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How can anybody like this movie??

The Wanderer

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WARNING, the following contains spoilers aplenty





Oh my God... that movie was 1 hour and 45 minutes of boredom and hell, followed by 30 minutes of confusing action that makes no sense.


It opens up promising enough, but then there's the flat acting (I actually laughed at one of Anakin’s lines it was so corny) Then there’s a very mediocre chase scene. After that it gets worse. Anakin and Padme had ABSOLUTELY NO chemistry, at NO point in time during the ENTIRE film did I ever even come CLOSE to believing they had any feelings for each other at all, let alone that they were in love. Meanwhile Obi Wan is on a detective hunt that amounts to little more than him going from one setting to the next with some painful and flatly delivered expository dialogue.


The one bright spot in the movie up to this point was Jango Fett, much to my surprise. This Boba Fett rip off (I can hear the dorks out there yelling at their computer screens right now that Jango somehow managed to come first) had more personality and life than any of the other characters in this "film" put together. I found myself rooting for this rip off Jango Fett, which is a bad thing because he's A.) one of the antagonists. and B.) it was a minor roll.


So after slugging through over an hour of this convoluted passionless soulless "film" After listening to Anakin unconvincingly proclaiming his love to Padme in cliched dialogue, and Padme turning him down saying it can never be despite how I feel in her trademark monotone voice. (that romantic subplot is the ULTIMATE example of show not tell) my battered psyche is craving something emotional, something real, something other than these cardboard cutouts of characters. I ALMOST get it. Anakin's mother dies in his arms after being abused by tusken raiders. An enraged and pained Anakin coldly walks out of the hut she was held captive in, kills two tuskens in cold blood, I think "Ahhhh, finally here is some raw passion, we shall see Anakin's darkside roots with our own eyes" Anakin raises his sword over his head ANGRILY, preparing to SLAUGHTER the tuskens who have just killed his mom... annnnnnnnd........... CUT to cartoon CG Yoda spouting off expository dialogue about how something bad has happened. And I can not forgive George Lucas.


At this point every time there's a new scene and somebody starts talking some more I just groan and slump in my chair. I've just experienced 1 hour and Forty Five minutes of bland acting and bland dialogue with pretty backgrounds and I don't care anymore. I just want to see something happen, and I do. 30 minutes of confusing mess. The best way I can describe it is obscene visual gluttony. I don't even know what happened, my attention is much longer than .4 seconds. there were a lot CGI cartoon monsters, and robots. Ani and Padme fall into a cartoon acme factory and bugs try to kill them... for some reason... there was this Count Dokou. he's in league with bugs building robots to try and overthrow a government, but he's really building clones to fight the robots for the guy he's in league with who really is the guy who is in control of the government, And they're trying to kill Padme... for some reason... Only Yoda shows up with all of a dead Jedi's clones after having decided to ditch the whole at Peace and in touch with the force thing. Shooting goes on, a lot of shooting, and Yoda ordering things blown up and it's all convoluted and it's exactly like something a 11 year old would write, which is OK, because it felt like 11 year olds acted this movie out for their school play anyway.


Some other points...


1.) Who are the main characters of these films? In the first one Obi Wan didn't do very much and I think it was Qui-Gon, but he dies. Now it's... Anakin, Obi-Wan, and Padme? but Yoda saves the day, and I was rooting for Jango Fett???



2.) CG... everything looks like cartoon... Coursant(sp?) = looked like a cartoon. Yoda = looked like a cartoon. Gladiator arena monsters = looked like cartoons straight outta Monsters Inc.



3.) Now, exactly what function did C3-PO and R2 serve in that movie? They served no real pourpose. Why write them in??? Wasn't Owen Lars upset when Anakin stole his droid? Was there any reason at all to write them in there other than to cram one more thing in that mess?



4.) I know I've went over this already, but MAN was there ever a romance that felt more forced and unconvincing than that??



5.) I want ONE person to take a good long look at R2 FLYING around and then try to tell me Lucas knows what he's doing. that movie felt like it was written and directed by a fourth grader

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As far as the CG's looking cartoonish I sorta see where your going. but I chose to see the buildings in their futuristic type appearence and that they were somewhat clean looking as opposed to the grungy and depressing look of the buildings of our time.


And I wholeheartedly agree with you on the C-3P0 and r2-d2 connection here which draws back to episode 1. Yes the droid repaired the shields and earned your commendations but that means it will remain by your side for the remainder of your life? I felt the chemistry between the two droids was exactly like the banter they had in the older trilogy, except they hardly knew eachother. They acted like good friends when truthfully they briefly met in episode 1 and the had just been re-united after ten years and were having another chat. Their chemistry didn't make sense to me, given time it would but it was instantanious. I thought the rocket pack was cool but again maybe if this wasnt a prequel. How many situations would that rocket pack have come in handy in episodes 4-6. anyways thats besidde my point it was the friendship of the two droids that seemed off to me. maybe there was time to develop that we didnt see but it didnt seem like that to me.

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Originally posted by felony

Hey, heres a nice idea: Go make a better movie because you obviously know exactly how to make hit movies!


Wanderer, I've got some crayons and a scrap book! We could make it a success!

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I hate to say this... but i actualy do think i know how to make a film better than George Lucas does any more...


this film jumps all over the place and has things that exist for no reason.


Dooku could quite happily not existed at all.

His only point is to go build an army with the trade federation, something that Sidious could have done himself.


in the first movie sidious deals with the bad naughty people himself, but in this one he needs some dude to do it.


the only other reason he is in the film i can think of is sometihng that kind of has a point. So that Anakin etc can fight him and they all think that he is the bad guy leaving sidious from blame.


BUT couldnt some random race of people just amassed an ARmy and tried to kill everyone? that was the plot of episode 1.


The film was so long, and this charaacter was totally crap and pointless, he could quit ehappily have been removed.




You just dont care about any of the characters, there is no real passion / friendship between any of them, at no point are you on the edge of your seat.


look at that fight between vader and luke in cloud city.. how ****ing good is that?? and now we watch some half assed fighting between some random dude and crap actors. Mark hamil was a crap actor, but that didnt seem to get in the way of the film, which it does with Anakin.


the only good bits are the darkening of anakin and the parts with lead onto other films.


analyse this film as a one off, without seeing any other episode you would be dumbfounded trying to understand it, all the others can be watched one off.


draw all you want from it, make your excuses.

with time i will hate this film less, seeing smaler details of small things that will bring it up a bit in my eyes. but it will not be enough to counter act all the unnecessary bollocks.


"I'm built for protocol not destruction! "


what a **** head.

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Hate leads to anger. Anger leads to fear. Fear leads to death.


Hopefully the death of Lucas so someone competent can write and direct the last 4 movies. :p


He's never going to go back to the original model spacecraft which looked FAR superior to the CGI ones. And what happened to the music? The music in episodes 4-6 was amazing, some of the best ever seen in a film. The music in episdoe 2 is bland and instantly forgettable.

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And what happened to the music? The music in episodes 4-6 was amazing, some of the best ever seen in a film. The music in episdoe 2 is bland and instantly forgettable.


episode1 had good music too :) i like duel of the fates, that end light sabre duel is far superior to the one is ep2.

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Originally posted by Spaff

I hate to say this... but i actualy do think i know how to make a film better than George Lucas does any more...


this film jumps all over the place and has things that exist for no reason.


Dooku could quite happily not existed at all.

His only point is to go build an army with the trade federation, something that Sidious could have done himself.


in the first movie sidious deals with the bad naughty people himself, but in this one he needs some dude to do it.


the only other reason he is in the film i can think of is sometihng that kind of has a point. So that Anakin etc can fight him and they all think that he is the bad guy leaving sidious from blame.



What are you talking about. The whole story line with Palpatine/Sidious is how he is manipulating others to accomplish his vision. Sidious didn't deal with anyone directly except for the Viceroy. He had to do that instead of someone else or we wouldn't have been able to be introduced to him. The whole trade federation thing in Ep I didn't make as much since until we discover that the whole conflict was created and manipulated just to get Palpatine the Chancellor title. I


think Dooku played a great role. Palpatine used him to do all the dirty work. The Jedi know about Dooku now, but they still don't know about his mysterious master as you alluded to above. Also remember that Dooku didn't die in Ep II. How do you know what plans Lucas has for him in Ep III? He could have a major part in the plot? For example, is he the one that could possibly kill Padme?




BUT couldnt some random race of people just amassed an ARmy and tried to kill everyone? that was the plot of episode 1.


The film was so long, and this charaacter was totally crap and pointless, he could quit ehappily have been removed.


Read comment above on his character. Concerning the army. Did you not get the revelation at the end of why Dooku did what he did?


Did you not realize that Sidious, using Dooku, was playing both sides of the fence. Sidious using another puppet ( or possibly Dooku) started creating an army 10 years before the movie to fight another army from the separatists that he helped form. So basically, Sidious had his hand in creating both armies just to start the civil war and get Palpatine ( his alter ego) unlimited powers basically making the Republic a dictatorship. The war will also be used to wipe out the jedi who are his only real enemy.




look at that fight between vader and luke in cloud city.. how ****ing good is that?? and now we watch some half assed fighting between some random dude and crap actors. Mark hamil was a crap actor, but that didnt seem to get in the way of the film, which it does with Anakin.


the only good bits are the darkening of anakin and the parts with lead onto other films.


Omg! The actual fight between Luke and Vader in ESB was no where as the nice as the fight at the end with Dooku. The point of the fight in ESB, was to let us see how much more powerful Vader was than Luke and for Vader to tell Luke he was his father.


The fight also showed us why Yoda was considered the master! Everyone was always measuring themself to Yoda. Even palpatine compared Anakin to Yoda when he was talking to him. It was nice to see in person why everyone thought they way they did. Yes, they could have done with out the Bruce Lee pose, which was a little funny and the CG could have been better, but we found out right then and there why they were saying what they were saying. Dooku had already beat Obi and Anakin and Yoda layed the smackdown on him and he ran.


Also, it was a nice tie in with Obi during the talk with Yoda when you realize that Dooku was Yoda's apprentice, Qui Gon was Dooku's apprentice, Obi was Qui Gon's apprentice, and Anakin was Obi's apprentice. That right there is 5 generations of Jedi. I found that interesting.



"I'm built for protocol not destruction! "

what a **** head.


Geez. That is classic C3-PO. I guess you must have hated him in the original trilogy too.

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The fact that Dooku is the apprentice is a nice touch as it could show how little the Jedi see...




Yoda : "Always two there are, a master and an apprentice"

Windu : "But which was destroyed, the master or the apprentice"


The Jedi will wonder if the Dark Side had clouded their vision, and may think that Dooku was the master, which, given his ranking in the Jedi Order as a superior of Qui-Gonn, is not entirely surprising.


Once more, Sidious has expertly covered his tracks, since Yoda seems to have dismissed what Dooku said to Obi-Wan regarding Sidious out of hand

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Originally posted by Spaff

that end light sabre duel is far superior to the one is ep2.


I agree with you by taking a action oriented view of the fight. The high energy coreography (sp?) was great. I also think it portrayed the combatants well too. Qui Gon did his best to fend off Maul's attacks, but from the beginning it was obvious he was no match for the younger nimbler maul. Where it heated up was when the two youngsters, Maul and Obi, had at it. The high energy fight was indicitive of Obi's wilder, younger style.


However, the fight in Ep II was just as good in my eyes if you look at the overall scene. The fighting was on par with their characters. The only high energy stuff we saw was when Anakin wielded 2 sabers and Yoda. Yoda's portion was extreme, but if the CG was a little better, that fight would have been every much as extreme as the one in Ep I. I think everyone keeps pointing tothe EP I fight as superior mainly because of Maul being cooler than Dooku( double blad saber and kicka$$ costume) and the muscial score that tied things together. The music during the fight in Ep II was no where as good as "Duel of Fates".

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Originally posted by Wicket the Ewok

Hate leads to anger. Anger leads to fear. Fear leads to death.


Hopefully the death of Lucas so someone competent can write and direct the last 4 movies. :p


He's never going to go back to the original model spacecraft which looked FAR superior to the CGI ones. And what happened to the music? The music in episodes 4-6 was amazing, some of the best ever seen in a film. The music in episdoe 2 is bland and instantly forgettable.



There are no 'last 4 movies'. The trilogy that was to supposedly follow the original trilogy is something made up by the media. There is 1 more movie, and then Star Wars is complete. Star Wars is the story of Anakin Skywalker. Luke was just used as a tool in the original trilogy to help tell that story. Luke is really unimportant. Which happens to appeal to me, a Darth Vader fan, but anyway....

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Most people seem to think making cgi sequences takes like 2 seconds. It takes months to complete them, a single model takes weeks. Trust me, its not as easy as you think, especially at the scale that was used in ep2. I would know, im learning how to make them myself. Building accual ship props takes just as long but costs more and is 10 times harder.


*Begin Rant*

BTW if you dont like the movie thats your opinion, everyone is intitled one. But dot complain and mess it up for people who liked the movie. You might make someone decide not to go to it and they might be missing something they would have really liked. These movies are laying the foundation, its much harder to do a prequel than a sequel. The original starwars movies are done in a different style, which wouldnt cut it now. Everything is there for a reason. I admit some of the lines were cheesy and they used alot of cleques. If you look passed them you can see the story unfold and alot of foreshadowing. Its a good movie, i didnt think it was hard to follow at all.


*End Rant*


My 2 cents, just defending GL

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Fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate, hate leads to suffering......I see much suffering in this forum....


All I have to say is, Lucas was very rusty when he made episode 1. To me episode 2 is a better film by far...and yes, it has its flaws, like when the movie kept jumping between stories, just when I got into a certain scene it jumped to another.......but I do have one question. In Yoda's fight scene with Dooku, when he was jumping around and doing all those acrobatics. Someone please tell me why does Yoda need a cane to walk :confused:

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Wow thank you for impressing us with you ability to write a review. Truth is, critics just love bashing GL and Star wars. Why? Nobody will never know. If you didn't like the movie I suggest you post somewhere useful. You aren't going to change any of our opinions about the movie because A) We loved it and B) It owned. If you didnt like it then dont go see Episode III. If your not a Star Wars fan then why did you go see it.






On the Yoda thing, I bet that Yoda just has a brief period where he "calls" the force to his side.

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I think where critics get off track on this is in two areas.


First, you simply can't look at this as a stand-alone movie. The entire 6 episode SW saga is one big 14 hr (840 minutes) movie. If you look at one act of a 6 act play, how can you say at all that a <fill in the blank> was completely pointless until you've seen the entire 6 acts? You can't.


Example, Episode I, Jar-Jar seemed to be a pretty pointless character thrown in there for the kiddies. Fast forward to Episode II where we see how the fact that he a) hails from Naboo, b) has obvious self-esteem woes, and c) is very impressionable and prone to making bad mistakes...all come together to confluence at a very critical time and pivot point for the future of the republic. You can rest assured that Count Dooku will play a prominent role in the next one.


None of the original movies (save the first one) were stand-alone movies. Aside from the obvious that ESB ended with the granddaddy of all cliff hangers, neither ESB or RotJ bothered to tell us where any of our characters came from, why they were doing what they were doing....there was no exposition. What the heck is this Alliance anyways? What are they allied against? That big half constructed sphere in the sky? I guess so. Each of those movies relied HEAVILY on your ability to remember what happened previously.


Each Star Wars movie has and always will be like a separate chapter in a book. You're trying to analyze each chapter like it's a separate short story. It doesn't work that way. Chapters in a book have foreshadowing (to other chapters), set ups for future characters and locations....there are very very few books (I can't think of any) that you can split their chapters into separate stand alone stories.


This leads me into my second area: People looking for drama, critically acclaimed romance, and deep meaningful dialogue should know that Star Wars is not and has never contained any of the above. Star Wars is, never was, and never will be a drama.


Upset with Aotc love story? Well hate to break it to you, but if you were expecting 'An Officer and a Gentleman', I think that's not Lucas' problem.


Star Wars is a fairy tale, plain and simple. George has said it numerous times. His main thrust with the whole series was to give the kids of the current generation a fairy tale in spirit of the old Saturday Flash-Gordonesque serials. Fairy tales don't have good drama, tend to be pretty cheesy, and they aren't structured to be "oscar" caliber stories. Any "love story" in a fairy tale serves one purpose and one purpose only, to serve as a conduit or a facilitator of the tales main theme. It's done in a way that children can understand and accept. "You complete me" or "You had me at hello" has no place in a SW movie, a line like "I truly deeply love you" or "I can't stop thinking about you" does.


A fairy tale's main objective is to teach children a set of morals or values in a way that they understand and accept. Star Wars is all about good vs evil and making tough choices, but seeing how the right choices can lead to the good, and wrong choices can lead to the evil.


Viewed in this light, AOTC fits right in. It is Act 2 of a 6-act fairy tale. We see Anakin start to make bad choices, giving into anger, being prone to fits of arrogance and rage, disobeying direct orders from his "father". We see Amidala discouraging Anakin from them having a secret relationship, that living lies are bad, but at the end, when they make a choice to get married in secret, I can pretty much guarantee you that that will be a BIG factor in Anakin's short future as Jedi and long future as Dark Lord of the Sith. A bad choice leading to bad things.



It's a fairy tale, plain and simple. Not science fiction, not drama.....it's not like anything we've seen before on the big screen. The characters are flat, not very deep, and can be totally judged on their appearance. The good guys wear white, the bad guys wear black, and the ones in between wear gray or a combo. The story itself is simplistic with hidden overtures and themes. Children don't like to be lectured anymore than adults do, but the difference is you can give kids a lecture without them being any the wiser. Wrapping morals in a fun story is like giving your family pet, a pill wrapped in cheese. They'll eat up without knowing they're doing themselves a favor. Try to just give them the pill and they'll spit it out. Bad analogy maybe, but I think you get the point.


How many fairy tales have you critiqued before? You know that whole Billy Goat Gruff story seemed very shallow, and I never really believed that the troll under the bridge was really after anything more than his paycheck. The Brothers Grimm have really lost their edge.



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To return to the original question:


How can anybody like this movie??


Well, I suppose that's called personal taste.


It seems there are different kinds of board users around:



Those who OMFG love the movie and jump at anyone trying to say something else. Let's call them Hypers. Their goal is trying to get everyone to love the movie the same way they do (which they can't accomplish and thus makes them quite embarassing).



Those who hate the movie and exspect a new flawless classic like the original Star Wars movies (which they are not and never were) and hack every movie into pieces, which does not live up to their exspectation. Let's call them Lumberjacks. *humms a melody*



Those who enjoyed the movie and know that it, while not being perfect, was a nice little flick (for Star Wars fans).


Guess where I see myself and most others?


Now to your points, The Wanderer:



Then there’s a very mediocre chase scene.

So, you have seen a better one? Where?



my battered psyche is craving something emotional, something real, something other than these cardboard cutouts of characters.


*cough* Hamill *cough* At least it stays in the family. ;)



Anakin raises his sword over his head ANGRILY, preparing to SLAUGHTER the tuskens who have just killed his mom... annnnnnnnd........... CUT to cartoon CG Yoda spouting off expository dialogue about how something bad has happened. And I can not forgive George Lucas.


Taking into account that so many people are movie experts on this board, I am sure that they can tell you that a sudden cut and the later exclamation They are beasts! I slaughtered them like beasts! is much more effective and intense that showing the scene itself. (Running after screaming innocent people takes a long time and is rather uninteresting. Do you never watch COPS?)



Ani and Padme fall into a cartoon acme factory and bugs try to kill them... for some reason... there was this Count Dokou. he's in league with bugs building robots to try and overthrow a government, but he's really building clones to fight the robots for the guy he's in league with who really is the guy who is in control of the government, And they're trying to kill Padme... for some reason... Only Yoda shows up with all of a dead Jedi's clones after having decided to ditch the whole at Peace and in touch with the force thing. Shooting goes on, a lot of shooting, and Yoda ordering things blown up and it's all convoluted and it's exactly like something a 11 year old would write, which is OK, because it felt like 11 year olds acted this movie out for their school play anyway.


Much better than "One naive boy, his mentor, a smuggler and a warrior dog save a princes and blow up a big, grey basketball with a *Dr. Evil voive* super-laser.", right? (Yeah, I hate Episode 4!)

And the factory just screamed Jedi Knight level design. :D


1.) Who are the main characters of these films? In the first one Obi Wan didn't do very much and I think it was Qui-Gon, but he dies. Now it's... Anakin, Obi-Wan, and Padme? but Yoda saves the day, and I was rooting for Jango Fett???


Where is the problem with that one?




2.) CG... everything looks like cartoon... Coursant(sp?) = looked like a cartoon. Yoda = looked like a cartoon. Gladiator arena monsters = looked like cartoons straight outta Monsters Inc.


Concerning the arena monsters: Agreed.

Concerning Coruscant and Yoda: Did we see the same movie?

Even if you didn't like the other CGs, what about the Kaminosians?



3.) Now, exactly what function did C3-PO and R2 serve in that movie? They served no real pourpose. Why write them in??? Wasn't Owen Lars upset when Anakin stole his droid? Was there any reason at all to write them in there other than to cram one more thing in that mess?


They had the same function they already had in the old movies: The comedical element. The modern audience (those stupid Pokemon-collection, Harry Potter-reading kinds) just needs the short pause after the jokes. Otherwise the humour was the same as in Episode 4-6.



4.) I know I've went over this already, but MAN was there ever a romance that felt more forced and unconvincing than that??


Personally I would agree, but a lot of couples in the cinema liked it, therefore I would go with that personal taste thingy again.



5.) I want ONE person to take a good long look at R2 FLYING around and then try to tell me Lucas knows what he's doing. that movie felt like it was written and directed by a fourth grader


Are there too many kids and actions directed to children in Episode 1 and 2? Yes!!! Completely agreed.



Personally I would say only Empire strikes back and Return of the Jedi beat this one and taking into account all movies done in the last dozend years, this is one of the best. After all, it is the first movie, which kept me excited, even after I left the cinema. Not even LotR did that to me.


7 out of 10

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Ok dude. Look at you, you call other people star wars nerds while you write a fuking 1 page summary of the movie. Now if you aren't fuking satisfied go see Ice Age or something.


If you look to the right, you will see a so-called lumberjack in his natural environment.


Mere 2 posts and already so much anger in that one...



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I realized I never gave my thoughts on the movie in my previous post...I'd give AoTC a 8.5/10.


The things I didn't particularly care for:


1) Jango seemed to die way too easy


2) The slapstick C3PO bit during the intense battle sequences. While I found them to be somewhat humorous, for me, they totally killed the momentum of the battle and proved to be a distraction. Every time his head or body would appear, I would practically yell at the screen to move along. We go from Jango being beheaded, to 3PO's head asking "what? what are my arms doing?" Thanks for the buzzkill.


But as a whole I felt like I was back in the Star Wars universe, something I didn't feel in Episode I.


One thing that Wanderer or maybe someone else mentioned was the whole Tusken Raider slaughter scene, and how they were upset with how it was done.

To be done the way it should *have* been done would have obliterated its PG rating (or whatever scale it is in your country). To me it was much more powerful to see Yoda wincing in pain as the ghostly sounds of battle echo in his brain, as he feels the extreme anger and pain of Anakin halfway across the galaxy...



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What was wrong with the way Jango died? Are you saying that you didn't enjoy seeing Samuel L. Jackson take his head off with his lightsaber? I thought that very fitting. Plus, if he didn't die that way, Boba couldn't have held the mask up to his face at the end, which was a nifty idea.

As for the Tusken slaughter, yes, the PG rating would have gone out the window. Not so much because of violence (since the lightsaber doesn't draw blood because of its extreme heat), but more because of the concept of the slaughter of innocent women and children. That would have shot it at least to PG-13, possibly even R, depending on how many there were. And you're right, Yoda's response and Anakin's declaration of his "slaughter of animals" definately brought across the meaning it needed to.



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I think Lucas is trying to please everyone of all ages and sexes. A little romance for women, some fighting for the men, and some humor for kids. AOTC wasn't great, but it's star wars. I say stop the politically correct bull****, and make a kick ass film for the die hard star wars fans, but its Lucas's project.

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I didn't think there was anything wrong with the "way" he died. Just the quickness of it. It just seemed way too fast. I was expecting more of a drawn out battle like what he had with Obi-wan. You pretty much just see him get rushed once by Mace and all he does is stand there, then *waaaaarrwww* *slice* off with his head! Granted he did take down some Jedi, so maybe he already had his screen time quota :)

The scene with Boba picking up his helmet was powerful though.

I'm going for my second viewing tmrw morning. I'm going to prepare myself to pay much more attention to the end battle :)


While I don't know yet if I can say AotC is my favorite SW movie, the last 45 minutes are definitely my most favorite ending to any SW movie yet.



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Gidion, thank you for bringing up points and not just flaming, as to your points...



So, you have seen a better one? Where?


Theres a very good foot chase in "Time After Time" nothing fancy mind you, but I liked it for some reason. The chace sequence at the end of Monsters Inc was fabulous. Oh, The Blues Brothers man, lets not forget the Blues Brothers.


My problem with the chace sequence in AOTC is the problem I have with most of the action sequences in that movie. It's what I like to call "obscene visual gluttony" throwing as much CGI at you as one possibly can does not a well orchastrated scene make.


*cough* Hamill *cough* At least it stays in the family.


mayhaps, but at least Hamil had the good fortune to work with Directors who could get more out of an actor than Lucas seems to be able to. You can't tell me that Luke, Han, Leia, and Chewie aren't dynamic and vibrant especially compared to Ani Pad and Obi.


Taking into account that so many people are movie experts on this board, I am sure that they can tell you that a sudden cut and the later exclamation They are beasts! I slaughtered them like beasts! is much more effective and intense that showing the scene itself. (Running after screaming innocent people takes a long time and is rather uninteresting. Do you never watch COPS?)


I guess I'm just going to have to disagree then. The movie was emotionally empty, tedious, and could have used the raw anger. Imagine watching Psycho, only right after we see Normans outline with the knife they cut to a sherif on the phone saying "yes, it was terrible, she was stabed multiple times"


Much better than "One naive boy, his mentor, a smuggler and a warrior dog save a princes and blow up a big, grey basketball with a *Dr. Evil voive* super-laser.", right? (Yeah, I hate Episode 4!)

And the factory just screamed Jedi Knight level design.


A movie should not feel like a video game. And reguarding grey basketballs, of course it was absurd, but at least it made sense :) And I'm not a big fan of ANH myself, Empire's where it's all at.



1.) Who are the main characters of these films? In the first one Obi Wan didn't do very much and I think it was Qui-Gon, but he dies. Now it's... Anakin, Obi-Wan, and Padme? but Yoda saves the day, and I was rooting for Jango Fett???





Where is the problem with that one?


There is no main character, how could you not have a problem with that?



Concerning the arena monsters: Agreed.

Concerning Coruscant and Yoda: Did we see the same movie?

Even if you didn't like the other CGs, what about the Kaminosians?


When I say Coruscant, I'm mainly refering to the chase scene. That car Anakin stole eerily reminded me of the Taxi from who framed roger rabbit for some reason. I think Yoda looks like a moving painting right now, CG technology has not yet achieved a state of perfection. The puppet looked more real to me. Kaminosians, were they the cloners? yes, I will say I thought they looked pretty good.


But basically, CGI does NOT look better all the time. I was watching ROTJ the other day. I think whatsherface (can't remember her name, the thin legged singer in the band at Jabba's palace) looked better before they replaced her with a digital entity. and Jabba came on the TV and I thought to myself "OH MY GOD, Jabba looks GREAT!!!" Jabba looked like a real creature, he didn't move with overly fluid animated motions. This is because, he was there, he was a real thing.


They had the same function they already had in the old movies: The comedical element. The modern audience (those stupid Pokemon-collection, Harry Potter-reading kinds) just needs the short pause after the jokes. Otherwise the humour was the same as in Episode 4-6.


fair enough, it just seems awkward that they'd bring them with at all. Wasn't Owen Lars mad that Anakin stole his droid? shouldn't they have waited in the ship?

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