the wind.


He stepped outside again, the wind blowing his hair. There was something strange about the way the wind was blowing, almost like it had a source, like an enormous animal breathing heavily just over the distant hills. The more the traveler pondered it, the more he could hear something in the distance, probably miles away but definately moving closer with every passing second.

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Guest Chipmunkfan

By the end of this thread/story, you will know what allegiance they are wink.gif




The things you fear most are usually closer to home than you think.


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Guest Chipmunkfan

Meanwhile, onboard the "Excelsior"...


"We've picked up some strange signals from a planet in the outer rim of this galaxy" says Capt. Gorham, "I believe the planet was once known most familiarly as 'Earth'. Typical class M planet with a liveable mixture of Oxygen, Carbon, and water."


A dark man in a black hooded robe leaned over the monitor and watched as the readings flashed by on the screen. "There, that's where we shall go, I feel there is much to be done there" the mysterious jedi says.



The traveler is growing weary now as the sun sets behind the mountains to the west, where he had been walking towards ever since he heard that sound, the inevitable sound of doom. He decides it is time to pick a spot to camp out and catch a little sleep, perhaps tomorrow he will learn the source of the mysterious sound.


As the traveler sits down in the sand, he removes the strange statue from his pocket and begins to study it in the dim moonlight, he can sense it vibrating with some strange power. Just then the jewel flashes green and blinds the traveler, causing him to instinctively drop the statue and cover his eyes. When his eyes cleared he could see the statue lying on the sand with the jewel pointing upwards, still glowing an eerie green. He also notices that the green glow is also a projection, his eyes follow the path of the beam of light, upwards into the sky. As he looks at the night sky where the projection is shining, a great green lion appears in the sky, followed by what looks to be a Jedi with a lightsaber, then the projection of the two together, obviously in a fierce battle. As the two figures battle, a third character appears, yet another Jedi, but instead of joining the battle with the monster, this second Jedi begins attacking the first. Now the two jedi are in a heated battle amongst each other as the beast sits off to the side watching. The second jedi delivers a fatal blow to the first and it is obvious that death has come for him. As the newer Jedi rejoices in his victory the beast leaps off of his haunches and devours the Jedi on the spot with no warning. The green projection then clouds up and dissolves into the air. The Jewel stops glowing and the statue is left laying there in the sand as if nothing had happened.


The traveler sleeps that night with dreams of the strange images he had seen, wondering just what significance they had, if any, with the strange sounds he hears in the distance...



The things you fear most are usually closer to home than you think.


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Guest Super Jawaman

That Quote is so true i mean i found out that Michael Jackson live just about 80 miles from where I am.



"The Retard's pants are completely off!"- The "sign language girl" from Drop dead gorgeous.

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Guest Super Jawaman

He's been pale for Centuries! Because I threw a marshmellow at him! ==(_() Haha you're it no tag backs.



"The Retard's pants are completely off!"- The "sign language girl" from Drop dead gorgeous.


[This message has been edited by Super Jawaman (edited September 14, 2000).]


[This message has been edited by Super Jawaman (edited September 14, 2000).]

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