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Boushh/Leia model pic's and some questions...

oddjob: A-Team

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As for an update, I am currently trying desperately to get my model in to JKII. It's not going well. I finally got it to compile, but there are a myariad of problems now. The animations seem to all be off, the shader I made for the helmet/no helmet effect is just plain not working and while it deforms fairly decently, it has holes that I don't see in Max on the seams. Oh, and the entire thing's normals are the opposite of what they are in Max. I fixed that though. But now it's inverted in Max. :p Good thing I have a few days off next week.



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Originally posted by Pedantic

It looks like AHL is just a mod to make Half-Life into Max Payne.


Have you played it? If not then dont judge it. It is easily the best mod out there for Half-Life, and is very little like Max Payne apart from the diving and action movie resemblance.

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Originally posted by [CO] HellmasteR


Have you played it? If not then dont judge it. It is easily the best mod out there for Half-Life, and is very little like Max Payne apart from the diving and action movie resemblance.


Ooooh, feisty. :rolleyes: Did I say the mod was bad? I just commented on the resemblance apparent to me from the screenshots I saw. Don't get so upset because I compared your precious Half-Life to another game.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Is it just the lighting or something else coz her skin colour seems to be a bit too pale.


Just another question and/or suggestion: I don't see any neck on the model, is this just the angle of the screenshot or what? If there isn't much of one then I'd suggest you somehow make some of the neck show.


Other than that, the textures and shading are awsome!!

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I think some of the previous posts in this thread were lost when they moved the Forums to the new server. I believe Oddjob said that he was leaving for a few weeks and would finish up the model when he returned from wherever it was he was going.

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