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I am angry


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Ok so I was playing in a ffa and I ended up having quite a long duel with some dude. After a while I figured he must be nearly dead because I hit him heaps of times, then suddenly he puts his saber away and presses the chat key just as I'm about to finish him off. I finish him off anyway then he kicks up a big stink about how I attacked him when he was typing and then he does his best to try and get me kicked. I'm just wondering what does everyone else think about this, was I in the wrong or did he just press the chat key because he was nearly dead and didn't want me to kill him. Sorry to rant but for some reason it made me really angry, has this happened to anyone else?

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yeah i fought a dude that kept going chat when he was about to die or in the middle of lots of enemies... i knew he was doing it on purpose.. thats the only time i would kill someone with the chat on, but when i go chat i get away in a corner and someone comes and dilibertly attacks me.



i had 2 guys do that today , but i ended up draining them as they tried to grip and then sweep me... i got em both though AHAHA. i always seem to end up on 3,4 or even 5 on ones.. i love it when i can take one or two with me before i eventually get overwhelmed.

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Who gives a damn if someone type kills you. Does it take away from your score? No. I get nailed all the time and have never bitched once about it. Do I do it to others? Not unless they pull crap like what you read on the first post. If someone does that you should do nothing but type kill them.

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I've seen that a LOT now. I've even seen people camping by weapon/powerup spawn points with their chat icon on waiting for the items. I just put a warning through and tell them I'm gonna start killing anyone throwing their chat icon up when they are about to be killed or camping.


Another one is people who put their chat icon up and then as soon as you go past they try to kill you. Morons.

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Only kill em if they are doing it on purpose, if they are running and put it up and you kill them be ashamed of yourself.

Incase you didn't get that, if thery are trying to type but u keep charging at them whiel they're trying to type, That way, making them run.

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Another thing I've noticed is that some people will run around with their saber turned off, force pull you over then turn on their saber and backstab you. This is ok until you see them later on, attack them, then they complain you killed them when they have their saber turned off. GRRRRRRRRR

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I have a key bound to say 'One moment, Please' so if I'm dueling with someone, and something goes wrong with my computer, I can get a second. I think people who start trying to chat, or turn of their lightsabers in the middle of a fight are asking to be killed. I mean I ask, but if they decide to ignore it I fight back as best as I can (my usual problem is that I knee the CD tray button, and then knee it back in--it causes a good couple of seconds of really annoying lag when the startup screen pops lol).

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(my usual problem is that I knee the CD tray button, and then knee it back in--it causes a good couple of seconds of really annoying lag when the startup screen pops lol).




Dude just move your computer.


I have seen people kill typers that are in the corner with there backs turned. I think thats lame. But as far as a saber turned off I find that I leave my saber off and walk...not run to a fight. It kind of says to the other guy's " Your not so big and bad, so Bring it.":monkey4:

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Personally, I think throwing up your type sign is lame, and I'll kill you regardless. IMHO, ESPICALLY in dueling, I hate sitting around waiting for some guy to fix his problem. No offense, but so something screwed up on your end? Too bad. I'd expect anyone else to treat me the same way.


Now, if the fight has just started, and you haven't quite figured it out, I'd give some leeway there. But not in the middle of the match, no, don't expect to be cut slack.

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What's this about turning your saber off? That shouldn't put you in any safe mode. I turn mine off and run around so it is harder for enemies to zero in on my color, also they can't track my glow from underneath... I never thought I was safe by turning it off. Am I abusing some custom? The manual even says to turn it off for stealth, not for neutrality.

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(my usual problem is that I knee the CD tray button, and then knee it back in--it causes a good couple of seconds of really annoying lag when the startup screen pops lol).


Then turn off autorun silly :> That'll stop that startup screen problem. Autorun is nothing but buggy s***e anyway.


I have seen this kind of problem before - the one about people going into chat just as you kill them, but I always apologise afterward with the proviso "I was in the middle of the move when it appeard, didn't have chance to stop".


I think I've also seen a few people try sneaky move like pretneding to be chatting and then blatting me. I just remember their names. If they do it twice or seem to be doing it to others a lot as well, then I take them off my mental "protected cos they're chatting" list. At which point I backsweep their stupid arses all over the place (I see no reason to play nice with them since they won't...)


PS: I think the convention for peaceful is now the chatting icon, but there is also still that convention in duels, but it only lasts until combat has begun (turning it off halfway through makes you fair game, and foolish)

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how about this one?

i was in a nf saber only duel.

as most of you know by now, it has become sort of customary to holster and bow before a duel. well i was up against this dude who was 9-1, so, i crouched down and dipped my head for a large prolonged bow. (in most customs the lower and longer you bow, the more respect you show). well, guess what i saw as i raised my head? DFA coming right at me!!!! i managed to sidestep and swing ruducing some damage and hopefully inflicting a bit myself, but now i was at 60 hp and no sheild. i strung it out for a while and got it close, but eventually fell.

when i told him that i thought that was a cheap thing to do, he replied, "i am cheap, f***k you".

to be honest i just sort of laughed, and when he lost his next fight, he announced "i owned you all" and left the server, so no rematch.

only reason i am really posting this is to throw out an idea, if it hasn't been suggested before...

how about having a sticky topic where people can call out the names of anyone they think is cheap, with a brief discription of why. ???

it would be a bit of revenge anyways, and might stop all the other posts about ass fighting and the like...

............................by the way, this guys handle was Kaze. hehe.

that felt kinda good.

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And what about the unjustified claims that would get added? If someone got annoyed over an isolated incident and decided to post a complaint, or even if someone just wanted to drag someone else's name trhough the mud?


I think that it would just end up being a mud-flinging contest, for those who have the most online friends alone. (he who has most friends, get's most votes/friendly support in an argument)

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more opinions please, i don't like that one.. lol.

no, seriously, i do see your point, and your probably right, but i think for the most part it would give people a sense of justice. personally i wouldn't be too worried about my name popping up, as i play as honerably as i can. i would rather lose a fight w/ pride, then win it being lame. after all, what do those silly wins/losses really mean once you go to a new map>?

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You're right, wins/losses mean nothing really, but it sure is nice to see your name with a big fat score next to it :>


I also try to play as honourably as I can, but I have no compunctions about resorting to "dirty" tactics against people who use them themselves. Which unfortunately leaves me open to similar accusations. I also had such accusations the first day I had the new patch, and was trying to master the backswing move (so I could use it WHEN I wanted to, not just if I was lucky - I don't use it anywhere near as much now as I did then)

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Originally posted by Thyme

What's this about turning your saber off? That shouldn't put you in any safe mode. I turn mine off and run around so it is harder for enemies to zero in on my color, also they can't track my glow from underneath... I never thought I was safe by turning it off. Am I abusing some custom? The manual even says to turn it off for stealth, not for neutrality.


Thyme, read my most more carefully. I don't mind if someone has their saber turned off but I DO mind when they complain that I killed them while it is off (especially after they have just done lightning or something on me). I hope that makes sense :)

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That makes sense. I just wanted to make sure I wasn't abusing an honor system out of ignorance. Sounded like they expected safety with their saber off and I hadn't heard of that. I like to play in the spirit of the game and not take advantage... you die more, but the experience is more fun cuz you're "In the game". So, Saber off is fair game. Thanks!

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Do you have multiple browsers open? Cuz your reply looks like it belongs to another thread. It makes no sense. Were you "contributing" somehow? Is this some sort of Yoda wisdom where two short disparate sentences seem to make you wise beyond your years? Who were you addressing? Try writing a rough draft and getting someone to proof it for ya...

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Originally posted by MadKiwi

Ok so I was playing in a ffa and I ended up having quite a long duel with some dude. After a while I figured he must be nearly dead because I hit him heaps of times, then suddenly he puts his saber away and presses the chat key just as I'm about to finish him off. I finish him off anyway then he kicks up a big stink about how I attacked him when he was typing and then he does his best to try and get me kicked. I'm just wondering what does everyone else think about this, was I in the wrong or did he just press the chat key because he was nearly dead and didn't want me to kill him. Sorry to rant but for some reason it made me really angry, has this happened to anyone else?


stupid people who do things like that are like the ones who take advantage of the saber off no kill rule...they go into battle, and if they think they're gonna lose, they turn off the saber and run away...normally, i have no problem with the saber off rule, and i do it myself, but when i see someone try to abuse it, i go up and kill him

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"You are unwise to lower your defences..."


Vader said it best. I would only kill someone with his saber down if we had already begun a fight. For example, in a duel, someone stops to type or fix something and I'll slice his waist with a strong slash. Nothing wrong with doing it after a fight has started.

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