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May 18, 2002

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Since I have been gone I see that Nute obviously gone insane, probably due to the various assination plots by his own commanders that have been uncovered.


Oh yes did I mention that this day is my Birthday?



I've been living with a US M26 Frag Grenade since yesterday(Eating,sleeping,drinking writing on this forum with it).


I guess I can and have been also labeled insane.

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Used to.

Nowadays it just depends on what division your in or were originally in.(I went up the chain of command)

5-5th Armored

98-98th Droid to be registered in the division.


All Commanders used to have yellow markings.

Now depending on rank it could be Green(General),Blue(Colonel),Red(Major),Orange (Captain),Yellow(Lieutennant).

All lower ranks have no markings.


Colors used to tell job. Commander(Yellow),Red(Guard/Security),Blue(Pilot)(Tanks, transports,etc)

And of course no color markings meant basic Infantry.


Old Battle Droids had single track, frontal assault, non-strategizing minds. Now I myself can go through trillions of recorded strategies and improvise if none of the recorded ones fit the current situation.

Commanders have access to certain strategies depending on rank. Generals get the works and Lietennants get smaller battlefield strategies.

Battle Droids are now also made of newer strong and light alloys thus we can now take more dammage before anything crucial gets dammaged.

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hehe, this reminds me of an episode of The Simpsons. I think it was when Homer joined the Navy and at this international reunion the guy representing Russia said something like this:


"The Soviet Union will not accept this!"


Then someone else said:


"Soviet Union? Didn't you guys break up"


The russian guy replied:


"That's what we wanted you to think, Muahahahahahaha!"


Then the display card that had "Russia" written on it changed into "Soviet Union" and meanwhile in Russia a calm festival parade transforms itself and uncovers a military parade with Scuds and tanks everywhere and soldiers hitting innocent civilians.


I want to see that episode again...


BTW, does anyone know what I'm talking about?

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Originally posted by Commander 598

Seriously though, the last time Russian Police they were camoflaged and carried AK-74s. I saw it on CNN maybe a month ago.


Usually countries that are currently involved in a war have a paramilitary police force.

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