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the "truth" about jk2!!!!!!!!!!!


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after watching episode 2 i have to say that some patch isnt going to be enough to satisfy anyone, with all the whiners complaining every other post theres not enough time to please em all, ide hope to start a mod someday that changes jk2 dramatically, ive had previous posts explaining some details but the main thing that needs to be changed is saber battles and the general speed of the game, the reason why i beleive that the game is soo widely whored by n00bs isbecause its too slow and easy to learn, think about dark forces 2 it took me a good week or 2 to stop killing myself on walls with force speed and jump, i believe that a faster pace and ALOT better system of sabering for mp is needed, this way it brings back "skill" into the game, saber swings should be quick for the most part and pretty good looking, just look at the saber battles from ep1 and ep2, they are quite agile and quick in their attacks and i think that if a faster pace and more agility moves were added it would definately increase gameplay, alot of people like the slow pace but i think thats jsut because they like to get easy kills, with the conc riffle in df2 it was a little unbalanced but the gameplay was unparallel, basically what i hope to acomplish or hope to see acomplished is bringing back "fun" into the jedi series of games, because right now all people are trying to do is find the easiest way to get kills and not have fun (ass fighting, dfa...etc..) there are probably 2 people who complain for every 1 person that does this, so basically high paced action needs to be restored.....the saber system in df2 was pretty ghetto but u have to admit it was alot faster than it is in jk2 and i think its more fun, even though there were only 2 swings strong and weak it still has a better set up than jk2 i believe....there is usually 1 main attack that everyone seems to whore in jk2 because basically all the rest are weak or useless, all attacks should be the same strength and look pretty amazing when doing them.


i dont mean to criticize jk2 or the people who made it, but i have to say it definately needs work on the mp gameplay.

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The best saber fighting for JK2 (as I was hoping they would have implemented, though the current system isn't bad) would have been much faster paced... I mean really, there shouldn't even BE a "heavy" "mid" and "light" style... a lightsaber cuts through anything it touches; it doesn't matter whether you swing it slowly and wide or not.


The system I would hope for would simply be a 1-touch slice-off combat with many many blocks and extremely fast paced action (read: 2-3 strikes per second without having to spin in circles to achieve it)


Of course, this system will eventually come along... but I doubt it will be with this engine. :)

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Let me explain something quickly...


The movie fight scenes are lightning fast because they are choreographed and..... the characters use the force to anticipate their foe's moves i believe.



Raven made the game knowing that you dont have control of the force (presumably) so they had to slow it down.


Sorry mate, you're not a jedi :)

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Game is to Slow now.


Should be one style of blade


With various key patterns that define the speed/angle at which the saber slices.


And the saber shouldnt be a whiffle ball bat



1.03 is pathetic after watching ep2 :p

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Originally posted by TrUeFoRcE

after watching episode 2 i have to say that some patch isnt going to be enough to satisfy anyone, with all the whiners complaining every other post theres not enough time to please em all, ide hope to start a mod someday that changes jk2 dramatically, ive had previous posts explaining some details but the main thing that needs to be changed is saber battles and the general speed of the game, the reason why i beleive that the game is soo widely whored by n00bs isbecause its too slow and easy to learn, think about dark forces 2 it took me a good week or 2 to stop killing myself on walls with force speed and jump, i believe that a faster pace and ALOT better system of sabering for mp is needed, this way it brings back "skill" into the game, saber swings should be quick for the most part and pretty good looking, just look at the saber battles from ep1 and ep2, they are quite agile and quick in their attacks and i think that if a faster pace and more agility moves were added it would definately increase gameplay, alot of people like the slow pace but i think thats jsut because they like to get easy kills, with the conc riffle in df2 it was a little unbalanced but the gameplay was unparallel, basically what i hope to acomplish or hope to see acomplished is bringing back "fun" into the jedi series of games, because right now all people are trying to do is find the easiest way to get kills and not have fun (ass fighting, dfa...etc..) there are probably 2 people who complain for every 1 person that does this, so basically high paced action needs to be restored.....the saber system in df2 was pretty ghetto but u have to admit it was alot faster than it is in jk2 and i think its more fun, even though there were only 2 swings strong and weak it still has a better set up than jk2 i believe....there is usually 1 main attack that everyone seems to whore in jk2 because basically all the rest are weak or useless, all attacks should be the same strength and look pretty amazing when doing them.


i dont mean to criticize jk2 or the people who made it, but i have to say it definately needs work on the mp gameplay.





Originally posted by UniKorn

ZZZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzz *boring*


/me looks for the originality in this post.


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sorry about posting 3 times...the server was lagging or something and it didnt show up....


just to clear a few things up:


i dont think that jk1 had a better saber system i just think that it took a little mroe skill to do.


i know that the fight scenes in the movies are practiced a millin times to get them to look good and fast, im jsut saying that we could have a better variety of swings to choose from at a sped up rate...and i dont think im a jedi gonkh8ter! :)


and i wasnt comparing jk1 to jk2 i was jsut using it as an example to show that it took some skill to learn that game and saber battles werent over in 2 seconds...although duels usually are a bit longer like all battles should be....


u guys are taking this post way to seriously, i was just stating a few COMENTS, these forums are full of complainers......

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Trying to compare a movie and a game. Please give it up. And I think the patch did make it more like the movie, by increasing sabre blocking you see more fast paced swings connecting on an opponents sabre. This is what you all wanted right. Be careful what you wish for...

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it's funny, I keep hearing on these forums that the lightsabre isn't a whiffle ball bat and will slice anything it touches immediately, yet when I just watched ROTJ, I see Luke batting people all over the skiffs on Tattoine with his lightsabre , and no limbs being severed or heads flying



go figure


the purple one

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