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Absorb lightning with Saber?

Tekkaman Slade

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AOTC Spoiler!!!!!!!!!!









Just got back from seeing AOTC and realised that one can't absorb Force lightning with a Lightsaber in the game the way Obi-wan does in the movie.


Would this be worth including in JKII? I realise the Light Jedi have absorb, but this still allows Lightning to cause damage. Perhaps they could hit two birds with one stone by eliminating the Saber auto-blocking and adding a "block" key, which could also block lightning?


Just a thought.

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But yeah, that would require they implemented the manual block feature...


But it would be cool as hell!


However, if so, I think the lightning should be reduced to a single straight beam instead of an arc, and then the victim has to stand still and carefully control where his lightsaber is pointing and correlate that to the beam... But then the force user should only be allowed to walk while using it. How many lightning users have you seen that actually RAN while shooting lightning from their hand in the movies? Not many I'll tell you.


Just my opinion

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Best way to do this would be to decrease damage in conjunction with saber defense.


Saber Def 1 would absorb 10%

Saber Def 2 would absorb 25%

Saber Def 3 would absorb 50%


No need to nerf it :)

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Seems like after taking the lighstaff idea from KJA's Exar Kun character, GL took the lightsabre blocking Sith Apprentice lightning from Zahn's Last Command (Luke made the same move against C'Batoh's lightning attacks).


Well, as we're talking lightning, I always hoped that there would be a fourth level that could cost more than ten points but that could be enough powerfull to knock a player on the ground and paralyse him (like Palpatine's ones).


Btw, I don't like the lightning arc idea. Should still be some sort of a beam.

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In the movie, Obi-Wan seemed to concentrate and guide the lightning towards his lightsaber blade.


From a game approach, I don't know if blocking a lightning with a saber should give something special reward to the player as if it was done with Force Absorb.


Somehow I think that it's the blade which absorbed the energy.


I think that being able to block a lightning bolt should be the highest level of mastery in the Deflecting Bolts attribute (yes, being able to block, or better, return blasters bolts to your ennemy should be a complete independant attribute).


Let's have an example of what we could have in the game.


Firstn there would be three different sorts of projectiles that could be deflected.


  2. Blaster bolts.
    This is a common reference to define all the types of energy projectiles which have slow or medium velocities.
  3. Instant bolts.
    Corresponds to Tenloss shots (sort of rail gun).
  4. Sith Lightning bolts.
    Bolts of energy created with the Force. Sith exclusive (if we follow the movies).



  • Level 1.
    50% of blaster bolts deflected.
  • Level 2.
    75% of blaster bolts deflected (25% reflected to the enemy).
    25% of instant bolts deflected.
  • Level 3.
    100% of blaster bolts deflected (75% reflected to the enemy).
    25% of backshot blaster bolts deflected.
    50% of instant bolts deflected (25% reflected to the enemy).
  • Level 4.
    100% of blaster bolts deflected (100% reflected to the enemy).
    50% of backshot blaster bolts deflected (25% reflected to the enemy).
    75% of instant bolts deflected (50% reflected to the enemy).
    25% of backshot instant bolts deflected.
  • Level 5.
    100% of blaster bolts deflected (100% reflected to the enemy).
    75% of backshot blaster bolts deflected (50% reflected to the enemy).
    100% of instant bolts deflected (75% reflected to the enemy).
    50% of backshot instant bolts deflected (25% reflected to the enemy).
    Sith lightning bolts can be blocked if in defensive position. May cost a lot of concentration or something similar.


As you noticed, I put five levels instead of the three initial ones. I think it's better like that.


Edited !


Minor changes.


Added the backshot blocking feature (shots in your back), à la Mace Windu in Attack Of The Clones when he reflects a blaster bolt to the droid which fired it.

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Having your absorb skill at lv 3 you take no damage from lighting or grip or force power and you gain force power from them.

If absorb is not at lv 3 then you do take some damage.

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Hmm... i think it'd look pretty cool... but IMO you don't really NEED to nerf lightning anymore.

I don't really notice it doing major damage... but then again, i'm always lightside.... if the lightingin is really pissing you off, just go light and absorb it all...


Note: even though i'm always lightside i noticed Absorb drains my force a lot less now... infact i barely notice it, i think they gotta tone that down, since i hear drain sucks now.


Note2: whats up with heal? its useless, 25hp for 50% mana? i think 1/3rd mana, or 1/4th (thats what it used to be right?) for 25hp sounds about right



not that it really matters, since everyone just 1-hit-KO backslashes these days

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Originally posted by Tekkaman Slade

AOTC Spoiler!!!!!!!!!!









Just got back from seeing AOTC and realised that one can't absorb Force lightning with a Lightsaber in the game the way Obi-wan does in the movie.


Would this be worth including in JKII? I realise the Light Jedi have absorb, but this still allows Lightning to cause damage. Perhaps they could hit two birds with one stone by eliminating the Saber auto-blocking and adding a "block" key, which could also block lightning?


Just a thought.


On the lightning in the movie, it puts Luke's "power" into perspective - I assume that Sidious is more powerful than Dooku, and since Dooku did a 'lightning - throw' combo that smoked Anikan without effort, and yet Luke absorbed tons of Sidious' intense charges that used all of his force energy (he couldn't 'feel' Vader turning and predict or fight Vader's tossing him down the conveniently placed bottomless reactor shaft).


I love ObiWan's use ... it would be nice to have something like that in the game ...

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  • 3 weeks later...
Originally posted by txa1265


On the lightning in the movie, it puts Luke's "power" into perspective - I assume that Sidious is more powerful than Dooku, and since Dooku did a 'lightning - throw' combo that smoked Anikan without effort, and yet Luke absorbed tons of Sidious' intense charges that used all of his force energy (he couldn't 'feel' Vader turning and predict or fight Vader's tossing him down the conveniently placed bottomless reactor shaft).


I love ObiWan's use ... it would be nice to have something like that in the game ...


err... From what I know, Anakin has the HIGHEST midichlorian count in the Star Wars Universe, with Yoda following closely, Luke doesn't even have HALF his father's sensitivity in the Force. It's probably Anakin's cocky behavior that got him fried by Dooku, though with more presence of mind (or disciplined Jedi Training) he could have fought off Dooku's lightning attack as easily as Obi-wan had...:)

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Originally posted by w3pa


err... From what I know, Anakin has the HIGHEST midichlorian count in the Star Wars Universe, with Yoda following closely, Luke doesn't even have HALF his father's sensitivity in the Force


Arg.. don't even mention that BS man... I am all too happy that Mr. Lucas decided to forget that crap in Episode 2 (probably after a ton of flames in his mail box :p )

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Originally posted by Bill_st


Arg.. don't even mention that BS man... I am all too happy that Mr. Lucas decided to forget that crap in Episode 2 (probably after a ton of flames in his mail box :p )



lol I know how you feel, Anakin did SUCK in EP2, got his ass kicked by Dooku, I mean how could the "Chosen One :rolleyes: " be so damned pathetic!! let's face it, Yoda IS THE MAAN (if he could even be considered as one!! :p ) wish there would be a fight scene bet. him and Palpatine in EP3 or something, I'd love to see that!!

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