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hoew many of u guys are making a single player level?


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"I'm working on one as well. Although it seems like I spend all my time modeling nifty little prefabs instead." -Expo


You got nifty prefabs? Send them over to maps@jedioutcastmaps.com . They will get them up pronto. Thx in advance for any contributions that you may send.

BTW There are a few single player maps to download at http://www.jedioutcastmaps.com/ .

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im doin one


u play as Tavion and fight the New republic and some new jedi in the one im doing now


its the first of a trilogy im doing which is the story of Tavion trying to find what happened to her younger sister who was taken into custody by the New republic as part of a pirating gang


the next 2 tavion wont be as anti- new republic as she is in the first


the first map i hope will be finished in about a week mininum


heres some old screenshots of it from about 3 weeks ago


it looks a bit better now i think



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My SP is based around Kyle's escape from deep within a once-deserted Hut palace that is now occupied by the Empire (Set on Tatooine of course) after being drugged by a covert bounty hunter.


He starts without sabre or gun. I have basically finished the first of what will probably be three levels as he works his way to the surface and eventual freedom.


I am incorporating many new sounds, but have yet to work out how to include new NPCs or alter the way Kyle looks in the game. (This is my first ever map so I'm learning as I go).


I'm looking forwards to playing everyone elses SP levels...this is such great fun.

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I am building a SP level.

No real big theme, this is just to learn the editor.

It is a "mission" to raid a facility on bespin.

I just hope it's worth the effort :D


Any way nearly finished it, just need to get my landing platform built on the sky around it sorted out. then I have to set up the final massive battle...


I will release it as a beta but take some time constructing prefabs to make the level less "blocky".


- Pseudopath.

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"I´m doing sp map too. Some kind of imperial base in Hoth. It´s going to be "stealth" map. I´ll give more info later."


Personally, I didn't like the stealth level in sp. That was more like gahhh lemme get done with this so I can go to a different level. On the other hand, I have yet to see a new stealth sp map. I guess it would be unique so I welcome this map of yours. :D

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I have planned out an interesting SP game since

last fall. The story is of an obscure miner on

Nuranda who by unfortunate fate uses his anger to

become a bounty hunter, and a good one at that.

Taking various missions and being the right place

at the right time, he ends up being hired by the

Empire which again brings him to the cross roads.

This time, fate is in his hands and he must make

the choice of what kind of man he wants to



There are 8 levels planned, ranging from

Nuranda, to a space station, Rancor infested

forests, and Tatooine. Boba Fett and Darth Vader

make appearances as well (this is set right before

EP4 timeline).


I haven't commited to making this SP game

yet,first I am going to make some MP maps just to

see if I can commit to making the SP.

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I've thinking up a few ideas in my head, and as soon as I become a little better at modeling (texturing isn't a problem, nor is cutscenes or voices), I'm gonna design a SP level were you play as a Sith (not Dark Jedi) apprentice, who's Mentor is murdered: A plot unravels as you take out your vengence with the dark side of the force. Mainly going to be based around Coruscant, Nar Shaddaa, Tattooine, Kaut, and a few other planets if I have the time. Concept drawings mostly done, and more to come. Ofcourse I'll let the community know if I follow through on it, or if I get help.


-Darth Caedes-

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Originally posted by volrathxp

next project after i'm finished with rave house will prolly be a single player mod with a story i'm thinkin up. won't say much, but i will say this: the main character is a stormtrooper. :D




Well, if I end up making my SP maybe you could help out with the Space Station level I am doing. It will consist of a dance club where space travellers who stop by for refueling/rest ect can unwind and have fun. This is also where you see Boba Fett (hanging out in the dj booth with the dj LOL)

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Originally posted by Darth_Lando


Well, if I end up making my SP maybe you could help out with the Space Station level I am doing. It will consist of a dance club where space travellers who stop by for refueling/rest ect can unwind and have fun. This is also where you see Boba Fett (hanging out in the dj booth with the dj LOL)


this mod will be a little different than what you're thinking of. so no space clubs :p. i would welcome the help with the mapping of some of the areas i have in mind to set up. keep in mind, it will be another week or so or when i finish the rave house (whichever comes first) when i start this up. just to be formalized. i do need the following:


Mappers (prolly about 2 of them besides myself)

Storyline (That's me mostly, but suggestions to the course of the story are always welcome).


someone who understands roq files and cinematics


Graphic Arts (I believe I already have someone for this position, not sure yet)



email me at volrath_the_insane@msn.com for any more info you need. thanks



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  • 5 weeks later...

AKPiggott! I suddenly remembered who you are! I played all your levels for Jedi Knight. They were really good. Look forward to seeing your Outcast work.


I want to learn how to make levels. I might hold back my Mara model and release her exclusively in a single player level.


I've got a lot to learn about the whole level making process though.

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I'm making a sp campaign:)


I dont want to reveal too much about it because i want people to find out as they go along:)


But what i can say is that you play as Tragin Galo, a jedi, father of two sons jotham and kolar. for years they have lived in the mountains in hiding..... but why?


It will have a full story, cutscenes and voiceacting.


It not entirely sure how long i am from completeing part one of the campaign, but ive just about finished the opening cutscene(which is a good 3-4 minuites long:) ) and the first part of the opening level.


The opening level if your interested takes place on the rebel base "zero visibility"

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Many people are making them. Many people will cancel theirs or stop working on them, and many people's won't be that good, unfortunatly.


I am working on one myself, a series actually. I'm going to split it up into episodes of several levels, mostly very big ones. Thankfully, level editing in Radiant is quick and easy, so take long it should not.

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Kataclysm5, hey, i was going to do that with my sand arena map! :D :D

oh well..


some questions though, how are you going to add the 100000000 battle-droids and the 300 jedi? and ll the clonetroopers?


but it would be cool if you succeded though! :)



oh, can you mail me the screenshot?

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