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In fact, crafting has undergone another change: You don't increase your skill by churning yout items. Rather, your character improves the more people use your items. If you make a rifle, sell it to someone, and log off, you can log back on and get an experience-point dump based on how often your customer shot things. "It's result oriented", commented Koster.


The poster lists the benefits for each species:


Human: can advance through Imperial military with no penalty

Zabrak: mind-related bonuses, especially willpower, slight resitance to poison, Tattoos

Mon Calamari: swimming speed, increased vision underwater, no combat penalties underwater, can survive longer underwater, mental attrib bonuses, penalties in hot/dry conditions.

Twilek: head-tail language, bonuses to dancing effects, bonus to focus attributes.

Wookiee: physical bonuses, build/use traditional weapons, can't speak basic, negative modifiers when dealing with Trandoshan NPCs.

Rodian: quickness bonus, bonuses to bounty hunting and smuggling

Trandoshan: physical bonuses, claws provide extra damage in unarmed combat, no penalties for fighting or using skills at night, negative reaction with Wookiee NPCs.

Bothan: slicing and investigation bonuses, action-related attribute bonuses.



heh, the link to the article is in the middle of those 2 ;)

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Originally posted by Saiyan22

yeah, it may be old news, but i was under the impression that you got exp. pts for selling items, now you get more and more exp every time they use it




Guess i will be giving an extra ammo pack free with my guns :)

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