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The Sum of all fears


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Looks like a good movie. Tom Clancy's my kind of guy :D But, seriously, if you ever thought about it, the sum of all fears IS what the sum is in this movie. And you know what, this sum is going to happen to us. It is not a matter of whether or not we can stop it now, it is when, I think, because there is a good chance OBL or some other arab terrorist group got one from a rogue faction in the Russian Military. The question is: How do we stop them, if we can?

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I'm NOT a happy camper when it come to The Sum Of all Fears!


How in the world can Ben Affleck pass for an older Harrison Ford as Jack Ryan?! That's not even believable. At least Harrison was older then Alec Baldwin when he took the role. Here's a guy who in his 40's, had two kids, was in the marines, taught college, played wall street, worked off and on for the CIA, and still looks like he's 30. Come-on!


Don't get me wrong, I love Tom Clancy and I love the book, I will even still go see the movie, but I still think it was a horrible decision to give the Role of Jack Ryan to Ben Affleck, oh well.

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Hey, if you're going to worry about stuff you can add:


1) 20 square miles of Greenland falling into the ocean creating a tidal wave that will flood all of the Eastern United States.


2) Super volcano under Yellowstone erupting destroying Western half of United States.


3) Earth being struck by asteroid destroying ALL life as we know it.


4) Sun going Red Giant engulfing first 3 planets in solar sytem.


(all of the above proven by scientists that they WILL happen. It's only a matter of WHEN. Sure it could be millenia from now, but...)


Just a little bit of sunshine to brighten your day. :D



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