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Official AotC Discussion Thread

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This is the official AotC discussion thread. Here you can talk about anything AotC. Any questions about the movie can also be answered. Here's my take on the movie....



One word. Wow. It think this is now probably my favorite SW movie. What did I like? As Rhett said: 'About twenty seconds into the film until the final credits'. In otherwords, all of it. Some people were complaining about C-3P0 being annoying. I don't think so. That's just how he is. I admit, some of the dialoge was a BIT cheesy, but the can be overlooked. All in all, I loved it and I can't wait to see it again.

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ive just seen the movie last night for the first time.




i got goosenbumbs all over my body. the Yoda effects.....




man,... i loved that scene.. i loved the entire movie... i wanna see it again. and the...



Death Star, i thought it was thought up by some other

guy? and i was expecting to meet Tarkin already.



man oh man oh man oh man.... i cant wait to see it again. who is with me?


*raises arm*

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Well, heres is my 2 cents!!


I thought it was incredible. The art, the acting, the story, and the ending was awesome as well. I was so blown away by the CGI stuff and the environs on the film that I had a hard time appreciating the story. I am going to go again next week after it soaks in, and I want to see it in a better theatre. I think the sound system in mine was not that good.


The scene with Yoda I thought was incredible. I was very concerned that it would corny, but it was the second best light saber fight, after ROTJ. And it was in good humor as well, yoda is the man, although, I still want to be Mace Windu when I grow up!!


I was a little concerned about the love story. They dwelled on it alot, it slowed down the film, but the action scenes more than made up for it.


I am still in shock, I need to see it again, there is just so much to take in for one viewing!!


Just myhumble opinion,



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