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Loose ends that need explaining from the movies.....


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Originally posted by Tie Guy

He also wants to get rid of as many jedi as he can with his army. the only reason the clones saved the jedi are because Yoda, and not Palpatine, went and picked them up.


Excellent point, Tie Guy, I meant to put that in there but forgot. I forgot this also, that once Palpatine has this grand army of clones and the authority to control them, he will turn that army on the people of the republic and use the army to rule with an iron fist, destroying the Jedi Order and all who resist, therefore becoming an Emperor of an Empire. segueing into Episode 4 A New Hope. So you see, having two different forces under your control and pitting them against each other, though unconventional, served Palpatine's evil purposes well! ;)

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Originally posted by Boba Rhett

Well I always figured that 3po had some sort of memory wipe but R2 didn't. Or maybe he just forgot. :D


Secondly, That was never the confirmed way as to how Yoda avoided being cought, was it? :confused: Georges explaination will probably be different as to how they escaped.


I read somewhere that a powerful Dark Jedi had been killed in the Daghobah cave, so both force powers worked like a magnet, positive attracts negative, and it appears to have no charge.


It appeared there was no strong Force presence in Daghobah ;)

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