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What exactly is not lame?

Homosexual Ewok

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1-Grip is gay.

2-Drain is lame.

3-Heal is gay.

4-Protect is lame.

5-Lightning is gay.

6-Kicks are gay.

7-Any type of back stab is lame.

8-Any overhead jumping attack (DFA) is gay.

9-Running in swinging a saber makes you a headless chicken.

10-Running away swinging a saber is lame.

11-Push is gay.

12-Pull is gay.

13-Dark Rage is cheap.

14-Guns are cheap.

15-Drone/sentry kills are cheap.

16-Pushing the switch on the trash compactor is lame.

17-Saber throws are cheap.



Please, any of you who have come here and bitched, pissed and moaned about any of the above, please, please tell me how I should kill you since using any of the above makes me a lame player. I mean seriously, how do you go about "killing with honor"? You can't do any of the above, since that would make you a hypocrite. I must be missing the one special Jedi-code-of-honor move/combo that Lucas/Raven forgot to include in my manual, so please "1337 of the 1337" clue me in.

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You're a homosexual Ewok, you can do any of them (since you're already gay (homosexual) and lame (Ewok)). You're frrrreeeeeee.


Seriously though, as near as I can tell, all you're allowed to do is stand in one place and hope someone jumps off a ledge or something...

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everything is lame, you understand jedi knight now! ah but you forgot some things, jump spammers. you know, the people who jump up and down during the entire fight, making them harder to hit.


another good one is the people who hotkey the /kill command for everytime someone pushes them off the edge (robbing the person of the kill) then they use the excuse " i dont feel like waiting for respawn ". people who think they are so important that they cant wait an extra 1 or 2 seconds to fall and die.


in the end, just ignore people. i usually make it a point to kill the whiner again using the same method just to annoy them more. i figure if they are gonna bitch, i might as well give them something to really bitch about.

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Well actaully the blue stance upper cut (lunge) has some good points and seems fairly balanced. In fact it seems so balanced I'm sure it will get jacked up in the next patch for sure.



It kills in 3 consecutive lunges (fairly balanced power)

It blocks most red stance swings.

It can sometimes block a blue backstab.

I have blocked the DFA with it a couple times.

It is a great counter to a dfa after landing.

It is a great combo to include with the backflip if someone charges.

It can close the distance to a dfa so you can avoid getting squashed.

Its above average power when compared to the normal swing is balanced perfectly with just the right amount of animation delay.





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I don't get how the backstab is gay or lame or whatever. It's incredibly easy to avoid.


The one move that I am beginning to find lame, is the medium stance spin. The one you do when someone is right behind you. I have spent 2 days playing on saber only servers and have seen this moved spammed by almost the entire roster. Also, every game was won by one of the spammers! It is so irritating! You can be happily fighting someone when out-of-the-blue, some goober pops in from nowhere, pops off the spin and kills you and your opponent. grrr.... Also, I see people pop it off without even having their back to someone! How in the hack can they do that?!


hmmm....that turned into a rant. Oops. I just meant to express my concern at the spammage.

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another good one is the people who hotkey the /kill command for everytime someone pushes them off the edge (robbing the person of the kill) then they use the excuse " i dont feel like waiting for respawn ". people who think they are so important that they cant wait an extra 1 or 2 seconds to fall and die.


Sure it's lame, I do it, lol. I do it because I dont find getting pushed or pulled while jumping up to a higher level, ala ns_streets or bespin as very fair :p. I AM KING LLAMA!!!! :(

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I think what annoys most people is spam. especialy in a saber only setting. with gun servers though so long as it's not exploit (pull backstab for example) spam I could care less...


Ask yourself this, do I saber throw a lot in saber only servers? do I do it when I am almost dead hoping for a lucky hit to even it out? or do I do it more than swing? do I throw everytime someone is swinging just about?


to be honest all moves ad styles can be spammed, but you won't be yelled at if it's just saber style spamming. for example if your good at red stance, use it! I won't bitch and moan about it :)


However if I am fighting you and the only way you can kill me is with some spamed move and luck, your lame. end of story.


some force powers I feel are a bit imabalenced in V1.03, namely when it comes to dark vs dark battles. It used to be drain could counter lightning effectively. now drain is useless against it. So guess what... it is spammed a lot now when possible...


However here's my suggestion to anyone who bitches moans or whines about it all. do what I did, unless someone asks for your opinions like this thread did, leave the subject alone, and go find a server that limits things you think are lame.


think guns are lame? go join a no guns server. think X force power is lame, join a nf server.


think saber throws are lame? find a server that has it turned off.


However the problem that I agree on with any of the people who whine is this:


the things that are lame are often spammed... Thus imbalanced since you don't spam bad moves do you? I mean your not going to spam rolling on the ground, right? sure it's annoying as hell but it's almost useless in terms of offense LOL and thus doesn't bug me much...


I do agree we shouldn't HAVE to limit ourselves to no force no throw, no guns servers to enjoy this game. however from the beginning of this game I felt that the games powers ETC would lead to a LOT of people whining about X force power and Y saber style from the get go.


A game like this is hard to balance now that it is in motion. It leads to nerfs, when realistically nerfs are RARELY the right answer. I don't mind long saber battles since I like dueling, and FFA servers where people actually will duel or simply duel servers.


However I understand and feel for those who are left out in the cold who want to have fun with CTF, or servers with everything turned on.


thus I feel if a new patch comes out things need to be beefed up, not nerfed. I agree on many points with Artfxlife (or whatever his name is) on his suggestions for 1.04. most are well thought out, and only a few I think would lead to an imbalance.


counters need to be in place for people to use. For example light side has a counter for every force power, but dark sides main counter (drain) is too nerfed now to be of use against other dark siders. You COULd use dark rage, but if you ask me that power is too dangerous in itself to be used as a counter for all force powers on the dark side!


Saber throw, don't nerf it in any way, simply make it so that a block will make you lose your saber when you throw it maybe 50-80% of the time.


If you do that I would be happy to duel with saber throw on especialy against a spammer.


Thus the whole point of this post is this.


I don't feel ANY of the things listed above are lame by themselves. When they are spammed however some of them become lame. Wether it kills me or not, if I see someone spamming something over and over and over... I just bow my head and sigh, and decide only to cross paths with them when I feel I need to try and teach em a lesson or something. I won't even duel a spammer on FFA for example.


Why? because win or lose I feel dirty somehow and bored. I think most of us can agree on that...

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I don't feel ANY of the things listed above are lame by themselves. When they are spammed however some of them become lame. Wether it kills me or not, if I see someone spamming something over and over and over... I just bow my head and sigh, and decide only to cross paths with them when I feel I need to try and teach em a lesson or something. I won't even duel a spammer on FFA for example.


Actually it seems more like you would say that you only think any of those things are lame by themselves. They're only not lame if you use a combination of them :)

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I'm going to have to say that the backstab move is the most lame move, the rest of that original list can be avoided if you go onto a NF server. But that backstab... It was cool before, 'cuz it was harder to do and was more special if you actually pulled it off. But now you either get A) someone who just runs into battle backwards, which is really incredibly dumb, or B) someone who does it constantly, and spins around while doing it. And yes, its easy to avoid, but I find just the fact that someone does the stupid move frustrates me to no end because it makes them look incredibly idiotic, and makes me feel like I'm playing against someone who has no skill and no interest in having any fun and playing the game correctly. Its like playing Monopoly with the guy that always pretends he robs the bank - it was kinda funny the first time he did it, then the second time was kinda lame, but now you just want to jam a fork in each of his eyes and claim you're the Godfather of the Boardwalk/Park Place areas and he's crossed you for the last time.

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Its like playing Monopoly with the guy that always pretends he robs the bank - it was kinda funny the first time he did it, then the second time was kinda lame, but now you just want to jam a fork in each of his eyes and claim you're the Godfather of the Boardwalk/Park Place areas and he's crossed you for the last time.


Thats Friggin great!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAH! I did that once to my little sister when I was about 7 and she was about 3... poor thing... she only winks now when she tries to blink... (J/K :))


Heheh and as for what I feel is lame?


Well I think you misread me a bit... I don't mind repeated "TACTICS" but repeated moves suck. If you backstab, then yellow DFA then saber throw and do nothing else I call that borderline lame, and it gets similar treatement...


Conversly say you use drain whenever your hurt. Well I don't think thats lame. if you do, well too bad. this could LOOK like spam to some, but is no more a problem than healing any other way is.


Do you regularly use grip or pull to keep someone away from power ups ETC? to me thats a valid tactic.


However if you grip or pull every other move just to get a spammed advantage I dunno... thats borderline in my book...


How about if you use grip then go behind a wall or something so someone can't push or pull to counter it if they don't use absorb?


Is that a valid technique? Shouldn't line of sight be in effect for grip like it is for the other force powers?


I mean i can't push or pull or lightning or drain you if your behind a wall how come you can keep gripping me? That = a lame tactic.


If you kill me that way you really have gained nothing, but a get millions of photons coming from the screen with the score board saying you got a kill.



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Do you know how easy it is to counter the backstab!?


I played online and I was called a Speed Whore for using speed to get to two people having a fight faster. How is that lame or whorish!?


I was called a push whore for pushing someone off a ledge after a huge jump down from the top of Nar Shadda to the ground floor, after I landed behind him.


I was called a backstand whore for using backstab once in a duel. Jump over him, and did a back stab, not ass fighting, and how is that whorish!?


I just think a lot of the community are a bunch of whiners who aren't happy unless they win, being the l33t hA><0r$ that they are.


Personally, I'll play the way I always play. I use moves depending on my situation, and push is a powerful ally, though easily countered by Absord and Pull Level 3. Screw them. Just enjoy the game.

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Seriously dude I think your missing the point here...


don't let my posts fool you, we are not talking about game imbalances like the difficulty or lack there of to counter backstab... we are discussing what is ad what is not lame, in a vain attempt to make some sense out of it.


Personaly I wouldnever call you lame if your playing the way you describe, you sound more like how I play, you use the right thing at the right time, and don't spam it just cuz it worked once or twice for you.


As for backstab being easy to counter, it is so long as it's not a pull backstab. and if that kind of gameplay is what your playing this game for,then more power to you, but I don't think most of the players want that.


As for calling us all whiners or lamers for trying to figure out what is lame or isn't. again, I think your just misreading most of the posts here... didn't see one whine...


to me whining is posting about this crap and just compaining without offering suggestions... if your just rehashing it, and making it clear your losing badly at this game THEN it;s whining...


But the same can be said to people who compain that they are getting flamed for spamming the same move over and over.


It's like saying.


WTF! I just backstabbed for about an hour, and these ******* dare to call me a spammer!? Then this guy came along and kick/banned me! these people suck, whiners like this should just leave! they are ruinging the game for me!!! I want to backstab all I want and you shouldn't try to stop me cuz it's not fair to take away my one move simply because it is imbalanced.


This is also a whine... Take it or leave it, it's the truth.


and further more, although I agree these topics have been chewed to death over and over, I also feel that without vocalizing a compaint and just settling the game will never improve. I think Raven should be able in a possible future patch to divine the real gripes Vs the simple whines...


so I say whine all you want. If the thread looks like a whine thread I usualy avoid it. it's just like the dial on a radio, if you don't like what your hearing, why not take your own advice and go elsewhere and don't whine to me about it?


so to you if we are whining, then let us be. what is to be gained by calling us whiners? you've wasted your time, and my time, and honestly I got lots of time to waste on days like today so really you accomplished nothing.

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I'm agreeing with you. I'm just posting those as examples of anything I do is lame. Sad really.


As for calling us all whiners or lamers for trying to figure out what is lame or isn't. again, I think your just misreading most of the posts here... didn't see one whine...


You misinterpretted that. I was calling the general online multiplayer community a load of whiners, not you guys. Everyone I've played I've gotten the same responses as I stated in my last post.


so to you if we are whining, then let us be. what is to be gained by calling us whiners? you've wasted your time, and my time, and honestly I got lots of time to waste on days like today so really you accomplished nothing.


This whole thing is really moot now isn't it!? Once again, you misunderstood me :)

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Ok then D.L. We agree to remain misunderstood then heheh.


But seriously thanks for understanding what I meant, since I wasn't try ing to flame you (though I may have sounded like it at one point).


I agree though in part that this forum has turned out a bunch of whiners on both sides of the coin... and set them loose into the world.


However again I must have misinterperted what you wrote as a claim that we where whining in this thread (maybe some did but not all).


anyway thanks for the heads up and rebuttle :)

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Ok then D.L. We agree to remain misunderstood then heheh.


I don't agree to that!!! ;)


But seriously thanks for understanding what I meant, since I wasn't try ing to flame you (though I may have sounded like it at one point).


No problem. The whole whinging thing is getting annoying. Thankfully it has calmed down a bit :)


However again I must have misinterperted what you wrote as a claim that we where whining in this thread (maybe some did but not all).


anyway thanks for the heads up and rebuttle


No problem. This thread makes a lot of good points, and I really cannot stop laughing everytime I see the authors name.



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I totally agree with you. All these moves are great unless they are being spammed. It really is an awesome feeling when you are saberfighting, maybe dueling and you really manage to pull off a nice special move to finish off your opponent. Then the move is used as it was intended to be: a finisher move. It looks very cool then and it also requires some skill. Just being defensive and waiting for a hole in the opponents defense to quickly run up to him and perform a backstab is lame.


Idea for v1.04: all special moves can only be pulled off when your opponent has less then 30 hitpoints, otherwise, the animation just doesn't start. Just an idea for a patch... :) )



BTW: being lame is more about an attitude than actually about a certain move or force power. Think about it.


This attitude IMHO includes:


1.) being flexible and unpredictable by using different stances, different moves, different force powers --> if you do this, you also automatically


2.) avoid spamming also if one move is very effective (e.g. pull/backstab). Develop some sense for good style, try to imagine Obi Wan in the movies, do they fight butt first? No!!


3.) use the environment creativly by using wall walks, pressing switches of trash presses, and - yes - pushing people off ledges if applicable (well, while at the same time showing people some respect, see next point)


4.) show the opponent some respect (don't attack when typing, let him bow if he likes to, don't push ppl off the pad on bespin if they are just standing there, saber down, watching a duel...)


5.) give your opponent credit if he fights well. Also if he kills you with a move that - only if spammed - may be lame. Don't whine about DFA just because it's DFA, once in a while, like I said, DFA is a real cool move.


This is no complete ruleset, I also do not want to make up some Anti Lamer Code ("hey, now go and add a -=ALC=- tag to your name!"), this is just to make people put some common sense into ther playing style or, well start to develop a decent style in the first place...


Keywords: attitude, style, creative, respect, unpredictable

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If you see me around in the game (only in TFFA, and FFA) then you can be sure that 99.99% of my moves is gonna be backstab. Of course I won't be going backwards, but just be prepped for a quick turn, and backstab. I backstab like "there is no tommorow", and I always have the most kills on my team. If that's illegal sue me, but everyone else does it, so I don't see why I shouldn't. Everyone like "pretends" that they are all fair, but when push comes to shove, and they find themselves with 5-20 health, they somehow have the same pattern of starting to go backwards. I never backstab in duel tho, since I respect the other player, and I want it to be a real fight, but seriously, if you try and spam the kick on me, you will be kicked to death by me, and if you do a backstab, you will be backstabbed by me.


Have a nice day...

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:rolleyes: Less whining, more playing.


Geez, get over it. "OMG THEY USE BACKSTAB WHORE!" If backstab is so easy to avoid/counter, then do it and kill your opponent. Who cares if they run into battle backwards? Easy kill for you, right? A rocket up the bum, push/pull etc etc.


If you want to play "honorably", make a mod or your own server where all you can use is the light stance and you can only swing whilst standing still and connecting only takes off 1% life. Then you'll have your "honor".


Meanwhile I'll be having fun on normal servers using grip, backstab, rockets, and whatever else Raven put in the game for players to employ as winning tactics.

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I think this phenomenon (everyone complaining about moves you use) is familiar territory to anyone who has had a sibling learning a martial art.


Remeber when they wanted to show you a move they learned, and asked you to grab their arm a certain way? Then, instead of grabbing their arm, you punched them in the face to give them a chance to show off their kung-fu?


This is the same thing. People whine to get you to grab their arm a certain way...the only thing they know how to counter. This tells you, though, that they probably are defenceless against a good old punch to the face.


Keep on punchin'



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