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Is there no honour left?


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This is strictly about no weapons/no force duel servers, but feel free to read on even if you don't play on such.


I think it highly likely that the way you play this game reflects what kind of person you are IRL. And if that is truly the case then humanity is filled with dishonourable personalities, who, through fear of being themselves against the masses, have taken the universal rule to heart; you have to be an a**hole to get by in this world. The rule that scoring points and winning is the object of any game in life instead of the game itself.


The usual counter'argument' for this is usually that I must be a loser to speak such loser talk. In your eyes, I am.


But bear with me here; this is not a post whining about losing but stating the fact this game is filled to the brim with dishonourable players ruining alot of the fun.


Gonna list up some dishonourable acts and behaviours and the more you can answer yes to, the more dishonourable you are from my point of view.


1. Do you attack people when they're in the introductional bow, afk, typing and/or momentarily lagged out?


2. Do you attack people when they're knocked to the ground?


3. Do you flee excessively, hide from your opponent or in some other way drag out the fight even though you know several spectators are waiting their turn to duel?


4. Do you spam single moves? (This might not be considered dishonourable but definately boring)


5. Do you continiously abuse major bugs? The most noticable was DFA's hit detection and 'stubborn' max damage before 1.03 and is now replaced with the horizontal turn 'swing' with blue stance's backstab. (This could easily be fixed by making players unable to turn during this move; just like they fixed DFA)


That's all I can think of right now.


I write this because I like this game. I find it really awesome duelling others with light sabers even though it's still bugged and could use some more maneuvers. But as with any other game I wanna have fun playing it. Sure, winning is fun, but not for me if it's at the expense of others.


Oh, if you're gonna argue that playing without honour can be excused by being a dark sider, it won't hold water with me. Honour is universal and indifferent to 'good' or 'evil'.


Knowing this won't change anything I am



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Honor was a idea if not religion practiced by some peoples of the world. Most noteably Japan, England.



Patton - US General of the 3rd Army


"Quote: War is not about dying for your country, war is about making the other poor son of a bitch die for his."



"Misc Quote: Nothing is fair in love and war"

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I play NF servers and always attack people who get knocked down. It only happens in saber locks then anyway, and what's the point in knocking them down in the first place if you just let them get back up? If I click that many times to put them on the floor, I think I deserve to get the advantage.

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Well, I'm new here, and I dont havethe game yet (Getting it tomorrow if the Mail deliverers do their job right :D ) but I have an opinion here. Well if the people playing this game are like me, I like to get into the shoes of the character. Sure if I was a light jedi I'd bow down and stuff (Which I would do even if I was dark, for honor..and of the way of the Bushido...;) ) but a dark jedi would probably never bow down and play (Or kill) fairly...I mean...their Sith, evil, bad to the bone. Just look at the Empire Strikes back...Luke lowered his guard and turned his back...and vader made him pay for it...So I think it all depends on who your fighting and stuff, ya know? But I dont think you should whine so much about honor...to win any way possible is the way of battle....in a real fight, I wouldnt care about honor, but I'd care about my own ass, and so I'd take out that enemy any way I can! Thats just my two sense....seeya! :bdroid2:

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Is it that hard to dodge someone running at you while you are crouched?


1. By chance if you're using the Light stance, just lunge that sucker.


2. Roll any direction.


3. Somersault over/away from him.


Personally I try unarmed bows with every opponent. If they don't reciprocate, big deal. Rearming yourself is only a click away...


The only situatation in which you should be pissed at the guy who didn't bow is if he actually hits you


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I don't attack people who are typing, bowing, or trying to challenge, and I don't prolong duels when people are waiting.


How is attacking people when they fall down dishonorable?


What would be the point of pushing them down if you don't attack them?


Of course, killing other jedis is dishonorable but you don't see people going around the game just chatting and shaking hands.

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Well have you forgotten what your mother told you " never play with strangers". The same applies here. I stick to a click of people who know how to play and we all agree by verbal rules. Such as, if someone starts up a game and accidently leaves the force powers on I or the host will tell the other players not to use force and we all do. The same applies to spam moves. I love a good fight and to kill someone in one kill does get very boring. The only time I ever use the spam kill is when one of them starts taunting me to the point were I will use abuse the heck outa him/her. Yes, I know, anger leads to the dark side but sometimes someone deserves what they get :D . what we should start is a thread in this forum and post all the names of the spammers and dishonorable players. Just as there are listing for highscores lets give these gamers something else to look at and that is there name in the dishonorable hall of fame!

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Originally posted by Pedantic


Heh, I love that quote. :)


How about this quote, it is from Apocalypse Now:

"We teach our soldiers to drop bombs on people, but they can't write f*ck on their plane because it is obscene,"


As for honor, if someone does something that annoys me , I just do it back a few times until he complains and then I tell him I'll stop it if he does too. If he doesn't, I try to chase him off the server by being a lamer everytime I see him.

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Originally posted by Jubatus

1. Do you attack people when they're in the introductional bow, afk, typing and/or momentarily lagged out?


Yes in Team FFA/CTF, not in duels...


2. Do you attack people when they're knocked to the ground?


HELL YEAH, and I'll try make it a medium backstab if I can pull it off.


3. Do you flee excessively, hide from your opponent or in some other way drag out the fight even though you know several spectators are waiting their turn to duel?


Yes of course, I'm in so it's my right to play (although I never run), however I can understand my oponent if he is.


4. Do you spam single moves? (This might not be considered dishonourable but definately boring)


I try not to, but then you got the terrific ass fighters, to which I just HAVE to throw my lightsabre, up their ass.


5. Do you continiously abuse major bugs? The most noticable was DFA's hit detection and 'stubborn' max damage before 1.03 and is now replaced with the horizontal turn 'swing' with blue stance's backstab. (This could easily be fixed by making players unable to turn during this move; just like they fixed DFA)


If the other player is not trying to backstab me all the time, I do a clean fight, one on one, in front. However I use pull/push/kick/throw and all other tasty treats to nail the mother****er who tries to do one of the suggested.


Have a nice day.....

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My fav part of duels


Is watching the "honorble' players Bow 90 times and spam a buncha nonsense for the first min tell they start fighting.


Man I just love it when people waste my time.


This is a first person shooter Designed to reflect an idea we all like.




Not some mystical challenge for our characters.


Personly i think the people who waste my time by talking to friends they are dueling, Or bowing for a min, or standing around. Or waiting for some afk moron, Or waiting for some lagged out guy, Or wait while someone spews out some random msgs


Have no honor, and should consider the rest of the people waiting in line instead of wasting our time should try and exspediate there fight.


This is one of the main reasons i hate dueling. So friggen boring. Nothing ever changes. Same stuff over and over again.



Ctf saber/force is the game of choice. SO chaotic. No effin around. You gotta concentrate on whats going on around you.


but 1.03 effed that up

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Honor has no place in a video game. Why don't try telling some war veteran that you have honor cuz you bow in a video game and see what they say or do to you. I don't play games to show or prove my sense of honor, I play to have fun and take a break from the stress of a typical day. I deal with enough rules and being told what to do in real life, do you really think I'm going to let some other player tell me how I should play a video game????

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Originally posted by RamataKahn

Honor has no place in a video game. Why don't try telling some war veteran that you have honor cuz you bow in a video game and see what they say or do to you. I don't play games to show or prove my sense of honor, I play to have fun and take a break from the stress of a typical day. I deal with enough rules and being told what to do in real life, do you really think I'm going to let some other player tell me how I should play a video game????


very good point Kahn, he's right, a game is about fun, remember that! so next time someone calls me mr healweeny I'll chop their ass in 1 slash! :D:darth:

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