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Thank You Absath & BloodRiot


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You guys really did the community a BIG favor! These are the kind of models that become immortal.


Speaking about models that will live forever.....(atleast 800 years)


Yoda is WAY cooler than Jango or Boba. In fact Yoda is cooler than Darth Vader! (there I said it) Ya thats right, its a fact that Yoda could kick all there asses together at once!


I have no idea why he sent that wussy crybaby Luke to do a mans job, when Yoda could have pawned them all quick and easy. I guess they had to make a full length movie.


Wa WA WA, sniff, My ship sank, sniff. STFU you puss! Yoda should have bitch slapped him and let his ship sink. That crybaby.

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These are the best models ever! Go join raven. Now. No. Start your own company and make a lot of money. Im sure everyone will like your model/skins(unless they are mentally challenged). Can you list the models or skins you guys will be doing next(after a long period of vacation)?:D :D :D :D :fett:

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I just downloaded the mandalorians....


What a beauty, what a beeaaauuutttyyyyy! I've been staring at those models in modview for 30 minutes.. couldn't shut it down...


I wonder what the secret model is... a jedi heh? Could it be the master of the masters? Yoda himself?

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I downloaded the Maldorian skins with an angry attitude. I had waited weeks and weeks for these skins to come out, and when they did i never acknowledged who spent their free time making them...So after using the jango and boba skins in like 20 games i've gotta say that they're amazing. I can't express how much i owe to you guys.

BloodRoit and Absath are my new GODS!

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Ok... i only decided to post somethign here cuz i've been busy with the new stuff and other personal things.


Well... I am aware of all the bugs in the Mandalorian models. They will be fixed... but please be patient cuz I'm really REALLY tired of them. Lemme just not look at a mandalor for some time and I'l repost everything fixed. Promise.


Well I'm very glad you appreciate our work. Good enough motive to go on doing what we like.


The secret project is a Jedi/Sith type. It's no one you ever heard about since it's a character fully designed by me from scratch. Kinda like what my character would look like if I played a Starwars RPG. So bear in mind that it's no one that you've ever heard before.


This model will contain some testing features. Stuff I thought about implemtning in a model that doesnt exist in any other model seen so far. It's a bit of an improvise actually. But if it works.. it's bound to be a favorite.


Absath and I will introduce it to the comunity when we are ready to release it. Which shouldnt take too long since i got the hang o' this thing and I'm modeling at a very fast pace now :)


Just stay tunned. :)


Thx again for using our models. We appreciate it.

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